Disobedient/Independent Together

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Louisa's p.o.v

Donnies bros, and Amethyst laugh at Donnie for his jaw drop, he closes his mouth, and looks down with a blush. "We got to stage some big dramatic event, something to jog her memory" I say and wink afterwards. Not everyone seen that though, but Amethyst says "like a rock show!" Raph looks at her confused. "Like a rock show?" Greg asks confused, making Mikey, Steven, and Amethyst say "yes!" In unison. We all made our way to the warehouse, for the concert, and partly for our safety, but the turtles are now known by the city.

Some girls tried to hit on them, some like it, I growl at some of them for hitting on Donnie, they wish! Donnie smirks at me. "Well okay, I'm the jealous type, now we know, let's just get to getting Pearl back!" I say annoyed. Now we get to hear Sadie-Killer! I'm getting happy, Steven looks at me with a smile "this has got to jog some memory. This song is all about crummy service job!" I nod, but notice she's only staring at me. I point at the stage, but she still just looks at me as the song begins.....

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you for gracing me with your presence!
Good afternoon, sir!
What can I do, sir?
Just say the word, sir
Anything for you, sir
Your friends all say, sir
You don't deserve her
I disagree sir!
I live to serve, sir"

I still try my best to get Pearl to look at the stage, mostly because they are killing it, but I get no luck as I hear both Amethyst and Sadie sing-

"I think about all the wasted time I spent,
I wanna be.. disobedient!
I stood awake, wondering where my summers went
I wanna be.. disobedient!

I watched the band with a big smile, I know Pearl is still just staring at me, but it's starting to freak me out! I want out of this. Sadie starts singing-

"I've been good, sir
So very, very good, for what?
And I've given you every single thing I've got
It's feeling strange, man
This whole agreement is gonna end with me totally deranged!"

Amethyst joined in with Sadie-

"When I think about all the wasted time I spent
I wanna be.. disobedient!
I stood awake, wondering where my summers went
I wanna be.. disobedient!

At this point, I start dancing to show Pearl what to do, but when I look at her, she just curtsies at me, I look at Steven unsure. I couldn't hear a single thing that Amethyst and Steven are saying, but next thing I know is Amethyst shapeshifts into Rose. Amethyst, shapeshifted as Rose, sings-

"I.... want to be disobedient
I... want to be disobedient
*grabs Pearls chin*
Disobedient. *noticed Pearl only look at me*

Everyone clapped at the performance, but my slow clap, turns into no clap, Pearl scared me a little when she said "don't worry! I can clap for you." She starts to clap her hands fast, I groan at this "we need a new plan" I say out loud to myself. I start to think, Rose also disappeared! She needs to see me disappear "Steven, I got an idea." He looks at me with a raised eyebrow "what?" "watch, Pearl!" "Yes, my Louisa?" She asks walking to us. "What will make you stop serving me?" I ask her, she blinks as she says "as long as you exist I will always serve you."

Steven and Amethyst exchange a look "'as long as you exist'! That's the missing piece" they say in unison "Louisa you're a genius! I take back what I said earlier."  Donnie walks up to us saying "guys I kept on getting hit on while trying to get punch, so I decided to just stay thirsty. What I miss?" Steven snaps his fingers "do you know what fusing is Louisa?" Steven asks me. I nod my head "yeah, it's when two gems dance to become one, but you can do it with humans and gems. Why?" He whispers the plan into my ear "what no! Steven we can't, your gem might not make it."

He looks at me with a certain look "Louisa, we have to duet" I raise my hands and say "I can barely play, I only know what my dad taught me when I was six. That was a ukulele Steven! A ukulele!" He shakes his head "we have to at least try, the world is depending on us." I look at him with concern, but sigh "okay, I'm in" we grab some guitars, tell Sadie what we're doing, and get on opposite sides of the stage. "You think you can keep up Louisa?" Steven asks me, I softly smile "only one way to find out." We look at eachother determined, and start strumming the guitars at the same time, with the same notes.

As we do that, we also get closer to eachother, and the middle of the stage, when we finally met, back to back.... we look at eachother with a smile. Smoke went into the air as we fused, we can hear Pearl and Spinel worry about us from the smoke.

Stevisa's p.o.v

I start talking as the smoke disperses "it's a big ol' universe out there" 'how are we a dude?' I think in our head 'no time to think, just keep going.' I smirk as I hold up Stevens coat, I can tell my hair is short, but poofy going off to the side of my head. Besides that I talk again "and when you're getting crushed under the weight of our stars" I throw Stevens coat at Donnie. Donnie was shock at the sight of me, so the coat just landed on his shoulders, his bros and Amethyst laugh at him. "Well sometimes, you need that special someone... to remind you that you're so much more."

I wink while I point at Pearl, I start to play the fused guitar as a light shines on me, I keep a straight face as I play the song that's in my heart.

"Nothing..... is holding you back now
No one..... can push you around!
What do you wanna do?
You're the master of you!
Isn't the thought enough to lift you off of the ground!~"

As I sang, I am somehow making both Pearl and I float with a pink light surrounding us, as Pearl floats in front of me, I smirk, grab her hand, and throw her high into the air. Once Pearl is in the air, she starts to sing-

"Nothing..... is holding me back now
No one..... can push me around!"

I keep strumming the guitar as Amethyst and Pearl are next to me on the stage, Pearl continues to sing-

"What do I wanna be?
I'm the master of me!
Isn't the thought enough to lift me off of the ground!"

As she sung that I made all three of us float, as I make us float into the sky I start to sing-

"We could be independent together!
Independent together, we can fly!~
Independent together.....
Independent together"

I go back to back with Amethyst, but then booty bump her away playfully, Pearl starts to float over to me, so I raise an eyebrow at her as I push her away by her chin.

"Independent together you and I~"

I start doing a guitar solo as Pearl looks like she's coming back! It's working, Steven you genius!!

"High above an endless sea.....
No one brought us here but me.....
Every step... every choice
It's my fault, it's my thought
It's my words, it's my voice!"

Amethyst and Pearl fall to the stage as they fuse together to sing-

"Independent together.....
Independent together, if we try!"

We both float up into the air as we sing together-

"Independent together.....

Independent together.....
Independent together, you and I"

I notice Lion have Garnet on his back as we go even higher into the sky, I follow Opal as we both sing-

"Independent together.....
Independent together, we can fly!
Independent together.....
Independent together!"

I start to float down a little because of Stevens gem still being a little wonky, but Opal caught me, and got me back into the air as we sing-

"Independent together, you and I
Independent together, you and I....."

With the song ending, so was our floating ability, but before we land on the stage, I see the injector is getting more worse and worse by the minute. My eyes widen as I finally fall down to the stage, and unfused.......


Okay, that should be it for this one guys, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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