CHAPTER 17: The Concert

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I swear, ever since that night I had closed with the owners son, Anders has always made sure that he was earlier than normal in picking me up after work.

He told me that night that he felt like the guy was off and gave him bad vibes and although I do believe him, I can't help but feel a bit like I can't let it get to me because he does happen to be the owners son and also, just like I reminded Anders that same night that I never say anything about all the girls that check him out everywhere we go because he pays attention to me anyways and that's the same with this.

That night though before leaving work, Oasis did give me four tickets to come and check out his band that was playing at some bar next week. Which I was planning on bringing of course Hainz, Anders and Simone.

Simone was stoked and Hainz said he wasn't into the kind of music the guy would be playing but of course would be coming since Simone was going.

Which I found out that they are officially dating but waiting to tell Anders.

I understand why but on the other hand, he is my boyfriend. However, it's a sisters/friendship oath I made to her where I promised not to tell him.

Throughout the week though, I barely seemed to be able to spend time and even see Anders. There were even a couple of times when he was an hour late to pick me up without telling me.

Then tonight, was the night of the concert and he told me he wasn't sure if rather or not he would be able to come.

"Well where are you?" I asked.

"I'm at work." He says.

"But it's only five o' clock." I mention.

"So? I came in early so I could ask for tonight off to go to the concert." He says but something tells me he isn't being completely honest with me. However, I still trust him and don't want to upset him so I just let it go. "Okay well, if you do make it, I'll leave the ticket up in the front and give them your name." I tell him.

"Okay. Thanks babe." He says.

"Yeah." I reply then hang up.

I take one final look at myself in the mirror and start to head out and meet up with Simone and Hainz who were waiting for me in the living room.

I had my hair down with loose curls along with purple eye shadow and pink frosted gloss and nice jeans and a nice short sleeved top and we started heading out.

"So is Anders gonna meet us there or something?" Simone asks.

"That's what he said." I tell them while trying to ignore the feeling as though something is wrong as we grab a cab and have them take us to the bar.

When we arrive, we walk up to the bouncers out front and cut the line of people standing around waiting to get in and show the men our VIP tickets and leave them one and tell them about Anders before we head inside.

We had seemed to have gotten there just in time as we stand there in the middle of the huge crowd and one band finishes up and walks off the stage before it turns dark and all you see are people running up on the stage and moving things around then setting up real fast before we see Oasis stand at the microphone and starts to sing.

His music was a lot like GreenDay which I love that band and he was really talented.

Then the final song he was getting ready to play, he made an announcement for it first.

"Alright, we've got one more song to play for you all and I wrote this a few days ago so you'll all be the first ones to hear this and this is about someone I go to school with and who I happen to work with also."

I don't get it right away until he starts singing lyrics that pertain to me as I am the only one with curves that works there.

Your eyes they remind me of the ocean
After a storm that has already come and
Your smile always sets my heart off in
And when you speak, your words make
    me calm

Never have I ever, known anybody like
Your curves and your long beautiful
    dark hair
I look forward to always seeing you
And I wonder, if you feel the same way

Am I just delusional and out of my head
Or could this feeling be real instead?
Shall I ask or should I just continue
To admire you from afar cause you
You've taken my breath away
You've even gave me a reason to stay
And stick around, yeah, yeah, yeah
You've turned my world upside down

  I never thought that I could be
The kind of person I am today
You have finally made me start to
And see that love exists in not just my

But I wonder if you feel the same way
Am I just delusional and out of my head
Or could this feeling be real instead?
Shall I ask or should I just continue
To admire you from afar cause you
You've taken my breath away
You've even gave me a reason to stay
And stick around, yeah, yeah, yeah
You've turned my world upside down

Right as he sang that part I felt two arms wrap around my waist and then felt a kiss on my neck. When I turned to look and see who it was, I was relieved to be honest and had hoped Anders hadn't heard that just now.

"Baby!" I say all excited and tune out the rest of the music as everything seems to disappear in general whenever he is near me.

"I told you I would make it." He smiles. "And hey, he ain't so bad." He laughs.

Anders holds me in his arms and rests his chin onto my shoulder and after the concert, we walk up to Oasis and start talking to him and telling him about the music.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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