CHAPTER 16: Jealousy Is So Ugly

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It was really good to have Hainz stay here but as soon as he said what he did to Simone at the table, it was hard not to become overly protective like always.

I have seen her with a lot of assholes before and taught them all a lesson we'll say a d as much as I like Hainz and he is my best friend, that still doesn't mean I'm gonna forget that he is a player.

I knew also what Karli was trying to do in wanting to distract me and I won't lie, it worked, but once we were finished and I was laying awake in bed with her fast asleep and in my arms, I couldn't help think about worrying if he was going to try and sneak into Simone's room or worse, Simone coming out and making the first move.

Eventually I end up going to sleep and forgetting at least for now about all that between them. Maybe I was reading too much into it and they both knew I'd get upset. He could have been fucking with me. Her too as a matter of fact.

For the next few days, it seemed like Simone was going out almost every night as usual while staying out late and at times, Hainz was with me mostly.

He did decide towards the end of the week though that he was thinking about staying in town. Which I thought it would be cool and in fact, I suggested he rent out the condo that's two doors from me.

It didn't take him long to agree and started moving into it within a week later.

He had offered me a job with his company and told me that I'd get paid a lot of money but I just told him I would have to think about it because I have to get all of this shit taken care of first.

Tonight, I went to go and pick up Karli from work who seemed to not enjoy her job she told me but says it isn't too bad with the discounts she gets.

It was freezing out here so I put my hood over my head and hands were put into my pockets as I waited outside for her.

When looking into through the window, the moment I saw her come walking out in those perfectly fitted jeans along with her top and messy bun, I just couldn't stop myself from smiling. I am so lucky.

Then I noticed on her way out, some guy was talking to her and normally, I have toned down the jealousy because I am confident in myself along with the fact I trust her. However, with that all said, this particular guy though, something about him seemed to be off.

He was telling her something and then I saw her smile and hand her something. Then she turned and came walking out and the moment she saw me she greeted me as she always does which is with excitement and smiles and kissing me.

This time however, I made sure the guy was watching as we made out while I grabbed her ass.

"Mmm baby." She yelped.

"I missed you." I tell her.

"I missed you too." She smiled and took my hand. "Let's go home, I am freezing and starving." She says.

"What, that guy didn't make you dinner or anything?!" I meant to have come out more as a joke. But I guess it came out in an asshole-kind-of-a-way instead.

"What guy? Oasis?" She asks.

"That's his name?" I asked thinking she had to have made that up.

"No. He isn't a cook. He's a waiter there and also the shift manager alongside me. Well, also happens to be the owners son." She says.

"Huh." I say.

"Don't be jealous." She says.

"I'm not jealous." I scoff while opening the door for her.

"Yeah, sure. You have nothing to worry about just like I know I don't have anything to worry about when the hot women everywhere we go is eye raping you." She tells me.

I shut the door then go over to the driver side and get in.

I guess she's right. Although, the next time I see that guy checking her out while walking away I'm gonna tear his fucking eyes out and send them to his mother.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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