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Okay guys, this is the last chapter to the story.... I know I could've done more, but I couldn't think on how else I could add onto this without it sounding stupid. So I don't know when I'll start the next story, but I hope you'll enjoy it.. if you can figure out where we'll be next~

P.s. I didn't read through this... so there could be mistakes.... I AM SO SORRY, I AM NOT THE BEST AUTHOR THAT I COULD BE!!

No one's p.o.v

Louisa got tied down on a chair as Peridot and Donnie are trying to figure out how to build the machine, but Mikey and Raph are playing video games. Then there's also Leo who's pacing back and forth, worried about a lot of what could happen. Steven walks in sighing as he says "well, they're gone, but-" then he seen how Louisa was. "Okay, I know there was something wrong with her, but does she really need tied up?!?" Steven asks out. Leo sighs and says "it was a vote, and apparently some of the people here felt safer if she was tied up."

After a few minutes of Leo catching Steven up to what happened, Louisa groaned as she woke up "why do I have a big headache??" Was her first words. Donnie, Leo and Steven look at her shocked that she woke up, but Peridot chuckled softly. "You got hit upside the head twice before you finally got back here, so it's understandable that your head hurts. Now if you excuse us, we still need to fix up this machine here so you guys can go to a demon-free dimension." Louisa tilts her head confused and struggled in the chains "okay, just let me use my powers! I can fix it faster."

Leo looks at Peridot, she's shaking her head as Donnie is nodding his, so Leo sighs and says "look, we don't know if- Steven, what are you doing?!" Steven untied Louisa. "Well, it was either that or keep her chained up - I am not letting that happen to her right now." Louisa stands up, closed her eyes, breathed in and out, then imagined the device in perfect shape. Opening her eyes she sees the invention right there, so she smiles and sighs in relief "okay. Now we just need to figure out which dimension actually gets us demon-free" Louisa admits emotionless.

Garnet comes out of her room saying "I think I know just the dimension, but there might be a slight problem with getting you through." Everyone was confused by Garnet's definition, so she sighs and just calls Raph and Mikey to come down. Amethyst groans as she says "guys, I'm trying to take a nap!" So she sits up and sees everyone out by her. Raph and Mikey see Louisa up, so they raise an eye-ridge confused on if she's her or Tad Strange. Louisa just shakes her head slightly saying "it's actually me you guys, we're almost ready to go."

Mikey groans saying "already?? But I wanted to get more fries before we went, or at least say goodbye to Bismuth. She looks so coooool!" Raph hit Mikey upside the head saying "okay, so where are we going??" Garnet adjusts her visors. Then she looks up at the group and says "hand me the device" so Peridot handed the machine over. Garnet pushed a few buttons, making a 'Z' design with the lights, and a portal opened quickly. "First the turtles go through, then Louisa will follow shorty after" Garnet explains to the group.

Everyone was shocked by this "wait, Louisa goes in after us?? I'm not leaving without her-" "Donatello" Louisa says and stands in front of Donnie. They're sharing a look as Louisa says "trust Garnet, and I promise you that we'll meet up on the other side of that portal. Okay??" Donnie gave Louisa a small smile as he nods his head, then he kissed her again. Leo and Raph already went through, Mikey was waiting for Donnie as the two finally stopped their kiss. "See you soon, honeybee" Donnie says and follows Mikey towards the portal, Louisa nods her head.

"See ya..." Louisa trails off as Donnie and Mikey go through the portal, then Louisa looks over the group with a big smile. Steven is already tearing up as Amethyst's eyes are getting glossy, Garnet already knows something's gonna happen. Louisa was about to say something, but felt herself shaking again "Louisa??" Steven asks worriedly. Garnet closed the portal as Louisa's body started to float up in the air again, but she glared at Garnet. "How?! How did you know I wasn't that puny human?!?" Tad Strange asks angered while clenching Louisa's fists.

Garnet smirks as she points at the top of her visors saying "future vision, Steven - you have to fuse with Louisa again. No matter what Tad does, you have to help Louisa through this" Steven looks at Garnet shocked. Amethyst and Peridot were the most shocked as they both ask out "what?!" So Steven nods once. Tad chuckles saying "so, you want to pair me up with this mess of a teen right here?? Okay Starlight, show Tad what you got." Steven shuddered at the nickname, but held his hand out to Tad/Louisa, then they began a fusion dance.

Instantly Stevisa is here as his hair is mostly tamed but some of it is still a bit untamed, so he says "Steven?? You have to leave. Tad is - no! Louisa, we can knock him out inside of your thoughts.... I think - I'd like to see you try." With that Stevisa had his eyes closed for a bit as he grunts in pain every now and again. Then after a few minutes of that he screams as he unfused, Louisa and Steven fell to the ground. Amethyst instantly wrapped Louisa up in her whip and Peridot got Louisa to stand and got a knife to her throat.

"Louisa, now you have to leave!! Before Tad gets back up" Garnet explains as she pushed a few more buttons. Then she threw the device through the portal, so Louisa nods once and Peridot cut her out. Louisa instantly jumped through last second, not knowing where the portal led to, but is hoping for the best.

Louisa's p.o.v

I scream in pain as it felt like something was being torn out of me, but I also feel like I can't remember what I was doing. All I know is I feel like I was about to faint as I see someone in front of me, I groaned out one word. "Help" then all I remember after that is nothing but pitch black.....

-short time skip-

Gasping I sit up and look around.... I was just laying on the ground, I don't remember how I got here, all I know is I need these glasses. Looking by my side I see them, so I clean them and put them on, but look up to see a man. He sees me and says "okay, cool, now I don't have to carry you around everywhere and look weird. Nice to meet you, my name's Johnathan, but you can just call me Johnny" I tilt my head confused. "Well, I don't know why I found you knocked out by the mountains, but I just heard of a spooky forest, and I was about to check it out.. wanna join me?" Johnny asks.

I sigh and say "I got nothing else to do, so sure..."


Okay that's it for this story my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another story again soon!

P.p.s I was thinking of calling the next story "Turtles In a Hotel"... does that sound good??


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