Chapter 12; depression

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After Logan came to talk to us, I walked to my car and sat down and thought. I just sat they snd thought. Thought about how life would be like in her position. And honestly, I hate it. I hate is so much. We treat her like a baby. She'll be seventeen in two months and were still treating her like a child. She doesn't deserve any of this. She really doesn't. People say you won't rule know what you have until you've lost it. And I've just 'bout lost her. But I won't let her slip through my fingers. Not this time.

I thought some more for a few minutes then went to go see her. I walked straight passed the boys who gave me confused looks. I shook my head at them and didn't make eye contact. I took a deep breathe outside her door then walked in.

It want a sight I never wanted to see. She was covered in tubes and bandages. I didn't notice I was crying until I wiped my eyes. We did this to her. It our faults and I am finally ready to openly admit that. I just wish the others were to. There the oldest, they should be the ones fighting, not just us.

I sat by her side for a few hours until 10:00. I got some food and went home. When I got there, I went straight to my room. I changed and watched some movies. I couldn't sleep. So I just watched movies all night long into the morning.

I soon got tired and slowly drifted to sleep.


I was woken up to a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I groan. "Do you want pizza?" Logan asked. "Not hungry." I said back. "You haven't been out your room all day. You need to eat." "Just go away." "No Hayden. Come downstairs. We leave in 20 minutes." Then he walked away. I might as well get ready. Once Logan sets his mind to something, he won't stop until he achieves it.

I rolled myself out of bed then took and quick shower. I changed into a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt.

I put on my vans and went downstairs. We went to the pizza place in town. We went in and ordered. I got a pepperoni pizza and the others got whatever. "We went to see her this morning." Kai spoke up. The tension was high. "How is she?" "Heart rate is back to normal but no signs of waking up anytime soon." "Where are Jeremiah and Jason?" I ask, "They came home we got there to freshen up then went to work. They'll be back tonight." I nodded. I ate barley half a slice. When the waiter went by, I asked for a box. We sat there in silence for a few minutes till they were done eating. We drove home and I went back to my room. I put on a pair of sweats and tried to go back to sleep. Luck wasn't on my side as I couldn't s I just lates there staring at my maroon walls.

********* it's been a few days.


I looked around to see nothing. Just nothing. The area around me was a dull grey. I felt this heaviness on my chest. It wasn't painful but y didn't bring me peace either. Almost a sense of worry and tiredness in one. I started to walk but they grey just followed me. I felt myself shake. I couldn't find the source of it. I heard distorted voices but I couldn't filter them out. It was annoying. I tried my hardest to break myself free but nothing with budge. I kept pushing and eventually, I was free the. Everything started to get blurry.

I opened my eyes to be met with bright lights. I adjusted my eyes and looked around me. Hospital. Why am I in a hospital? The last thing I remember was the boys getting mad at me for...Oh. That.

I suddenly started to choke. Wtf is down my throat. I frantically pressed the call button and a few seconds later, a nurse came in looking surprised. She quickly took the tube out. I was freaking out.

"Calm down sweetie. You just woke up from a coma. You were asleep for a week. You had a brain injury that caused your heart to stop. You had surgery to help your heart, beat normally." The nurse said. I calmed my breathing and nodded my head.

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