CHAPTER 11: Almost.....

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"Yeah because I'm with someone." He tells this crazy bitch who looks at me glaring before looking back at him again.

When him and I look at each other, he winks at me and I can't believe I'm about to do this but, what the hell.

"Who's she?!" I asked. Pretending to be mad at him and pushing him away from me.

"Baby she's no one, I swear. She never meant anything." He says continuing to play along.

"But how could you?! You said you loved me!" I shouted at him and then slapped him hard across the face not knowing why I did it but yet, I don't regret it neither.  He was shocked and taken back and I just stormed off into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

I tried hard not to laugh and yet, can't believe at how childish that whole thing was. I just hope she bought it.

As I sit on my bed I start to remember about him stopping me from leaving before she came barging in. Then moments later, I hear a knock on the door and instead of getting up to open it, I tell him to come in.

He opens the door and walks inside. Which is when I decide to stand up.

"Thanks for that. That was awesome." He says.

"You're welcome." I shrug like it's no big deal.

"That slap too." He mentions while he cocked an eyebrow.

"Sorry about that. Then again, you did want to make it believable." I point out.

"True." He smiles.

We stand there for a moment with both of us giving the vibes that we wanted to kiss but I could have been wrong. In fact, I had to be because the moment we locked eyes and we started leaning closer towards each other he stopped himself half way.

"I'm sorry." He tells me. "We shouldn't do this. Not...." I stopped him.

"Yeah. Of course." I tell him while I try hiding the hurt the rejection caused me.

"No I didn't mean that. I meant...." He started again but I stopped him.

"I'm really tired. So we should go to bed." I tell him.

"But that isn't what I meant, please let me finish." He says.

"Just leave. It's really okay." I try to reassure him.

He stops from after backing up and before I could ask him plain out to leave since he isn't taking the hint, he grabs my face and presses his lips onto mine.

I'm surprised, shocked, confused but most of all, am enjoying it as I start closing my eyes and kiss him back while snaking my arms around his neck and him wrapping his around my waist.

He next turns me around and pushes me up against the wall while lifting one of my legs up and wraps it around his waist.

He moves down kissing my neck as I grip onto his hair and let out a slight moan.

Then he takes me to the bed and lays on top of me kissing me down my neck to my chest, then my stomach and moves the shirt up enough to expose my stomach and my bra as he places kisses on me while looking into my eyes as he kisses his way back up to my lips.

I next start to unbuckle his belt but he stops my hand.

"Wait, wait, wait." He says against my lips.

"It's okay, I want this." I try and tell him.

"I do too, believe me. But not like this. I want to do this right. I don't want to treat you like you're some random chick I'm hooking up with." He tells me. "Just like I was trying to tell you before when we were kissing, I didn't want you to feel like the girls I've brought home before."

Did I just hear him correctly? Is he actually being romantic and sweet?

"Okay." I reply. Though I can't lie, I am disappointed that we didn't have sex.

"But how about we do it right and I'll ask you out and everything?" He asks.

"Okay, when?" I ask.

"When you don't think about it." He smiles at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Goodnight beautiful." He smiles before giving me a kiss and getting up, buckling his belt back up while I sit up on my elbows.

"Goodnight." I tell him.

"Don't worry, we've got time. Besides, you can always just think of me in the shower." He winks at me and smiles before leaving.

Meanwhile, I feel my face heat up from the embarrassment of the fact that he DID hear me. That ass.......well, a very cute ass.

Tonight I was definitely going to be having good dreams.

My god, he's a great kisser.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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