Everything Stays

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Louisa's p.o.v

Steven and Donnie look at me curiously as I sang-

"Let's go in the garden
You'll find something waiting
Right there where you left it lying upside down
When you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded
The underside is lighter when you turn it around"

Spinel looks back at me, she remembers, so more tears flow down her face while I sing-

"Everything stays right where you lift it
Everything stays
But it still changes
Every so slightly, daily and nightly
In little ways, when everything stays."

I step back to let Steven do his thing, but Donnie tries to cheer me up, I shake my head as I hear Spinel punch something, making it break. She looks at Steven as he tries to talk to her, but she just looks away "I can't believe she did that to you." At that I deadpan and say with him "actually I can totally believe it" but he looks back at me shocked. "Spinel, you're not the only one she hurt" I say because Steven was still a little bit shocked from my words. "Rraah! Yeah, you must know all about her life without me!" She pushed Steven and I to the ground.

She also raised her fist in the air saying "rub it in, why don't ya?!" I just shake my head as Steven tries to summon his shield, it wavers a bit from his power loss. At this Donnie just hugs her, I gasp at this, I swear if she hurts him... "just come back and save the Earth. You can start over there, and make new friends!" Donnie separated the hug as she just looks down. I look at Steven who is looking at me, we nod once at eachother, we're gonna sing another song.

"Someday" Steven sang, he couldn't think that much though.

"Somewhere" I sang so we could at least not stop singing.

You'll love again~"
Both of us sang.

"You just need to find someone" Donnie said with a smile on his face as a tear falls down his face.

"Someday" Both Steven and Spinel sang as we start walking.

"Somewhere" Spinel and I sang as we're still going.

"Somehow" the three of us sing as we're still singing.

"I'll/You'll love again
I/You just need to find someone
Someone who treats me/you better~"
Donnie and Spinel sang.

"Someone who wants me/you around
Steven and Spinel sang again as we started to warp home.

"Somewhere" both Spinel and I sing again.

"Somehow" Steven, Spinel, and I sing again.

"I'm/You're gonna feel found" all of us sing together.

When we reach Stevens home, Steven was so happy he ran in a rush, but I stay back because I'm lazy, and Donnie just grabs my shoulder. I turn and look at him, but he pointed at Spinel who was just standing there with a smile. "Come on, I can't wait to get to know you" I say with a smile and hurry off after Steven who was waiting for us. We can't really hear her now, but she caught up with us with that smile never really leaving her. We all walk down the stairs for Steven to say "guys! Guess who's back!" We look back up at Spinel.

"Come on down" Donnie says, but Pearl looks up at us and asks "you mean those two? I don't trust the human, from what Raph has told me at least." I narrow my eyes at her, but Donnie walks up to Spinel and says "we just have to talk to them." They walk down holding hands as Donnie says "ta-da!" That got Pearl and Amethyst to get serious. Those two both pulled out their weapons, I kinda forgot about the turtles from having to deal with Spinel. Leo, Raph, and Mikey also pulled out their weapons once they seen how Spinel looked right now.

All Garnet asked was "oh, Spinel did you change your hair?" I smile at this, but Steven says "whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Spinel got her memories back, but she's not going to hurt us." At that I nod my head and say "everything's chill!" Once those words left my mouth, it's not all that chill. Connie came in riding on Lion, unsheathing her shield, and gets in a fighting position. "Hah, I'm here, where's the fight?!" Connie asked looking around the room, that made Steven annoyed. "Don't fight, everything's chill!" Steven said, but right after that Greg comes out of the bathroom.

Everyone with a weapon in hand turns and looks at him, he jumps while screaming "alright, alright! I'll go wash my hands" he says and walks back in the bathroom. I replayed what happened in my mind and laughed afterwards from how that happened. Steven just looked at Spinel and asked her for a favor "are you kidding? Anything" she answered. We start walking towards the injector, I start talking with Raph "so, anything happen?" I ask. He rolls his eyes "Pearl still doesn't really trust us that much, who could blame her? We're basically strangers."

I laugh a little, but Spinel walks back to me and says "what are you two talking about?" I smile and say "Pearl doesn't really trust me and my friends. Just by the way we look and from what Raph told her about me" she nods "so, I wonder what the favor is." Raph looks at her surprised and says "you're kiddin, right?" Spinel looks at him seriously and shakes her head. I roll my eyes and say "Raph, why don't you go and talk with Don Don?" He took the hint and left us. Spinel looks at me with a curious look in her eyes "he probably wants you to stop the injector. Ya know, so no one dies."

She looks down at the ground "is that all?" She asks sadly, I look at her, she doesn't look all that happy with that "well, he obviously has plans for you. He wouldn't just want you for that!he's good, he cares about everyone......... except for Kevin. It's just-" "why not Kevin?" She asks sadly 'flip she might be thinking that she's gonna be left again.' I shake my head "it's really hard to explain, you'd see why if ya met the kid, but that's not the point. He won't do anything bad to you Spinel, trust me! Steven is the best person I know.. besides Donnie."

We reach the injector and hear Peridot say "that is bad! We're hitting critical mass" Leo laughs a little and says "then we came just in time." All three of them look at us happily, but Peridot says "guys, what's the status on Spinel?" I smile saying "she's back. Don't worry though, she's here to help!" Spinel walks forward in front of the group and turns her finger into a horn. We all started cheering for a moment, but Connie asks "okay, can someone fill me in?" I nod. She looks at me confused, but follows me to the back of the group, and I catch her up on everything.

I guess as I was explaining everything to Connie, drama happened, and I guess Steven still had the rejuvenator in his pocket, it got in front of Garnet. Pearl and Amethyst were next to her, so they jumped away, Amethyst accidentally tripped because of Mikey. Garnet just looked at the rejuvenator in curiosity "ooo what's this?" I seen this coming, so I run up to her. "Garnet, don't touch that!" I say and take it from her when she turns it on "why do you have that?" Spinel asks. Oh no..... "I was just carrying it! I had no where else to put it" Steven says honestly, to Spinel he sounded guilty...........


Okay that is it for now my foodies, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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