Finding out what happened

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Louisa's p.o.v

I groan as Donnie and Pearl arguing doesn't even quiet down "Pearl, can you please just stop arguing with Donnie, Donnie please stop arguing. I don't want to get a headache!" Steven shakes his head "I already am getting one because of this. Just come on, it's not that far" we continued in silence somehow, but Raph just had to say something. "So this is normal for ya Steven?" Steven looks at him saying "kinda, it's just usually I'd have the gems to help. This is new, Pearl acting like she's Louisa's servant" Pearl then hands me a cold water bottle.

I accept it, knowing she wouldn't take it back anyway, Steven continued "those two not fused" Ruby glared at us asking "what're you looking at?" I smile a little. Steven continues saying "and Amethyst just copying what anyone does!" I look down, even though I haven't really seen her, I miss her. Amethyst kinda reminds me of me in a way, but I need to focus! "Wait, why are we still here?" Donnie groans at the question. "I accidentally dropped the invention during the fight, we need to fix it again" he showed me the broken pieces. I groan louder "can this get anymore worse?!" Spinel grabbed and looked at the pieces in curiosity "ooo pretty."

Steven tried to stop her "Spinel, no!" She looks at him confused "huh?" She dropped the pieces into a sewer-grate. I look at her with wide eyes "what did you just do?!" I ask her upset while shaking her, she only laughs. "I got your attention, let's play! *pokes my forehead* tag! You're it" she says and starts running. I growl under my breath and start chasing her as my vision turns purple "you're dead!" I yell chasing her. She still thinks this is all some type of game, so she's laughing as I chase her, I hear the gang chasing to stop me.

"Louisa, stop! It's not worth it!" I hear Steven yell "yeah, she didn't mean it!" Donnie yells afterwards, next thing I know is we're on this platform for a building. I tackled her and say "you're it!" She laughs and says "yay! I'm it! Now get off so I can chase." I get close to punching her, but someone grabs my fist, and pulls me to them, I look to see Raph. It's kinda obvious he won't let go, so I let him just hold me, everyone else gets on the platform. Steven pulls a lever, and we're going up, once at the top Spinel hides behind all of us for some reason.

None of us question her, since Steven sees Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot "guys, we have some bad news" the three look at us confused/shocked. "Pearl?? Why are you dressed like that?! You look ridiculous!" Bismuth asked her "do I know you?" Pearl asks with a smile. I roll my eyes "something happened, now listen to Steven" I say annoyed at this already. "Who's the girl with the attitude?" Lapis asks pointing at me "she's-" "she's my Louisa!" Pearl interrupted Steven. "I'll explain, you see this gem, Spinel, came in on an, injector, as she called it, and it's over on the beach."

Donnie explained so we wouldn't be going off on who is who, or why is a certain gem acting a certain way, Peridot looks to Steven saying "show me." Steven nods as Peridot grabs out a telescope, even though you can see it from here without it. "She came in on that?!" Peridot asked shocked, her voice cracking at the question, I nod. "She also just tried killing Steven, and made the gems like this" I say pointing at the short gems and Pearl. Ruby glares at me "point that finger somewhere else!" I put my hands up in surrender to show I mean no harm.

Raph then says "she said something about this kids human half wouldn't stand a chance against her injector" Steven nods at that. Lapis then asks "what does that mean?" Peridot then says "why don't we just ask her" Steven then says "well that's gonna be a problem. She-" "wait where is she?" Donnie and I ask in unison, Steven starts making confused sounds. When I looked I see her messing with Steven "surprise!" Spinel says happily while laughing afterwards. Steven was looking tired of this while saying "here she is, my new best friend Spinel" Spinel bows at the mention of her name.

I look at Pearl and ask "why are you being so quiet?" She stands perfectly straight as she asks "what would you like me to say my Louisa?" I sigh and say "just say something whenever. I don't control your mouth!" Bismuth looks at Pearl and I weirded out. "What happened to you Pearl?" Bismuth asks reaching a hand out to her, but Pearl grabs it with the same hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you, I take it your name is Bismuth, I am Louisa's Pearl" I sigh. "I'm gonna have to accept the fact she won't stop being like this for awhile" I say out loud to no one in particular.

Bismuth then remembers what Steven just said "I thought that kid said that gem just tried to kill you" Lapis and Peridot walk over to Bismuth at that. "Wow, quick turn around" Lapis says putting a hand to her chin "no kidding! It took me months to stop trying to kill Steven." I laugh a little at Peridots words "I say it took me a day, a day and a half" Bismuth joined in. I try not to laugh at that, but Lapis got both me and Raph laughing "I'm still on the fence." They laughed at their jokes too, but we all stopped because Pearl seen me laughing, and started laughing too hard.

"Alright... let's see what she hit you with" Peridot says to get us back on track, Donnie points at me and Pearl saying "you have to ask them for it." Steven nods at Donnie "Louisa got Pearl to put it inside of her Pearl for me, since I couldn't put it in Lion's mane." I look up at Pearl and say "Pearl?" She nods, closes her eyes, and takes out that thing, and hands it to me. I smile and thank her "anything for you my Louisa" I hand the thing to Peridot, she inspects it. Before Peridot could figure it out on her own, Bismuth takes it from her hands "be careful with that."

Bismuth then tells us what that thing is, what it does, and shows us how it looks when it's ready to do what it was made for "it's a rejuvenator. Homeworld used to use these things on gems that started stepping out of line! One hit with this.... you're back to how they made you." When she got done saying that she looked to Ruby and Sapphire "what are you lookin at?" Ruby asked. Peridot realized what that meant "oh my stars, I touched it! I could have lost all my character development. Wait..... how did you survive being hit by that thing Steven?" I feel my eyes widen hearing that.

"I don't think he did, his gem is acting up! He can't pull out his shield-"

"The kid can't bubble anything-"

"Not to mention Steven couldn't store things in his lion's mane!"

Steven nods, agreeing with what we just said "it's like I'm a kid again, I can't control my powers! How do we reverse this?" I have my hand out for the rejuvenator.


Okay that is all for this chappie, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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