CHAPTER 10: Maybe I Have?!?

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I had woken up early and was on my phone for a bit until I had to use the bathroom. Although, right when I got near the door, I heard the shower running and before opening it, I stopped myself after I could hear Karli moaning. It sounded like she was having some fun in there. As I listened closer, I heard her moan my name. Which was the hottest thing ever.

Then I heard her come and a moment later heard the water turn off. I quickly tried thinking if rather or not I should go back into my room or not when I heard her start to unlock the door, I just messed up my already messy hair some more and tried to quickly make myself seem like I had just woken up.

By the time she opened the door, I started to pretend yawn that quickly turned into a real yawn.

I could tell she was embarrassed. Yet she has no idea in how hot I thought that was.

She quickly ran to her bedroom, shutting the door behind her as I went into the bathroom, trying not to laugh at how red she had just turned of embarrassment.

Throughout the day, her and Simone both were at school mostly until they had finally come back and seemed exhausted.

I had to be at a fight in an hour then go to work later tonight and it seemed like Karli was trying to ignore me.

She had nothing to be embarrassed about really and I don't know why she felt she had to be. But I just ignored it and finished getting myself ready.

"I'll see you guys later." I called out to them before leaving.

"See ya." Simone and Karli said at the same time.

The fight went real good tonight and I barely got hit as much and even the places I did get hit at, it wouldn't be noticeable for my job since all I wear is a black fitted T-shirt along with dark jeans and was hit in the stomach.

After I came home, I noticed nobody was home so I figured they had all gone out to eat or something. So I took a shower and finished getting ready for work. Once done, I heard my phone going off and it was my buddy Nielson who works with me at the club.

"Hey man, I was just about to head over." I started but he cut me off.

"Yeah, you might not want to do that. Your cousin and her roommate just left." He tells me.

"What the fuck?!" I asked. "How the hell did they even get in?!" I asked pissed off thinking about whomever let them in was a dead man.

"I don't know but they're heading back home and it seems like Simone is pretty drunk and real upset. That chick she's with though, she seems alright, she's trying to help her." He tells me.

"Fuck! Alright, can you call someone to cover my shift?!" I asked him.

"Of course. And I know it's none of my business but, please take it easy on her." He tells me.

"No promises." I tell him and then hang up and go to sit on the couch with my leg shaking as I have my elbows on my lap and hands folded in front of my mouth while I wait for them to walk through that door.

I should take it easy on her? Pff. Why? I told her not to go and she went. She was lucky as hell that nothing happened to her.

It seemed like hours that I waited for them when in reality it was more like an hour when I sprung up from the couch as soon as I saw the door open up and them both walking in with Simone leaning on Karli.

It was looking at that that I felt I couldn't yell at her. I felt bad. She looked like shit like she had been crying for a long time and I know she isn't an emotional drinker.

"Sorry, I really need to get her to bed." Karli tells me.

"Yeah, here." I say as I go to open up the bedroom door and help put her to bed.

"I love you." Simone says to Karli as she wont let go of her while hugging Karli.

"I love you too." Karli laughs a little.

"You're my best friend." She says.

"You're mine too." Karli tells her.

"Please don't tell Anders where we were. He'll kill me and I don't want to die." She says as she starts to cry a little bit. I guess she is completely wasted at the fact she doesn't realize I'm right here.

Karli looks at me and tries not to laugh neither as she turns to look back at her.

"I promise. Now get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." Karli tells her and then gets up and starts to walk out with me and closes the door behind her.

We both stand there outside of Simone's bedroom door looking at each other before Karli clears her throat quietly and starts walking into the kitchen.

"So..." I started but she stopped me 

"Please, I know what you're gonna say and there's no need for that. I know you're protective of her and you were right about that place. But she had a really bad day and originally had hoped to find you at work there already. When she didn't, she just started drinking." She tells me.

I want to yell at Simone still and ask Karli why she had let Simone go there when she could have been hurt badly but, I knew that something was up.

"What happened?" I asked.

She waited a moment before saying anything.

"Anston cheated on her." She says.

I was furious. I wanted to punch his face in. Bury him alive six feet under so that he suffered until his last breath. For now though, I couldn't show that emotion.

"Well I'm glad she had you there." I say.

She nods her head before we share a moment of silence as she grabs the water bottle she had just gotten out from the fridge.

"Well, I'm gonna go to my room. Goodnight." She says and as soon as she starts walking past me, I stop her by holding out my arm so that it wraps around her waist and she closes her eyes and then looks at me.

For a moment we look at each other and right as it seems like we are about to kiss, the front door opens up and in walks one of the girls I hooked up with weeks ago but found out she was crazy and blocked her.

"You son-of-a-bitch! You think you can dump me and block me?!" The girl yells and stops to look at me and Karli with my arm still around her.

Karli tucks a hair behind her ear and tries to excuse herself but I don't let her go and instead turn to face the bitch.

"Yeah because I'm with someone." I tell her and look at Karli who is looking at me like I have just lost my mind......Maybe I have?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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