Chapter 6: Knowledge Is Power

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On the weekend, the whole gang has assembled in David's hotel room. It's not about something serious or anything, they just wanna talk. Imperium, Kay and Flash still know just a bit about the man, so it's in their best interest to get to know him bit by bit. Right now they're all just telling stories about how they got into wrestling, how different it was for everyone and what's planned for the coming weeks. With so many different people from different countries, states or areas in general, there are also that many promotions around the world. Of course everyone knows about WWE, Ring Of Honor, Impact, NJPW, AJPW, Chikara, Dragon Gate USA and many others. But the journey from home to here has been a long one, a painful one as well. Days off are always taken with gratitude because the body and the mind have to rest as well.

Flash:" So, after an exciting week of work, how is everyone?"

Alexander:" I think good so far. Without so many live events, there is time to calm down."

Mark:" Exactly. We may not be as big as NXT itself, but we're on a good way. "

Marcel:" Right. Oh David, I have wondered about your character since this weeks' episode. What's the deal with everything sun and fire related?"

David:" I like reading and learning new things about the sun. The astronomical facts that this world presents us are an enigma in themselves, if you don't get into the matter itself. But fire, the sun, any natural source of light is both creative and destructive."

Fabian:" And the suit? What's up with that?"

David:" I wanted to bring something else to the table. Everyone is either wearing trunks or tights and that look is too old fashioned for me. It gets incredibly warm in the suit though. And it absorbs a lot of sweat. That's why I wash it every time we're done in the arena."

Mark:" Also, suits aren't exactly cheap. It could cost everyone a few grand to buy at least a decent one."

Walter:" Well, I am not a suit man myself. My entrance robe is more than enough."

Flash:" To each their own. Some people like more decent clothes, others like bright and shiny stuff."

Alexander:" It's still intriguing to meet someone who has a passion for fire and sun like that."

David:" When you were born in Ireland and always wake up with the sun greeting you, then you develope an interest in it. Much like people who are fascinated by darker stuff in life."

(A little wink at my OC Chris Johnson.)

Kay:" I don't like dark topics too much. I mean I get why people could get into it, it's just not my cup of tea."

Flash:" That's the thing with the heavier sides of music as well,  but I don't want to dive too deep into it."

Marcel:" Well guys, it's been a fine evening with all of you, but I should go to bed now. Who knows what awaits us tomorrow."

Walter:" Marcel is right. All of us should head to our sleeping quarters now. Goodnight, everyone."

Soon almost everyone is gone, except for Mark. He has taken a seat close to David who is breathing calmly at the moment.

Mark:" A nice night, don't you think?"

David:" Yes, but it's not my thing."

Mark:" Have you told anyone about your childhood and teenage years yet?"

David:" No, not yet. I don't think I'm ready for that step at this given time."

Mark:" But you do know what happened in that barn wasn't your fault."

David:" Yes, I know. So do you,  so does my family, so do Henry's parents. It just gets to me every now and then. That's why I'm hesitant to tell anyone something so important."

Mark:" David, look at me. These people want to become your friends. I trust them, I definitly trust you. Just please...when you're comfortable with everyone, talk to them. I'll be there with you and you know that."

Then, out of nowhere, David hugs Mark tightly, gripping the fabric of his shirt. It's very rare to see David act like this and even Mark is startled every single time. The blue eyes of his friend stare deep into his own before some words are spoken.

David:"....Thank you...for everything up to today..."

Mark:" Hey, I'm your mentor and best friend after all. I won't leave you hanging."

David:" Do you swear?"

Mark:" I swear with all my heart. I will always be there for you, no matter how hard life pushes you. And that is the truth, no doubt."

David:" I can't thank you enough for everything. You have helped me out so many times over the span of my life."

Mark:" Just keep kicking ass and being you. That's all you need to do."

David:" Right. I should let you go to your room now. I've taken up enough of your time today."

Mark:" Nonsense. I could've been here all day, if I wanted. But some things like the gym, the meals and a few calls have interrupted that. Anyways,  stay safe. I know you're gonna go far."

David:" Thank you. Goodnight, Mark."

The two wave each other goodbye for the night and David gets ready for bed after the door is closed. There are things in life nobody wants to talk about. Sometimes it's bad stuff, sometimes just emberrassing. David however takes it very serious when it comes to friends and family. His parents and everyone close to him are nothing to joke about unless someone wants their head stomped in.

The night is going without trouble until something wakes David up. He puts a hand on his forehead, noticing that he's sweating and the temperature is really high in the room in general. He gets up and turns the heater down to a justifiable heat, also opening the window for a moment. Before laying down again though, David spots a small, purple book: his diary. He writes something into it whenever life gets hard on him and, judging from some torn edges, it happens more often than not. The irish man sighs before grabbing the book and turning on a small lamp next to the bed. He turns the page and looks at the first few things he has written down. It's kind of gibberish when he thinks back. David bought this when he was eight years old and keeps it with him since that das. Of course his hand writing wasn't the best as a kid, but that's beside the point. Reading through everything,  there are a lot of memories coming back, filling the night with every possible emotion.

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