Change (Duet version)

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Okay foodies, the Change song is still gonna be on here, but it's from one of my fav Youtubers that I know!!! That's the song up there, now get to reading my wonderful foodies you!~

No one's p.o.v

Steven and Spinel look at Louisa as she falls towards the ground, only a few people noticed the small figure falling towards the ground. Those few people were Peedee, Donnie, and Leo, they look at this worried, but Donnie is the only one who did something. Spinel had to remember that she was still with Steven, so she grabbed him by his arm and held him in the air. "You know, I came here to take my anger out on a bunch of strangers, but now that I know you. I wanna kill you even more" Spinel says as she lets go one finger at a time, until it's only two fingers holding Steven up.

Steven worried while looking down, he couldn't see where Louisa was anymore, that's how high he was from the ground. Louisa on the other hand was just soaring down towards the ground, she got so close. But at the last second Louisa used her powers to safely float so no serious injuries would happen. If only Louisa took account of the bio-toxin, what happened was once the girl sat on the ground, it hit her arm. A scream of pain came from her, not being able to handle something like this, unlike Greg.

Donnie heard that, thought the worst, and ran faster to see Louisa on the ground holding her arm from the pain. With Steven and Spinel-

"Why aren't my powers back? Aren't I reliving every horrible thing that's ever happened to me? A gem I barely know is trying to kill me. I'm paying for stuff my mom did that had nothing to do with me, I'm struggling with my powers. The world's about to end! What piece could I be missing? This is the story of my life!" Steven says upset. Spinel just laughs at his words "wow! I knew that I was gonna set you back, but this is how you started? The legend. Steven Universe" she laughs after saying that "you gotta be kidding me, how did a powerless loser like you become savior of the galaxy?!" Spinel asks with a smile.

That made Steven realize what he's missing "I changed, that's the final piece! All those struggles- I learned from them, and I grew. Oh my gosh, it's not just my gem powers I've forgotten, all of this happily ever after stuff has made me forget the first power I ever had.. the power to change." Spinel let Steven go, but he starts to float in mid air as his powers finally come back to him. At this Steven makes one shield after the other, then he does his bubble, spiked bubble, and lastly his gem shaped bubble. From the force of his gem bubble dispersing Spinel fell back onto her back, with that Steven floated onto the injector.

As Steven tries to deflect Spinel, he starts to sing..... again-

"I can make a promise....
I can make a plan....
I can make a difference....
I can take a stand
I can make an effort.... if I only understand~
That I~ I can make a change
.... gather all my problems
Gather all my pain
Take control of what I'm feeling!
Patience to understand~
I know... I know you must be hurting
But please just know that I am with you!
So you don't suffer all alone~
So you~ you can make a change"

At this, Spinel felt angered, so she starts to sing too-

"You claim to understand what you can not know!~
The gall to lecture me

As though you can relate to meSo just go back to your family
Precious sweet little family
There's no time left to lose
Change is only for the strong~

"You can make it different
You can make it right
You can make it better!~
We don't have to fight~
You can make an effort!
Starting with tonight~~
Cause you~ you can make a change....."

During their fight/sing time, Spinel, at the end, made her hand big and twisted her arm for a much bigger impact on her punch. Steven looks at her fist with widened eyes, but Spinel just says "just can it, won'tcha?! You can't make everything better by singing some STUPID SONG." With that being said Spinel sent her punch to Steven, and that made Steven summon his shield. When Spinel thought she won the fight, she descended from the sky and onto her injector. Steven, unharmed from the punch, stands up, and gets noticed by Spinel, which angered her.

"All that's stuff easy for you to say, when you change, you change for the better, when I change, I change for the worse!" After the words left Spinel she lunges towards Steven. Steven just uses his shield to defend himself, but she just keeps punching as she keeps talking. "I used to be just not good enough! just not good enough for Pink, but now- now... I'M NOT GOOD AT ALL!" She grew her fists to make a bigger impact. Then she finally collapsed and gave up, and changed her mind on trying to hurt Steven, with everyone else though it's different. Donnie got Louisa back to where the humans and animals are being kept safe, at Little Homeworld.

"What happened to her arm?!" Leo asks as him and his brothers go to Louisa and Donnie, Greg noticed the others and says "it's fine. The only thing is you can't move your arm, it's like it's dead weight" Louisa looks at Greg. "Hey look! Dead arm twins!" Louisa says and holds her hand up for a high five, the humans who aren't that used to this look at her with sypathy. Peedee looks at her and asks "are you okay?!" Louisa nods and says "yeah, can't feel a thing. Thanks for asking, Peedee was it?" Peedee looks at her confused "how do you-" "she just knows. Welcome to the club kid!"

Peedee jumped at Raphs words and grabs onto the bottom of his shirt scared, Louisa put her left hand on Peedee's shoulder to say "it's okay dude. They're friendly....... kinda, they won't do anything bad to anyone, unless they're bad is all I mean." Greg nods "they've been helping out this entire time, but- wait, where's Steven?!" Louisa looks down at the ground at that. "Well-" The powerful girl got interrupted from the injector exploding from all the damage it took. Greg and Louisa both yell "Steven?!" The fusion, Alexandrite, unfuse and all three of the gems yell "Steven!" Scared for the half-breed.

The gems, Greg, Louisa, and the turtles run into the van to go and get to Steven, along with Connie riding on Lion to get to Steven quicker. Connie, Steven, and Lion have their moment as Greg, with the rest of the gang, come along in the van. The group run out of the van all saying "Steven!" Happy to see he's okay from the explosion. For Louisa though, she didn't join in on the group hug the others were doing, Louisa went to Spinel. Spinel noticed, flinched scared, but Louisa just wrapped an arm around Spinel's shoulders.


Okay that should be it my foodies, now i hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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