Chapter 10: The Fear

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After a great day with his uncle, David is back at the hotel. He and Sheamus had a wonderful day, talking about the last few years, about what was on the agenda in the near future and how great it would be to spend a birthday or holiday with the entire family again. The two are constantly travelling from city to city, country to country, continent to continent, so time to celebrate together as one is a hard thing to do. David has never forgotten to at least call and congratulate his relatives, friends, loved ones in general. They're always in his heart, no matter what. But the night is just about to begin for the young irish man.

And it begins with having trouble falling asleep. David is on his back and sighs while most of the other guests are probably in the dreamlands. Not that he wants to keep anyone up, it's just annoying to be awake so early in the morning. Checking the time, he decides to sit up and swing his legs from the bed. Something is clearly bothering him, but he doesn't know what it is exactly.  There wasn't anything causing trouble over the last few weeks, his friends are alright as well and his family is doing great too. The coming day isn't loaded with too much stuff either, except maybe an Interview at a local radio station, a photo shot for promotional things and then it's off to do whatever he wants. Or needs to do in terms of doing laundry. So with his head resting in the palm of his hand, he thinks about what's wrong at the moment. Mark had mentioned one of his other childhood friends, Henry McAllister. Henry was a cheerful boy back in the day, dark brown hair, green eyes. He was pretty excited when he was going out with David and Mark because they would visit the local farmer and played with his animals. Henry always talked about how he would love to become a veterinarian to help the ill and hurt pets of people. But the farmer's barn wasn't the one calling for trouble.

One night, Henry went to David's house, waking him and telling him about an old barn a few hundred miles from there. Henry said he found something, but couldn't bring it with him because it was too heavy. So David got dressed in appropriate clothes and went out with his friend. On their way they met Mark and told him everything, so he was with them as well. The three walked towards said barn, trying to be quiet as people were asleep. Once they made it out of the small town, they quickened their pace and soon saw the wooden structure.

Henry:" Be careful when you walk in. I don't want you to scare the poor thing?"

Mark:" What is it anyways?"

Henry:" You'll see once we're in, mate."

Opening the door slowly to peek in, Henry made sure the thing he wanted to show the two was still there. It seemed weird back then that someone would take extra care to not stir up any trouble. It felt like there was something really special in that barn and when all of them slowly went in, they saw that it wasn't a thing.

Mark:" A darn wolf, Henry? Are you joking with me?"

Henry:" I'm not joking at all, Mark. The poor fella seems to have a broken ankle. He must have come here to rest."

David:" And you brought the medkit for the wolf, so you can fix everything."

Henry:" Hey, nature is something we all need in our lifes. Despite not everything being good for us, we can still do our best to protect it. So Mark, hold the kit. David, please hand me whatever I say I need."

David:" Sometimes I wonder how this interest was brought up in you, Henry."

But the young boy wasn't responding. He was, in fact, quietly talking to the wild animal, trying his best to calm it down and when he did, he turned to David, beginning to fix the wolfs' ankle. The whole procedure was very nerv wrecking, with every bit of pain the wolf slightly stirred, sometimes also growling at the three boys. David was keeping calm as good as he could and Mark...well, he looked a bit uncomfortable. Well, a wild animal wasn't something to mess with for all of them, but they pulled through and got everything bandaged up. Stepping back as quick as they could, they watched the wolf for a moment as it got up and carefully put its paw down to see if it could walk again. When it did without any more complications, it walked closer to Henry and licked his cheek once before walking away. Now that's still the good part, but what happened next was traumatizing for everyone involved.

The three boys wanted to get out of the barn again, so Mark was holding the door open. David and Henry came closer too, but luck wasn't really on their side at that moment, because a part of the old roof crashed down onto them. David was quick enough to move out of harms' way, but Henry wasn't. His left leg got caught under a wooden bar, which damaged his shin and lower knee. Of course David and Mark did their best to get their friend out of that mess, so David lifted the easier accessable part of the bar up while Mark helped Henry get up and took him outside. When David got out as well, he checked on Henry, only to see the boy crying from the pain. The leg was in a bad shape, so it was better to get him to the hospital, but not without adressing the whole thing to his parents.

That was the hardest part of the whole night. His parents were Susan and Charles McAllister, two very stubborn and entitled people. Of course they always wanted the best for their child, but when it came to any kind of illness or injury, they would only get the best treatment, the best medicine. Sometimes it was hard to deal with them, but that night it was even harder. They blamed Mark and David for it happening and after countless hours of debating, the biggest issues were worked out. The medical bill was split, David helped Henry out with homework and Mark helped with the chores. Now if something other than that had happened, everything would've been waaaayyy worse. The trio of friends have been through a lot of chaos, no matter how crazy. And the friendship is still going on.

Of course Henry can't see the two that often anymore, but they have a phone conference once in a while. They do tell each other about how good everything goes these days. Henry also has taken care of David's dog, a german shepard. His parents have gotten him a puppy when he was eleven years old. He named him Roddy, after one of his favorite wrestlers, the late and great 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper. It doesn't even matter that he was scottish, he was a great man inside and outside of the ring.

Still, David sometimes fears that tragedy will come around again and interferes with his life again at one point. That's the reason he's up at this night, trying to get this negativity out of his mind. He's having a great time at the moment and he won't let anyone or anything take that away from him at all.

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