Future vision....

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Louisa's p.o.v

I look at the turtles and say "okay stop saying stuff in unison with me now, it's weird, but I'm guessing we all have the same plan?" Donnie nods. "If you're plannin on lettin me and Don distract Ruby while you act like you're about to hurt Sapphire, then pretty much." I nod, Bismuth looks at us with a unsure look "are you sure about this?" She asks. We all nod "we've been through alot this past week, our plans haven't really backfired so far." "Now let's go!" I say after Donnie, and we all go up to the two short gems, Raph and Donnie just start talking with Ruby.

I float above the short blue gem without Ruby noticing, grab Sapphire, and float higher, just to where Ruby can jump. Ruby finally noticed I have Sapphire and says "hey put Sapphire down!" I shake my head "nope. There's nothing you can do to stop me either" I make my hand start flaming while putting it close to her hair. I singed a part of her bangs, Ruby growls and says "put her down!" She jumps, but just punches me. I accidentally let go of Sapphire, but she safely floated back to the ground, Ruby landed next to her.

Ruby looked at Sapphire concerned "did she hurt you?" I fell to the ground in front of them, but hear Sapphire say "no, she just burnt a little bit of my hair." I groan at the landing and hear Pearl and Donnie say "my Louisa/baby!" As they run up to me, seeing if I'm okay. I sigh and say "yeah, now plan b is needed" I just stay laying there, not wanting to get up from pain. I felt someone pick me up, I look to see Donnie, I smile with a soft blush, but hear "what do we have that's deadly and dangerous?" From Lapis. Peridot smiled big saying "I think we can dig something up!" Her laugh sounded a little evil.

Raph smirks as he looks at her "she is the definition of cool" I laugh a little "is Raphie getting a crushie?" I teased him. He blushed but says "you have no right in teasin me! At least I'm not the one being held bridal style." I roll my eyes "we've already done this, and we're already together Raph, so I have my loophole." Bismuth looks at me with an eyebrow raised "you're datin him? Looks like someone got done to Bismuth." I laugh at her joke and say "yeah, we got together during that week of planning, stuff happened."

I felt my eyes widen as I see Steven walk over to the two short gems with a huge.... pizza cutter?? I have no idea what to call it. Ruby growls, not in the mood from already dealing with me, but Steven tries to act like he would do something to Sapphire. Raph watches this scene while asking "will this work?" Spinel pops up in front of us giggling. I jumped at the sudden noise, she scared me, and I put my arms around Donnies neck, Lapis looks and laughs. I look at her confused, but look at Donnie to see he's blushing, I smile and blush darker than a minute ago.

Pearl gasped and said "you made Louisa angry, I will avenge you my Louisa!" She grabbed me, threw me at Bismuth, who caught me, and pointed her spear at Donnie. I look at Bismuth and we laugh, but then I looked over and listened to Sapphire to see what she would predict. Slowly it became true as Spinel grabbed the blade, Steven noticed too late, and that's how trouble started. I jumped from Bismuths arms and try to chase Spinel as she went around with the blade. Steven finally tackled Spinel, and the blade was still going everywhere, everyone but Donnie and Pearl noticed though.

"Wow, what happens next?!"

"In just a moment the scaffolding will start falling all around you."

I heard that, but Ruby didn't notice the part of the scaffolding was about to crush her "Ruby look out!" "Huh?" She asks and looks up. She dodged the scaffolding pretty nicely "wow, you're amazing!" Ruby complimented Sapphire. I noticed the small blush on her face, but she says "next the Peridot will start holding back the falling debris." I look as what Sapphire is predicting come true "as the Lapis Lazuli saves them at the last second, the Pearl and tall turtle start a heated battle." I felt my eyes widen at that, I look to where Donnie and Pearl are, and they are starting to fight.

"Don Don, Pearl, stop!"

"The girl with powers is gonna try to stop them, but after awhile realize they won't listen to her, the other turtle is trying his best to dodge the debris."

I hear Raph start yelling about the debris, and blames the whole thing on Spinel, understandable, but when it looks it's over, I stand next to Ruby. "Is it over?" I hear Spinel ask, but Sapphire scares me with this one "the spear! The spear missed the turtle." I look at Pearl to see she missed Donnie by a long shot, and the spear hit a rope- "the anvil will fall, and you.. you will be shattered." I watch as the anvil falls, and catch it with one hand, I grab it with both afterwards. "The curly haired one's power is fading, and the girl with powers won't be able to hold that for long."

"Ruby, I'm sorry! I told you, you wouldn't last the day..." I start to lose my grip as I hear Ruby say "well I'm glad fate allowed me to meet.... you" I tear up hearing that. "Nooo!" Steven yells, I dropped the anvil, but I see them fuse, I smile at this, I love how they fuse for love. Pearl runs over to me saying "oh my Louisa, are you okay?! That anvil could have killed you." I nod and say "I'm..... alright" I keep my eyes on Garnet, she doesn't look like how I seen her earlier either. She actually looks like how she did when she first became Garnet "woahhh" Pearl says as she just not noticed Garnet.



That's it for this one my peeps, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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