Info swappin

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Louisa's p.o.v

I sigh and say "well I should introduce these guys to you, ya know, since we're all not being threatened by Spinel, and we're gonna be here for awhile. Steven I'd like you to meet the Hamato brothers, the oldest is wearing the blue bandana. His name is Leonardo or just call him Leo, he's the leader of our fighting team, Leo this is Steven. The second oldest is Raphael or just call him Raph, he's the one with a short temper, but is also third strongest. The second youngest, my boyfriend, is Donatello or Donnie for short, he is the brains of the team."

Steven nods the entire time as I continue to talk "while the youngest one is-" "the name is-" "Mikey, please stop interrupting me to talk. I want to introduce you!" He stays quiet at that so I continue saying "his name is Michelangelo. He refers to being called Mikey, he's one of the most fun, even though Raph is my best friend. Guys, this is Steven Univer- I mean DeMayo, did I miss anything?" Steven was looking at me surprised. "How do you know my last name?!" Steven asks surprised "she just knows, we didn't even tell her our last name. She just knows!!"

The turtles laugh at Mikeys words, but I shrug my shoulders "okay, now...... didn't we need to start working on that machine Don Don?" I ask out loud. We all look at Donnie, waiting for his answer "well, I just wanted a break, ya know?" We all nod in understanding. "Well, we could always swim at the beach, or go to a even better beach by Warp Pad, it all just depends." Raph looked confused as he asked "what in the shell is a Warp Pad?" I sigh and rub my temples. "Do you want to explain it or me, Steven?" I ask the hybrid, he sighs too and says "you should."

I nod and look at the turtles saying "a Warp Pad is basically a teleporting device that gems made to go from one place to the other. All they have to do is think of the place where a Warp Pad is, and it will magically teleport you there. Donnie has been on one of them, so you can see that they're not dangerous" Steven nods at me. "Yep! It was when we were with Spinel when she got her memories back, right Donnie?" We all look at Donnie again. He's blushing but says "w-well, all I can say is that it felt tingly, and weird, but besides that it's useful."

Mikey jumps towards Steven and I saying "can we do the Warp Pad option, pleaseeeeeee!!!!" Leo pulls Mikey back saying "don't beg Mikey. We talked about this!" Mikey pouts making Steven chuckle a little saying "it's fine, and sure. Let's go" we all go back to Stevens house and onto the Warp Pad, I had to be held bridal style by Donnie though. We start to warp to Mask Island, it's more beautiful in person than on the tv! I smile and run to the beach. The air feels so much more fresh than in Beach City, but at one point I felt something poke my side.

I look down to see a Watermelon Steven "hey there little guy, how're you doing?" I ask and pat its head "oh yeah, it's been awhile since I visited these guys." The turtles look flabbergasted at the sight of the Watermelon Steven next to me, but it just shrugs its shoulders. Steven then asks "what? You guys aren't used to my life yet? I have healing powers, I can bring stuff to life. That's why Lars is pink.... maybe that's why Lion is pink too to be honest" I nod in understanding. "If I'm correct, in Buds book he encountered with Rose, and she had a group of seven or eight lions. One of them must've died and she brought him back!!!"

The turtles look at me surprised "seriously you sound like you know him!" Raph says while raising his eyeridges with a shocked expression. I look at Steven to see he's looking at me, we both look at the turtles and shake our heads in unison. "Really?" Leo asks raising an eyeridge "really, I would be happier if I actually did know him. HIs life sounds amazing! On the other point it's also dangerous...... kinda like your guys' lives. Wait, Steven how old are you?!" I ask surprised at the fact he looks older than in the last episode I seen.

"Out of everything I'm surprised you don't know my birthday, I'm sixteen years old-" "that's older than us!" Raph says shocked, Donnie was glaring at Steven. I roll my eyes and laugh a little "Don Don, stop being jealous, you know I only love you out of everyone. I'll even prove it!" I go up to him, jump, and kiss his cheek, he blushed making his bros laugh. "Well, who wants to go for a swim?" Steven asks while shrugging his shoulders, I smile and begin to run. The others look at me confused...........

"Last one in the water is a rotten egg!!"


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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