CHAPTER 6: Why Should I Care?

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Fuck! I really didn't mean what I just said to her. But trying to apologize and explain, she really is one of those girls that doesn't give two shits when someone's sorry. So fuck it, I'll just agree what she said about us keeping out of each others way.

So I ended up going to bed last night pissed off.

When I woke up this morning however, I went down to the gym and did my morning workout routine before heading to the grocery store to get some things and headed back to the apartment.

By the time I returned, I noticed that Simone hadn't gone to class at all and all I could do was laugh at her as she came walking out of her room with her hair all messed up, she looked sick and had a comforter wrapped around her.

"Have a good night?" I asked before I started up the blender for my protein shake.

"Oh god, turn that off!" She yells over the noise.

I can't help but laugh at the fact she never could hold her liquor.

"That good huh?" I teased her.

"Oh shut the hell up." She says to me.

"I'm not judging." I tell her with my hands up in surrender.

"Can you please make me some breakfast?" She begs.

"What do you want?" I ask her while she smiles as though she's a kid that just got what they wanted.

"The toast with butter and the egg in the middle." She says.

"One-eyes?" I laugh.

"Yeah, that's it! Two please." She says excited as she realizes what they are called now.

"Fine." I reply and pour her a cup of coffee. "Here." I tell her while sliding over the mug.

"Thank youuuuu." She says with a smile.

While she's eating, I finish getting ready for the day then head out to my job which is a bouncer, at one of the most popular night clubs in this city.

Simone wants to go so bad and has been begging for almost a year now to get in but I keep having to remind her that it's not like any of the others she has been to. It's more dangerous and there is more fighting that sometimes can end in death.

Plus, I'm not too worried since I told all my friends not to let her in.

Tonight was an okay night and like usual, I came home right before the sun came up. I slept until noon and when I came walking out of the bedroom, I saw not just Simone and Karli but two guys who looked like they acted bad ass but couldn't fight worth shit. Most likely fraternity assholes who spend their parents money without a care.

"Oh good morning." Simone says after laughing from what the guy says with his arm over her shoulder.

"What's up man?" The guy says with a nod.

He actually seemed cool. It was the other guy next to Karli that seemed to be rubbing me the wrong way.

"What's up?" I nod in reply.

"Nice tattoos bro." He says.

Normally I hate it when people that I don't know calls me that because usually they only do that when they want to start a fight. But again, he seems alright.

"Thanks." I tell him.

"Oh and this is my good friend, Brian." He introduces the guy who is talking to Karli.

"What's up?" The guy nods at me.

"Hey." I scowl a little.

I head to the kitchen to start making my protein shake and out the corner of my eye, I can see Karli and Brian talking and I can already tell by the way he's looking at her that he's playing her BIG time. I bet he thinks she has really low self-esteem that he thinks she'll give her virginity to him if he acts like he's interested. Pff, sometimes girls can be so blind.

I then start to make my shake and notice now out the corner of my eye that everyone is looking at me as if I'm being disruptive or something when the truth is that I'm making a protein shake in MY condo.

After I was done, I poured it into a glass and saw everyone start to get up and leave.
Which that was more than fine by me because I was looking forward to having the place to myself.

Throughout the day, I was trying to look for something on TV but found nothing. I even thought about calling up one of my girls to have them come over. But I wasn't feeling it.

Fuck! I hate feeling this way. I'm bored and yet I feel like there's nothing to do when I know otherwise.

Eventually, I figured what to do until it got closer to the time for me to head off to work. When I finished getting ready, I  walked out of my room and saw Karli on the couch making out with that Brian guy. For some reason I suddenly became irritated.

"Make sure to wash the couch off when you're done!" I snapped at them both before slamming the door behind me.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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