The guests finally get sleep!!

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Okay this is a long one, and I didn't read through it, sorry my foodies~

Louisa's p.o.v

Spinel notices my right arm and says "Louisa, your arm! I'm so sorry-" "it's okay Spinel, the important thing is that I'm still alive. Also that you're good now, right?" She hesitantly nods, but starts to walk a short distance away. I guess Steven noticed this too, because he goes over to her in an instant saying "Spinel! Wait. I really was going to come back" I couldn't really hear what they were saying, so I just walk back to the group. Greg's arm is back to normal?! "Greg, please explain to me how you arm is all better" I say looking him in the eye.

He nervously scratches the back of his neck saying "Steven used his healing powers, I guess schtu-ball didn't notice your arm." Donnie shakes his head saying "he is not kissing my sweethearts arm!" He pulls me close saying that. I blush and say "Don Don, you know I am only loyal to you, but you'd rather my arm always be dead?" He deadpans at this. Leo pulls me out of Donnies hold saying "she needs her arm Donnie!.... you really can't feel anything?" I shake my head. I make purple flames come from my left hand and put it on my right arm "see, nothin!" Mikey put the flame out instantly.

Amethyst laughs as Greg says "Louisa, don't use your- your purple flames against yourself!" From us being so distracted we just noticed the diamonds are here. Pearl then says "it's the diamonds!" So only we could hear, but Mikey was close to freaking out. Raph had to cover Mikeys mouth before he could scream, Connie looks like she tensed. I laugh a little and look at Donnie and Leo who look speechless, this is a pretty good reaction to this. White was squatting as she says "has your planet always been this..... destroyed??" "Not that we're judging."

I smile at their words, but White says "goodness no, because judging anything based on appearance is wrong!" They sound like children learning a life lesson. Steven looks like he's talking with them, but it's hard to hear from here, so I just listen to the diamonds. "But Steven, it's been soooooo boring since you've left!" White says as she dramatically cries afterwards. "I guess we'll just waaaait for you to viiisit us wheneeeever youuuuu'rre reeeaaaaaaaaadyyyyyy" White says and acts like she's walking away. The ground shook a little, but not enough to make any of us fall, but Steven looks like he said something else to the diamonds.

"I'm sorry, who?" White asks making Steven look towards Spinel, who has hiding behind some rubble from the injector, but she followed Steven to the front of the diamonds. It's still hard to hear, but I see Spinel make three diamonds to solute to the three diamonds. The diamonds were so surprised by the sight of Spinel "Pink's little playmate?" Yellow asks still shocked. Blue was the next to say "one of Pink's lost treasures!" Steven said something, but it was still hard to hear. "You poor thing" Blue says, he probably explained what Pink did with Spinel, Pink isn't the best.

Spinel said something, then she cartwheels onto her head, and claps her shoes together making Yellow laugh so hard! It was nice to see her laugh. "UuAAAahahahahahahahahahahaha! only 6,000 years! Hahahaha! It's true- that's no-o-thing!" Yellow laughs again after saying that. "Ahahahahahahaha, and that goofy handstand" she wiped a tear, she laughed that hard?? Dang. "... I like that gem" Yellow said, finally calmed down, but Blue says "she's adorable, and so much like Pink." White then says "Spinel I-" she stopped to clear her throat "Steven since the Earth is so disgusting. We'll just take Spinel back to homeworld with us, and you can stay here."

I smile with some tears in my eyes as I run to Spinel and hug her for a second "I'm so happy for you Spinel!" I say, she smiles at both me and the diamonds. They started to sing as they left, but Spinel looks back at us, she gave us a peace sign as they went into the ship. Steven and I just watched with smiles on our faces "now we just have to find a way to get you and your friends back home." The turtles look happy, probably from the song that the diamonds and Spinel sang, but Steven finally noticed my arm. Donnie pulls me away from Steven saying "you are NoT kissing my girlfriends arm! Never, ever."

Pearl just hit Donnie in the back of the head, that made Donnie let go of me, and look back at Pearl, but she held Donnie back. "Hurry up Steven! He won't let you actually do it if you just stand there!" Garnet then summons her gauntlets. Amethyst starts to laugh along with Raph, but Leo just tackled Pearl for holding Donnie hostage. I watch scared, but Steven grabs my hand, and kisses the back of it, I blush, but my arm is better. Now Pearl let go of Donnie, and Leo pushed himself off of Pearl, Raph stopped laughing, but Amethyst kept on going.

Garnet smiles and says "I think we should start trying to build that dimension invention before we forget, right Donatello?" Donnie nods saying "oh yeah. She's right, wait, did we even tell everyone our names?" Everyone just shrugged their shoulders as an answer. I sigh and say "well, this will be another long vacation" we walk over to Stevens house exhausted from all of this. "When was the last time we slept?" Raph asks out loud as he leans on the counter in the kitchen.

The others shrugged their shoulders looking tired too, but I just say "too long to even remember, now if you excuse me, Steven, where can I sleep? I'm tired. Also from using my powers, I feel drained" he nods and says "well there's not that much room for everyone. I'm the only one that really needs sleep in the house, the gems don't need it, so someone gets the couch. The others can put a big blanket on the floor in my room, and lay down on it with pillows and another blanket. Maybe someone can share the bed with me, I wanna say the turtle in the orange mask or Louisa."

Leo narrowed his eyes at Steven saying "how do you remember her name, but not Mikeys?" Steven shrugs his shoulders "I've spent more time with her then I did Mickey." I laugh a little and say "his name is Mikey, I'll introduce all of you when we get the proper sleep. I can take the floor so Steven and Mikey can share the bed, any problems?" No one said anything. I smile saying "good" we all get our makeshift bed ready, but Steven doesn't even get into the bed. "Something wrong Steven?" I ask before I fall asleep while laying next to Donnie.

He shakes his head saying "no, it's just it's only the afternoon, so while you guys all sleep, I'm gonna go and help clean up the damage with the gems. If you need anything, you seen where the kitchen is, and the bathroom is down that small hall. I'll be back" right when I heard the front door shut, I fell asleep........ this will take awhile-


Okay that is it for now my foodies, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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