Chapter 16: Boom Goes The Dynamite

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After half of Takeover London has passed, it's time for Davey to face Kassius in the ring. A promo package covers what lead to this match in the first place while the two get ready to tear each other apart. Not only will this settle the score once and for all. It will also solidify Daveys' place on the brand. People have doubted the young irish man for far too long and he's set on turning heads to finally make everyone see how good he really is. He's sick of being treated like dirt, so the day of revenge has come. Under loud cheers, Davey walks out into the arena, overlooking the crowd to see many people wear merch with his designs on them. It's all well and good as he walks down to the ring, focussing on the matter at hand as the fans chant his name. Not many people get that response these days due to things said online or in interviews, but Davey himself is keeping it real to the core. He leans back against the turnbuckle while Kassius walks out in white and green gear. He ignores the heavy boos around, only starring daggers at the newcomer. The tension becomes thicker when they stand face to face in the middle of the ring. A smug smirk comes to Daveys' face as he steps back after clearly pissing off the self-titled knockout artist who steps into his own corner and takes off his robe. The referee checks, if the two are ready and lets the bell ring when they nod. From the first move on, it's easy to see that there's no love lost between the two as they lock up and try to overpower each other. Kassius looks like he's about to win that bout, but Davey surprises everyone by pushing the bigger man back. The ref struggles to seperate the two and almost does so, but not before Davey slaps Kassius, fueling the fire even more. The long haired man answers with a Forearm to take Davey down, evening out the playing field. Staring at each other, they both bounce off the ropes repeatedly, trying to hit one another, only to collide and crash down onto the matt. Davey is already on the move again though, diving through the middle and bottom rope, careful not to hit the ring post. This collision staggers Kassius a bit as a hard Lariat follows to finally bring him down for once. The ref is counting them out, so Davey moves the heavy hitter into the ring again. There he jumps over the top rope, only to be met with a boot to the face, flattening him while Kassius laughs. This seems to be a game to him as he drags the man of fire away from the ropes and traps him in a chin lock. The technical aspect is now introduced to the match as the stretching is taking its toll on Davey, but the redhead does his best to move towards the ropes and locks his feet around them which forces Kassius to break the hold and step back. If Kassius had any friends to come help him, they would circle Davey like a pack of wolves, but that's not happening. Davey stands on the apron, head on the top rope as Kassius takes charge to hurt him more, but the young man steps out of the way, only for the veteran to roll over the ropes, catch his balance and then they look at each other again. Now this could go either was, but Davey is one step ahead and blocks the punch to transition into a Back Suplex. It seems to do a bit more damage though because Kassius' head hits the ring post while his spine lands right on the hardest part of the apron. Davey is leaning against the barricade, looking at his opponent who stays in the same spot, bringing another idea to his head. Getting on the edge of the barricade, Davey balances himself and jumps at Kassius, feet first for a perfect Dropkick. Despite not having too much space between ring and barricade, he comes out unharmed for now while Kassius is in the ring, having a few seconds to recover from everything. The crowd is still supporting Davey the most throughout as time progresses, but he has a feeling that ut might change sooner than expected. Rolling back into the squared circle, Davey kicks Kassius in the back, runs from the ropes and hits him with a Leg Drop to the neck, not giving the former indie wrestler any time to resist. It's bad enough that Kassius thinks he's the top of the food chain in wrestling when there's clearly thousands who are better than him. He has helped quite a few people to even become professional wrestlers, so his students would surpass him one day anyways. Just like Davey does right now as he comes flying in with a Springboard Moonsault, called Block Out The Sun. It's one of his signature moves so he goes for a pin after.




Of course it's not that easy to beat a guy like Kassius Ohno like that, so Davey has to come up with a different strategy to win. He backs up into the corner facing Ohno and prepares for another move, but when he charges in,  Kassius catches him with a stiff Elbow Smash to the side of the head. Davey stumbles through the ropes and lands outside, much to the dismay of Kassius who gets more desperate with every minute, so he follows his opponent out again, hitting a Senton on the poor soul. It's his intension to put Davey in his place and right now, he's doing a good job. Kassius drags him closer to the steps and lifts him up, only to smash Davey onto them with a Vertical Suplex. The sheer amount of violent behavior tonight is frightning because the first two matches have been hard hitter already and to follow that up isn't easy as Kassius leaps over the steps and lands a Flying Wing Attack on Davey, taking him down once again, then following up to get himself and his enemy into the ring. It's at this time Davey has to step it up, so after breaking out of the pin attempt, he rolls over and kicks Kassius in the head to stall for some time. Davey holds his ribs for a moment, but continues his movement anyways, stomping the matt in fury. He pays homage to his uncle Sheamus by hitting Ohno with a Brogue Kick, but that's not all. Davey ascends the ropes to fly tonight and to punish Kassius even more. The crowd is hyping itself up for the coming move while Davey gathers enough momentum for the dive. He shifts his weight, jumps and flips over, landing a Burning Star on Kassius, only to transition into the Solar Core. The pain the two go through each and every day to fulfill their tasks is not for everyone and this submission hold is just painful to watch, cranking Kassius' neck back which forces to bigger man to tap out after a long minute enduring this torture.

The bell rings and Daveys' music hits, but the man himself has to have a moment to breathe, taking in what just happened. His second Takeover event and he just beat Kassius Ohno in a grueling match. Now the critics and haters have to shut up and stop talking trash about him. He gets up carefully and lets his hand be raised by the referee to show even the last of the fans that Davey Sunblast has won.

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