Chapter 10

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I woke up with a massive headache. I got out of bed and went downstairs. It was Saturday. I walked into the kitchen to get some Tylenol but of course, Jason had to be there.

"Good morning." I said but got no response. I got it out the cabinet and got a bottle of water out the fridge. "I told you to leave yesterday, why are you still here?" He spoke out. "I live here if you need a reminder. Please stop acting oblivious to my existence." I stated. I walked past him to get some food but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back then yelled, "WHY ARE THERE FUCKING HICKEYS ON YOUR NECK!?" He screamed at me. I froze getting a bad feeling in my gut. I muttered 'oh shit'. Then there were heavy footsteps running downstairs. Now I was in deep. There was a big rule in the house, our golden rule: NO SEXUAL INTERCOURSE OR ANY SEXUAL RELATIONS UNTIL THE LEAGAL AGE OF 18.

That's why Hayden got around so much. He had to wait a few years. That rule was in the house since Jason was 16.

I might've broken that rule on Valentine's Day. We were in the moment. I regretted it at first and we promised never to talk about it again. But then was ok with it. We haven't done it since and won't until I'm allowed to.

"Did you say hickeys?" Logan said with the other three following him. "Look at her neck." Jason said with a unreadable emotion. "Is this what you've been doing while you were gone? Whoring around with boys, that's disgusting Kia-Marie." Jeremiah spat out. I was in so much shock that I didn't react to his words.

"I-I, N-n-no-no I did- "Kia?" Kai whispered. "Please don't tell me you did something?" He asked barley audible. I didn't say anything. I couldn't speak and I couldn't look in any of there eyes. My breathing started to get rough but no one noticed. They were to focused on the subject at hand. "You have one chance to tell us why you have hickeys on your neck." Jeremiah said. I shook my head. I tried to shrug my arm out of Jason's grip but failed. "You don't get to run away this time." Someone said. I wasn't paying attention. "Tell us, now." I tried to even out my breathing but it didn't work. "NOW!" I shrieked away from the voice. "F-fine fine, ok? Me and Riley made out yesterday while I was waiting for you to come home." I put out. "Thats it? Nothing else? Your still a virgin? Tell the truth!" Hayden yelled at me. I couldn't. I had to get away. I was going to have a panic attack. I yanked my arm away from Jason and sprinted to the front door but Kai has gotten there before me. "You didn't. Kia you didn't!" His voice cracked. Tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn't tell him or any of them what they wanted to hear. He shook his head and ran upstairs.

The others yelled some more but I couldn't comprehend any of it. I knew I made a mistake. And now the closest person I had was gone. I could feel apart of me slowly getting shallow. Empty. Gone.

My breaths started to get shorter and shorter. I scrambled past the others to my room. I locked the door and started pacing.

Oh god oh god oh god oh god, what have I done? What have I done?

The pain in my head has increased by a lot because of that. I could barley breathe with all my cries. Soon it became so bad, I let out a terrible scream.

Probably the loudest scream I've ever let out, so loud it scared me.

It eventually silenced out to a sob. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't get any air in my lungs. It was so painful. I just wanted it to end. They didn't want anything to do with me. I was just a disappointment. They were disgusted with me. I wasn't supposed to be here anyway. Our parents were preparing for only one baby, a boy, Kai. They didn't want another girl, they had already lost their first daughter, Maria. She died at 14 months old of SIDS. My parents were heartbroken. I was never supposed to be here. I was never wanted.

I started feeling lightheaded. I wasn't getting enough air. I wheezed trying to call out for someone, anybody. But of course I didn't have any luck in my side so nothing came out. My vision started getting blurry.

I need to lay down. That sounds like a good idea. I tried walking but the next thing I saw was the carpet in my room. I blinked a few times before closing my eyes. I didn't fight the darkness as it pulled me in. Then it was all black.


I ran upstairs to my room. When she didn't say anything, I broke. She promised me. She knew the rules.

I locked me door and cried. That's all I did. The boys were knocking on my door trying to get me out but I wouldn't. I wanted Kia but at the same time I didn't. She betrayed all trust anyone of us had for her.

I just cried until I heard a scream. Id never heard that scream before. The first thought in my mind was Kia. I was livid because of her but that would never stop me from being by her side. I rushed out my room, only to. Be pulled back by the boys. "Let me go, she needs help. Let me help her, please!" But they wouldn't budge. I attempted to get them off me but it didn't work. "This is something she needs to fix in her own. You can't help her Kai, not this time." Jason said. I shook my head. "Doesn't matter, let me go! Damnit! Let me go!" I continued to yell. "No Kai. Not this time. You can't. None of us can." Hayden tried to softly say but it didn't ease me. They all said stuff to calm me down but then I got this feeling in my stomach. It was a bad one. Kia. I need to help her. "Let me go, please! Somethings wrong!" But they would t listen. They continued to talk me down but all communication stopped when we heard a loud thump from down the hall. We all went silent. No one moved for a few seconds. To me it felt like hours. Finally I was able to get free and ran to her door. I banged my fist on it. "Kia? Kia open the door. I'm not mad. Please open the door!" I said with a worried voice. But no sound was made. I put my ear to the door. Nothing. I didn't hear any cries or heavy breathing. Nothing. I ran to the bathroom that connected to her room. I opened the door and ran the other side but that door was locked to. I pounded my fist on the door. Nothing. "KIA, OPEN THE DOOR!" I tried but still nothing. I started sobbing. Something wrong. Very very wrong. The boys soon followed behind me, filling up her bathroom. "The keys inside. She had the keys. I don't hear anything. Something wrong. I can feel it." I spit out, "Kick the door or something, get it open. NOW!" I yelled at them, they were just standing there.

They kicked the door a few time but nothing happened. Then Jason pushed them aside and broke the door handle, slamming the door open. I rush inside to see my sister sprawled out on the floor. Her chest wasn't moving. She looked pale. I rushed to her side and pulled her on my lap. I shook her saying her name but nothing happens. I checked her pulse but couldn't find one. "I can't find a pulse. She's not breathing, CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE AND STOP STANDING THERE DOING NOTHING FOR FUCKING SAKE DO SOMETHING NOW!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Jeremiah ran out the room. She can't be dead. She can't be. She's my sister. The closest person I am to on earth. She's my person. Mine.

Jason kneeled down to check her pulse. He didn't find one either. I shook her again but nothing happened.

Jere ran back in a few seconds later with paramedics. "Please let her go so we can work. We don't have long." I replied immediately. "What do you mean?" I asked. No one said anything. I asked again but no one said anything. I let them do their work. After maybe three minutes, they had taken her to the hospital. I just sat on the floor in her room hugging her pillow.

If they had just let me see her, we wouldn't be in this position. It's their fault. It's always their fault. This could've been prevented. And honestly, after thinking about it, no one should get to decide what you do with your body and with whom you use it with. We had no right.


I don't know how long I've been sitting here. All the others went. Sun was coming through the curtains. I'd been here all day and night.

I felt a little better. I knew she was still alive. I could feel her.

I knew it, I just did.


Sorry for the late update. Let me know what you think of this chapter in the comments. What you tell me will determine how the next chapter goes. Thanks!


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