Chapter 4: The Date

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It's the following day and some hours have already passed. The highs from yesterday have gone, but it's not less exciting than other days. For David, there's the fact that he will go on a date with Kay this evening, so he's currently looking through the clothes he has with him at the moment. He wants to keep the classy look of his wrestling suit while also differenciate from it.

David:" It can't be that hard to find a good outfit. I mean yeah, I have nice clothes, but...No, David. Stop doubting yourself. You're going to impress, you're going to look your best and behave."

He then picks out a few things that may go well together, all while Kay is in a similar situation. The young woman is currently looking at a few of her dresses and debates, if she should wear one and if so, which one.

Kay:" The classic black one is too clishèe. We're not in a movie. The red one is also too simple. Aaarrgh, this is hard."

Luckily for her, she already got her Make-up on and her hair is done as well. The only things left are some accessoires and the clothes for both of course.

After a whole lot of trial and error on both ends, David and Kay have finally found clothes that are suitable for the date. Kay has got David's phone number from Mark and she texted him just a minute ago to see if he was ready. He was and still is, smiling as he walks along the hallway to arrive at Kay's door. He straightens himself before knocking and seconds later, the door opens with a sight that makes David breathless. Kay has put her hair in a ponytail, she has a nice still mostly neutral Make-up on while being dressed in a red sparkle dress.

Kay:" I hope it's not too much, is it?"

David:" It's...It's amazing. You look so wonderful. I mean not that you're not beautiful in general, but this..."

Kay:" I think that's enough praise. You look nice as well, David."

David has his hair slicked back while wearing a dark blue suit and a flame necklace.

David:" May I ask where we're going, me lady?"

Kay:" We will dine at an italian restaurant,  sir. I heard of it from a few other people around NXT UK."

David:" Sounds great to me. Shall we go?"

Kay:" We shall."

The two lock arms just a moment later and, after Kay locks the door, are off to the restaurant. Ever since they first met, there has been a spark of something special between the two.

Just about ten minutes later and the two are at the restaurant being brought to their table. As the waiter is about to pull the chair up for Kay, David intervenes and does it. He has asked her out after all, so she should be treated nicely as well. Kay just giggles and says a quick 'Thank You' to him before slightly adjusting her position.

Kay:" So David, why don't you tell me something about yourself?"

David:" Of course. There are a few things I would like to tell you."

Kay:" We could start with your family."

David:" Oh yes, I have a nice family to say the least. My Father is called Finley Boyd, 53 years old and a very humble man. He has worked as an electrician most of his life. My mother, Fiona Boyd, is just as humble and lovely. She's 51 and is still running a small cake shop at home. She loves backing and surprising us with new things. And then there's my uncle."

Kay:" Oh, who is he?"

David:" You might know him. Big bulky man, pale skin, red hair and beard. He tends to kick people in the face when in the ring."

Kay:" No way! The Celtic Warrior, Sheamus is your uncle?"

David:" Yes, he is. It's funny to think about it. I always heard my mom talk about her brother, but never expected it to be him. He loved messing around and playing some pranks with me. When I was old enough, he taught me the first few things about wrestling,  because I was very into it as a kid and I still am."

Kay:" Wow, being related to such a cool guy. It must be great."

DDavid:" It is, but it also gave me some trouble before. People don't really like others too much when they had family in this business before. That's why others give me a hard time."

Kay:" That's a shame. But in NXT UK, there's nothing like that happening."

David:" Aside from Gallus handing out warnings left and right as I experienced last week."

Kay:" Those guys annoy everyone. It's not the first time."

David:" True, so what about your family? How are they?"

Kay:" They're doing fine so far. My Father, William Rae, is a lawyer. He has worked for about twenty years as one, now being 56. My mom though is different. Michaela Rae, 54, is still working as a teacher at a middle school in my hometown."

David:" That's great to hear. I find it interesting to see which way people choose for their lifes."

Kay:" Indeed. Many people end up in different spots than they anticipated while others follow their dreams and make it work."

Then the waiter comes back, ready to take their orders. David decides to go for some chicken pasta with mushrooms while Kay orders some fish with carrots, beans and potatoes.

David and Kay have eaten and payed for their meals before leaving the restaurant and wishing everyone a good night. They laugh as they walk along the streets, clearly enjoying each others' company.

Kay:" The face you made when the chef looked our way was priceless. He was dumbfounded."

David:" I wouldn't say it like that. He was just shocked, but I think he took it with humor."

Kay:" I hope so too. I'd like to go here a few more times. Say, how was your food?"

David:" It was good. The pasta was cooked just a tad to long and it lacked a bit of salt, but the rest was fine."

Kay:" I could say the same. The fish was a bit too dry and not well cooked enough for my taste, but it did the trick. I'm stuffed now."

David:" Then let's slowly head back to the Hotel."

The brunette nods as David takes her hand in his, not noticing a tiny blush flushing her face. The whole evening was just wonderful, the food, the restaurant,  the atmosphere, their talks. It felt great for both of them as they walks towards their Home for now.

When the two are back at Kay's room, she opens the door before turning around and kissing David's cheek. Something he didn't expect.

Kay:" I had a great Time with you, David. Could we go out again some time?"

David:" Absolutely. I enjoyed myself as well, so I'd be happy to go out with you again."

Kay:" Great. I will think of something for us, okay? Have a good night."

David:" Good night, Kay. Sleep well."

They wave each other goodbye for now and David makes his way back to his room. All in all,  the day went much better than expected and that makes the young irish man smile.

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