Dimension pad-

13 1 0

Louisa's p.o.v

I ran my hardest to get into the water, but the turtles beat me, so I just had to jump in before Steven..... once I jumped in I somehow end up hitting someone's plastron underwater. The hit made me grab my head and see colors, but I go back up to the surface and hold my head. "Are you alright?" I hear Raph ask, I groan at the headache that is now coming, then it got quiet. I slowly open my eyes to see that the guys aren't even talking and their mouths aren't even moving. I look at them and say "why did you all get quiet?" Even that didn't get any of them to talk.

Rolling my eyes I look at Steven who is in the water, but I look in his eyes, he blushes but I begin to read his thoughts 'why is she looking at me?? I feel awkward. Is anyone gonna own up and tell her about the huge bruise on her forehead?' "Probably not Steven. I had to read your mind to figure out why you're all quiet" Steven's blush gets darker at my words. "Y-You can read minds?!" Steven asked shocked "yeah, she figured that out with me first" Leo says awkwardly. "Dude, I want your powers" Mikey says "who did I jump into to get the bruise?" I ask curiously.

No one would say anything, so I say "I will seriously read any of your minds right now!!" Once the words left my mouth I look at Donnie. His blush is noticable as I hear 'I feel like if I don't tell her she'll definitely get payback. I have to tell her-' "you jumped into Raph and hit your head on his plastron!" Donnie yelled nervously. Raph glared at his little brother "Donnie!" Raph yelled and was about to tackle him, I make him stop in mid air. He tried moving so much, but I make him go up really high in the sky "put me down!!" He yells.

I laugh and yell "if you say so!" Then I just stop making him float, now he's falling down to the water "bombs away!!" Mikey yelled and we all swam out of the way. Raph made the biggest splash of all time, it made some of us go onto land, but I was still in the water. Something tugged on my leg, I try to ignore it, but then I get pulled down underwater, turned out to be a Watermelon Steven. It was freaking out over something, then it started to pull me to a certain place, it feels like I'm under Mask Island. WS pulls me all the way to a cave that is under Mask Island, I get to the surface and gasp for air.

WS then pulls me towards a warp pad "why is this here??" I ask no one in particular, but WS pulls me onto the warp pad. "Oh no, I can't use a warp pad, not by myself at least-" but it's not much of a warp pad, it transported me somewhere. I gasp and see it took me to what looks like a completely different place that isn't in the SU dimension. "Is this..... a dimension pad??" I ask the WS, it nods its head and pulls me somewhere away from the dimension pad. "Where are you bringing me??" I ask out loud, but it doesn't even look back at me, so I just follow.

"Star, we have to visit your parents! It's your moms birthday!!" "Oh yeahhh!!!! Thanks Marco, let's go!" I hear voices in the distance "we are not in this dimension." WS just nods and brings me to Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz, and trust me they noticed us instantly. "Hey, that little guy is back!!" Star says and goes down to WS's height to make puppy eyes. Marco looks at me instead "and it brought someone with it" he tells Star with a shocked expression. Star looks back at me saying "hiii!!! How did you guys get here?! I tried asking this little guy, but I can't understand a word he says."

I nod in understanding "there's this pad, it transports you from dimension to dimension, it's weird and surprising, but anyone can work it. Want me to show you?" I ask pointing my thumb to the direction of where the dimension pad is. "Well we would love too, but-" "of course! Show us the way" Marco interrupted Star, I smile and nod. We start walking while talking, but when we get there the WS looks so happy. "This little guy looks so cute!" Star says and picks up WS, the "little guy" blushes.

I think of the SU dimension and we warped away to the cave I was at before "okay, we're going for a swim, you're gonna have to follow me. We're inside an island" I say and Star looks so energetic about the idea of swimming, but Marco was being quiet. The two follow me and WS, but once we get close to the water I hear my friends being upset. "Oh oof, as you can hear, my friends are worried about me, let's hurry up!" I say and jump in the water. WS and I look back to see Marco jump in before Star and WS pulls us to back to where I was.

When I see one of the turtles' legs I smirk and put a finger so the others know to be quiet, swim over to that specific turtle and pull him under with us. He squirmed and tried to punch me, but I make him stay in one spot so he could look me in the eye. Turns out I grabbed Leo, he looks at me shocked and happy at the same time "Louisa?" He asks. He forgot about us being under water, so we all surface "oh my gosh this place is so pretty!" Star yells out. All the boys, except Marco, look at Star shocked at the sight of her being here with me.

"This place looks weird" Marco says as he shuddered, now all the other boys look at Marco, they went from looking at Star to Marco. Steven's eyes stayed on Star..... hmmm I wonder- 'she looks kinda cute.....' I smirk at that. Then I notice Star is also looking at Steven- 'he looks cute~~' I hear Stars thoughts too. I smirk and laugh a little "what's funny??" Raph asks me as he raises an eyebrow at my face. A shrug of my shoulders I just say "just read some of your thoughts............

It doesn't really matter~"


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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