Who We Are

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Louisa's p.o.v

Bismuth puts it back in my hand, but a certain Spinel scares me "hey what's that?!" She asks happily, I flinch and got close to hitting her. She jumps back and says "hey you don't play tag with that!" I nervously laugh and make it retract it's dangerous part. "Maybe someone else should keep an eye on it" Raph says as Steven puts his hand out. I nod, and put it in his hand "I can handle it, oh no... do I need to get the Diamonds?" Steven asks worried. I look at him and shake my head as both Lapis and I say "you're the one with healing powers. If anyone can fix this, it's you" Peridot looks at me confused "did you fill her in on everything? She's amazing."

Raph and Donnie shake their head and answer in unison "she just knows" "I can't believe this, for the first time in years, everyone's in danger, everybody needs me, and I'm useless." I look at Steven with a pity look, this is so bad "are you okay my Louisa?" Pearl asks as she was about to get me something from her gem. I nod my head "peachy" "Bismuth, what do we do?" Steven asks as he turned and looked at us. "I'm sorry Steven, I don't know" Bismuth answers with a sigh "there has to be somethin" Raph says. I think Steven looks at Ruby and Sapphire and says "Garnet would know what to do, Garnet always knows what to do."

Steven tears up at this, that made me tear up, the gems, and the turtle bros have a few tears leaving their eyes "I forgot about this" Donnie says as he wipes the tears. Peridot looks at me shocked "how is she doing this?!" Peridot wipes the tears away too. Lapis wipes her tears and says "does that mean she has a stronger power than Blue Diamond? Because I could fight off her powers. I didn't even know I was crying this time!" I sigh and say "I have powers, don't know why, but I do." Pearl wraps an arm around my shoulders "that just makes my Louisa so much better than the rest."

Lapis and Raph groan at the sound of Pearl "why is she so classy??" They asked in unison, Steven looks at the short gems as Spinel tries to cheer him up.

"Here we are in the future.....
Here we are in the future, and it's wrong!
Just a second ago we were singing this song.
And now they're gone, because of her"

Spinel winked at Steven, not really knowing what he's singing, I feel bad about this, I wish I knew of a way to help.

"Happily ever after, there we were"

Apparently Bismuth knew just what to say for this....

"When has it ever been easy?
Hasn't always been hard to be us?"

I nod and start singing too...

"When you go against the grain
There's always somebody around you can't trust!"

I sang that, and we all looked at Spinel, she didn't know we were looking at her, so she turns around to see who/what we were looking at. She turns back around to look at us and shrugs her shoulders, I nod to Donnie and/or Raph to help in on this too. Donnie started to sing as he stood next to me.....

"That's why we've got to have each other

While we'll figure this out, we must!"

Bismuth grinned big at us as she sang-

"Because we are the Crystal Gems

And we never give up-"

Raph rolled his eyes as he sang only one line as he crossed his arms.

"We never give up on our friends!"

Lapis and Peridot knew this part was just an us moment, but we'll include them.

"As long as one of is standing to brandish the star

We'll find a way
To save the day
That's who we are"

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