Chapter 1

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Jason Foster
Age 25
Police officer

Jeremiah Foster
Age 23

Hayden Foster
Age 18

Logan Foster
Age 17

Kai-Monroe Foster
Age 16
Twins with Kia

Kia-Marie Foster
Age 16
Twins with Kai


I stopped as I walked into the house.

I stared into the eyes of the brother who basically left me for dead. Yea yea a little exaggerated but come on.

I started to get mad.

Real mad.

Kai saw this change in me.

But before he could do anything, I charged for Logan and punched him square in the face. I was seeing only with blind rage. The hit caused him to stumble back. I then kicked him to the floor.

He groaned. "I'm sorry, ok?"

I scoffed and got on top of him and continued punching him. Hard. "I'm sorry? That's all you got." Punch.
"I waited for you all night and your ass didn't show." Punch "I walked home alone, in the cold, at night and your fucking sorry?"Punch "Sorry my ass! Son of a bitch!" I yelled.

"Kia you gonna hurt him, stop!" My other brothers said trying to get me off him. "That's the damn point!" I said back. As I go to Punch him, the door slams and we all stop as Jason's voice rumbles out.


I paled.

I glared at Logan one more time before getting off him and standing up.

"Now someone better tell me what's going on right now." Jason said deathly calm. It scared me more then I let on.

No one said anything. "I'm gonna say it one more time, tell me WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" He raised his voice again.

Once again it was quiet. 

"Fine then. All of you give me your phones and go to your rooms." He told us. The boys groaned and did it but instead of following the leader, I rolled my eyes, grabbed my car keys and left.

Jason yelled after me but I ignored it. I needed to be alone right now.

So I drove to Riley's house.

It took about ten minutes.

I got out the car and went up to the door. I knocked and waited for a few seconds. Then Riley opens the door. I go up to him and kiss him. He kisses me back.

Ha! You thought Riley was a girl. No he's my boyfriend. Only mine and Kai's friend group knows we're dating. If any of my other brothers found out, they'd go apeshit. Im not allowed to date but of course I didn't listen to that rule.

I walked into the house, kicked off my shoes and face planted on the couch. He just laughed at me.

He pulled me on top of him, "What happened?" He asked me. "I may it may not have ran away cause I got caught beating Logan's face to mush for him not picking me up from the party last night." I said. "Seriously?" I nodded. "So now I'm probably in more trouble then I could've been in. I'm in for hell when I get back."

He let out a sigh. "Well then go home and get it over with. Your not going to hide this time, you can't do that. And I want you to go straight home, not anywhere else." I whined. He knows me to well. He knows I would go anywhere other then the house.

"Or I could stay here." I said hopeful but he gave me a look. I sighed. "Ok I'm going!" I stood up and put my shoes on. "So I think it's safe to say our date tomorrow is cancelled." I told him before I left. He nodded and gave me kiss. " I love you. I'll see you at school." I pecked his lips and drove back home.

I stopped for coffee at Starbucks but did go back home.

I parked the car and went inside.

I was met with silence. They all must still be in their rooms.

I ignored it and went upstairs to my room. I turned on the light and jumped back at the person in the corner. "Look who finally showed up." Jason said. "Now I got the story from you brothers but I want to hear your side and why you fled so fast."

"Fine. I came home with Kai and Logan was home. I got pissed and punched him........a few times. And I needed to cool off. So I drove around and got coffee."

"Seems about right. Now give me you phone and car keys." "What?Why?!" I said. "You didn't think you could get away with hurting someone and running off did you? Cause if you did, you are greatly mistaken." I rolled my eyes and gave them to him.

"And for the attitude, you can ride the bus tomorrow." "Oh hell no, no way in hell am I riding that death trap."
He just shook his head and left.

I changed clothes and went to bed.


I woke up at six thirty and went to take a shower. After I got dressed in a pair of ripped black jeans and a long sleeved black crop top. I wore my white vans and put in my beloved gold hoops. I went downstairs to see Jason on his phone eating breakfast.

I got a granola bar and went to get my keys but before I could leave the house, Jason grabbed my hand and took them. "Your taking the bus, remember?" I gaped. "You were serious?!" I said he nodded. "Have a nice day see you tonight." He pushed me out the door with my book bag.

I groaned out loud. I walked to the bus stop. I arrived after five minutes. It was empty when I got on.

"Well if it isn't Kia-Marie! How are you sweetie?" Ms. Carol said. She was the driver. " I'm good Ms. C." I gave her a quick hug and walked to the back of the bus.

It wasn't until the last stop when someone bothered me.

It was the school slut, Jane.

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