Chapter 9: Family

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The night from saturday to sunday has been a great one with NXT UK Takeover Blackpool hitting critics and haters in the face like a brick. The event itself was well received, the matches set at high pace and the atmosphere being through the roof. It meant a whole damn lot to everyone, either performing or working backstage. For David, it has been rough going through three opponents in one match, but he did it in the end and made his mark. Mark Coffey, Joe Coffey and Wolfgang have given him a hard time ever since they confronted him on the first week, but they couldn't live up to their empty threats. They failed and because of that, they will never get involved with David again, unless they meet in the ring again because of the creative team. That his uncle Sheamus decided to appear after his victory had David shook for the moment. It was a heartfelt celebration between them and this sunday is meant for them to do something together.

That's why David is in the bathroom right now, fixing himself up for the day. The hits from the steel chain still burn on his back, but it's not as bad as he thought. Of course some hits were hard enough to make him bleed a bit, but it's nothing he can't handle. The young irish man looks at himself again before nodding and walking into the main room where he grabs his phone to check if he got any messages. Of course he did, so David takes some time to reply to everyone before telling Sheamus he'd be in the lobby in just a minute. It's been quite a while since they were able to do something together, but they cherish every moment they have. Family matters very much to them after all, so that's why not many people decide to insult them. Of course there are the occasional assholes who pick on everyone and everything, no matter the consequences. It disgusts David very much when he hears that stuff. These days, most people have no respect for anyone anymore, only thinking about themselves, trying to achieve the best results by pushing others down. That's the sad truth of todays society, but the minority that actually has a kind heart is still going strong.

When David finally arrives, he immediatly spots the red hair and beard of his uncle who looks like he's been a bit impatient, until he spots his nephew. The two walk closer to each other before hugging again, just like last night.

Sheamus:" Top of the mornin' to ya, David. You look much better right now."

David:" Bottom of the afternoon to you, uncle Sheamy. I've had a good night of sleep, despite everything aching. Most of the pain has subsided already though."

Sheamus:" That's my boy. I still can't believe you made it this far already. It feels like I started teaching you just yesterday."

David:" I know. We should have a sparing match once I fully recovered."

Sheamus:" Now we're talking. Come on, let's get something to eat."

They then share a short laugh with each other while going out into the city for breakfast. Times like these are very much welcome by professional wrestlers because they finally can take their minds off of work.

Once the two arrived and were brought to their table, they start talking about the last few years. A few things have changed since David moved on from the irish and british local wrestling scene. He loved every day, no question, but after some years bigger opportunities called and he answered.

David:" So how are mom and dad doing? Are they still working?"

Sheamus:" They're doing peachy.  Finley has just received a few calls, if he could help a few folks out while Fiona has finished preperations for a wedding cake she was asked to make. Of course her employees helped with everything, so she wouldn't spend all her time alone. So all in all, they're doing more than just fine."

David:" That's great to hear. They said they would take some time off soon to go on vacation. I mean they surely deserve it."

Sheamus:" Yes, they do. And they will go, probably taking a tour through a different part of europe."

David:" How about aunt Shannon? Is she alright?"

Sheamus:" She's just as healthy as you remember. Ever since she started exercising more, her state has been getting better and better."

David:" That makes me happy. I wouldn't know what to do, if something happened to any of you. Your spinal stinosus is bad enough as it is."

Sheamus:" David, look at me. I'm still walking straight and in the best shape of my life. Yes, I may not return to the ring as soon as I want, but I still do my part in helping people. And're also doing that. With your win last night, you have shown the world that one person can still be the last one standing even if they face multiple enemies. Children look up to you."

David:" I know, uncle. We all know the world can be cruel to all of us in one way or another. That's why I never give up and I want everyone else to see they don't have to give up whenever life gets hard."

Sheamus:" Trust me,  your work will pay off in the future. Kids always look up to heroes like you, Roman Reigns, John Cena. In some form, they also look up to the unknown and unsung heroes of this generation. I don't think everything will be perfectly balanced forever, but we can work towards a better future for all of us."

David:" Alright, I think that's enough pep talk. Otherwise we won't get anywhere today."

Sheamus:" Right. How are you doing outside of the arena? I know you have made a lot of friends."

David:" I've been doing very well, thank you for asking. And yes, I have made friends. Let's see: there is Mark Andrews, my childhood friend and mentor. Then his Tag Team partner Flash Morgan Webster, a funny guy to hang with. The guys from Imperium are also great. They each have some kind of history with each other."

Sheamus:" So that's that part. How about your love life? If I may ask,  that is."

David:" Well, there is a nice young lady I fancy. She likes me also and we already went on a date last weekend."

Sheamus:" She sounds like a lovely lass, fella. What's her name?"

David:" Kay Lee Ray, the current NXT UK Womens Champion."

Sheamus:" For real? My gosh, David. Congratulations are in order. You certainly did very well."

David:" Thank you.  Thank you. But I wouldn't have made it here without you and Mark. You two have done your best to get me ready for the big stage and here I am."

Sheamus:" You'll certainly go far in the wrestling world. That's a fact."

Then the waiter finally brings them their food and drinks, giving them each a short smile before tending to other customers. To say the two have a great time is an understatement since it's better than great.

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