New Unstable Fusion?-

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Louisa's p.o.v

It took a second to get there, but I got there right as Steven forms a shield under his feet and jumps to punch Jasper. 'Jasper be bad news; I should help him' I think to myself as I close my eyes for a split second. Opening them I see nothing everything in a purple tint as I help Steven throw some punches. Jasper looks at me shocked, but after she accepted the fact that I'm here she continues laughing. I grab Steven's hand as I help him deliver a blow - and there was also a bright light that blinded me.

Stevisa's p.o.v

"Stop laughing!" I yell out and deliver my bubbled handed fire covered blow on Jasper, but I didn't feel bad at all as I start to float down. Looking at my hands I see that I fused into Stevisa... "okay, fusion does help a bit, but I didn't meant to fuse. I didn't even know Louisa was coming to help" I say and glare down a bit at Jasper, she stands up. Then she shook some dirt out of her hair as she says "I didn't think you had it in you, before that girl came - you were strong. Once you fused - that's the strongest I've fusion with that punk little kid that I've ever fought."

My eyes widen as I snort a little "that's because he's fused with a pretty strong girl~ She's not your ordinary human. She can do stuff like this" I say and make my hands have their- woah, because of Steven the purple flames are now magenta. "Steven!? Are ya good now??" Raph asks and walks over to us, but his eyes widened at us-.. me. Smirking I say "pink and purple make magenta... but I honestly don't know where that power came from. In Steven, I mean... normally he would apologize for hurtin you, but Steven's not here right now."

Jasper smirks and pats my shoulder "I like this fusion!" Raph shakes his head "this is gettin insane! Louisa, you're not yourself." Chuckling I make my magenta flames go out while crossing my arms saying "no kiddin." He shakes his head saying "no, I mean you're literally not any trait that I've seen in you or Steven. You fused with him when he was... pink, right??" I shrug my shoulders "I don't even know. I didn't even know we were about ta fuse!" "Yeah, they fused when he was pink-" "and you looked mad too.. you fused while being angry."

I roll my eyes and brush a bit of my (untamed) long poofy dark brown hair out of my eyes as I kneel a bit in front of Jasper to look her in the eyes. "Hey, that kid in me is sayin somethin about him havin you all wrong, he's bein way too cheesy. You don't need ta learn from him, he needs to learn from you... he wants you to teach him sometime. Only him, he didn't know he could turn pink and turn super like that" I say and push her shoulder back a bit. Jasper shoved me too saying "if he keeps his powers up like that, consider that fight his first.. and maybe only lesson."

Raph looks at me shocked as I start laughing a bit "oh god, if we stay like this, we don't really need to learn anythin from anyone." "Louisa!! Where are you?!" Star asks somewhere in the woods, so I roll my eyes softly. Standing up straight I look around, memories of the little birds nest and that tree enter my mind. Walking towards where I hear everyone running I find that busted up tree and the bubbled birds nest. Spitting at the tree I see it get healed in an instant and I let the bubble pop as I jump and set it down where it was.

Everyone seen me and their eyes widened, especially Star's and Marco's, but Donnie looks at me confused "Louisa-" "please, Donatello. It's Stevisa" I say and start walking back to town, but they're following right after me. "Why are you Stevisa again?!" Leo asks, but Star and Marco try asking what is happening with me. I turn around and glare at the entire group "look, I didn't mean to fuse, it just happened. It just feels good to be me, so I'm not unfusin for anybody.. and there's nothing you small weaklings can do to stop me."

I knelt down to look everyone in the eyes as I feel something change in me, so I look at my hands to see them in magenta flames. My tint came back without me having to blink or close my eyes at all, but it's also magenta tinted. "Hmm.. magenta is a good look" I mumble and continue to walk with my hands in my jean pockets. Quick footsteps start coming, so I take a step to the side and see Donnie right there with a soft glare. "I don't want to hurt you.." he says as he unsheathes his bo-staff, I laugh a little at his words.

Then I hear other weapons unsheathe, so I turn to look at the others, Donnie's bros have also unsheathed their weapons. Not to mention Marco brought his sword with him, and Star has her fists ready to use against us. Chuckling I say "I don't have time to deal with you children" with that I just super jumped out of here. Floating I find myself back at the town, everyone was staring at me, but I didn't care. 'Louisa-... I forgot what my train of thought was... I'll walk around and see what's going on.'

After a while of walking I found out that I walked in front of Connie's house, and she looks at me shocked and scared with her eyes wide. "Steven!??... are you fused with someone??" She asks from her window, I roll my eyes. Cupping my hands together by my mouth I say "it's not Steven - it's Stevisa!" Connie froze in what looks like fear. Then she grabs out her phone, but I chose not to think too much of it as I start walking towards Little Homeschool. There were a lot of gems there, but I found Peridot, Lapis and Bismuth fairly easily out of the gems.


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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