CHAPTER 9: I Hope He Didn't.....

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"Yes you did. Because that's the kind of person you are. A big asshole who could give two shits about anybody else other than yourself and your cousin which is fine. But don't keep acting like you care about me or even feel the need to rescue me when you don't! I've dealt with more than enough fake love-like shit alright? I'm sick of it! And as far as the police being reported to, let me ask you, don't you think that your little 'beating' taught him more of a lesson than what his money can buy?! Or that he could press charges on you?! No, of course you didn't think of that." I fire at him as I wipe the tears away as soon as they escape my eyes.

We both stand there for a few moments in silence before I hear him let put a sigh and then feel a cold breeze touch me and J start to get cold.

"Come on. If you don't want to press charges right now then, fine. It's your business, but let's get back home at least and out of this cold." He says.

"Okay." I nod in agreement as we head back to the car after I stood there for a moment thinking in the cold night air.

On our way back to the condo, he stopped by and got us some food and then we sat on the couch and watched some movies while eating and seemed to be having several good moments together, for once.

As it became even later, I started to get more tired, I hadn't realized I was falling asleep until I heard Anders softly say something.

"Karli?" I hear him softly say.

"Hmm?." I say with my eyes still closed as the pillow my head is laying on feels very comfortable.

"Let's get you to bed, come on." He says.

I open my eyes and look up and see him before sitting up and realizing that I was laying on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I tell him.

"I didn't mind. I just thought you'd be more comfortable in bed." He laughs a little while turning the TV off.

"Uh, yeah." I reply.

I right away missed the warmth of his body and wanted him to pull me in closer but I know there's no way he would because I'm not his type. It's probably why he hasn't made a move on me yet neither.

We said 'goodnight' to each other and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I began feeling a light caress from a finger tip running up and down my arm while I felt soft lips place gentle kisses onto my arms and then neck making me moan.

When I rolled over and saw it was Anders, I didn't question anything, I just smiled.

"I really like you Karli, a lot. I'm sorry for the way I've been treating you." He says as he looks into my eyes.

"It's okay. I like you too." I tell him as I place my hand on the side of his face and he leans in for us to start kissing each other.

Next thing I know, he's moving his hand down my side as I sleep in just my tank top and panties and feel him start to slide his fingers into my panties between my legs and starts to rub my clit a little bit.

I bite my lip and moan while he continues to kiss me. Then I feel him start to slide his fingers in between my wet folds and begins to slowly thrust two fingers in and out of me making me moan even more and rock my hips in rhythm with his fingers as I grind against his cock.

"I'm gonna make you feel so amazing baby. I'm gonna please you like no other man has or ever will." He tells me inside my ear.

"Girl you got the beat right
Killing in your levi's
High on your lovin' has got me buzzing like
a street light...."

That was my alarm going off that I have my phone wake me up to every morning. At least, that's the alarm for this week.

I couldn't believe that I didn't even turn it off since it's Saturday and there's no class today.

I couldn't help but think about my dream and decided to take a shower to cool myself down but it just got me more of thinking about him and since everyone else seemed to still be asleep, I started to touch myself while leaning back up against the shower wall and imagined Anders in here with me and him thrusting his hard cock deep inside of me.

I tried being as quiet as I could be but at times it was hard as I said his name several times.

When I came, I made sure to cover my mouth because of how great of an orgasm I had just given myself.

Once I was finished cleaning up, I cleaned myself up, wrapped a towel around me and as soon as I opened the door, I saw Anders standing there.

He looked like he had just woken up and I'm glad because that means he didn't hear me. Though still, I was feeling a little bit embarrassed as if he did.

"Good morning." He tells me as he yawns. "You're up early, it's Saturday." He tells me.

"Yeah, I accidentally forgot to turn my alarm off." I tell him then slip past him and go into my room before shutting it behind me and standing leaned back against the wall trying to breathe and calm myself down.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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