Chapter 5

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Jeremiah ^^^


It's been a few weeks since I left the hospital. I was fully recovered and had all my stuff back.

I still haven't told my brothers about Riley. I want to, but I'm nervous. But I have to do it soon before they find out from someone else.

Recently we found out that people have moved in next door. A family of three. They have a daughter. We are having diner with them tonight. I don't like meeting new people.

So for right now, I'm going to the mall with Riley. We haven't been out in a while.

I got changed into some jean shorts and hoodie. I got my keys and drove to the mall.

When I arrived, I waited in the food court. Someone put their hands over my eyes. "Guess who?" "RiRi?" Then he kissed me.

"Where do you want to go?" He said as he took my hand in his. "We are going to the Nike store. The be true collection is out and I might've ordered both the special addition and regular high tops for us!" He stopped us. "You didn't! Seriously?" I nodded "Seriously." He picked me up and spun me in a circle. That's what he wanted for his birthday. "Happy early birthday baby!" I kissed him.

We went and picked that up. Then we got some shirts and I got some eyeshadow.

"What do you want to eat?" "Ion know. You pick." "How about pizza?" "That's fine." We got some pizza the. Sat down to eat. "So, I think I'm going to tell the boys about you." I said slowly. "Are you sure you're ready?" "I think so. I'm tired of lying." "Do you want me to go with you?" "No. I don't want you to take my of the heat." "Well ok then."

We talked some more then we parted ways.


So I was at the mall today with my friends. After a few hours we were ready to leave when I saw Kia With a boy.

He spun her around then they kissed. Is this what I think it is? I took a picture and sent it to Jason. This wasn't acceptable. She's not aloud to be with boys.

I said bye to my friends and headed home.


"What the hell is this?" Jason said walking through the door. "Is this what I think it is? Cause if it is all hell is gonna break lose and god won't be able to save her ass." He said trying to be calm.

"I think it is. They were kissing and everything. It looked like that Riley kid she goes to school with." We told the same thing to Jeremiah when he got home. I kinda felt bad cause when Jere goes off it's scarier then Jason cause he doesn't really yell. But Kia knows the rules. We heard the door open and Kia walked through. "Hey guys, I need to talk to you," she was cut off by Jere. "Go to your fucking room now and wait." "What's up your ass?" She asked. "I SAID GO UPSTAIRS." He yelled. "Ok geez!" She said walking up the stairs.


I don't know what happened. I haven't done anything wrong! I've done my best not to get in trouble. Right now I have a clean slate.

My thoughts were interrupted when Jere slammed my door.

"Whats wrong?" I asked him. He didn't answer my question. "I'm giving you a chance right now to tell me what you did wrong." " I haven't done anything wrong. Why are you mad?" "Huh? That's weird, because a little birdie told me today that you were with a boy at the mall kissing."

My eyes widened slightly. "I was going to tell you all tonight. I promise." "Why were you with a boy?" "He's my boyfriend!" "No he's not cause you aren't allowed to have a boyfriend." "That's not fair. Kai can date." "He's older." "He's two minutes older then me! The hell!" "Watch you mouth." He growled. "I'm not even going to argue. I didn't do anything wrong. I was going to tell you at diner tonight." "We'll answer me this, how long?" I didn't answer. "How fucking long Kia?!" I rolled my eyes. " Six months! Ok six months. That's how long!" "Your grounded. No leaving the house, I'm taking away your data all your privileges." "No your not. You don't get to decide that!" "Yes I do. I am the authority in this house!" "I don't care. Take my stuff away, do whatever, I don't care." I said. He had a shocked face at what I said. "You can leave now." I said. He walked away.

I just played on my phone for a few hours until it was time for diner. The Kai came in. "Which tie? Blue or black?" "Blue. Sweats or shorts?" "For what? Kason said we have to dress nicely." "Sweats it is then. I don't dress for anyone but myself." I'll see you down stairs." He sighed and walked out. I put on my favorite pair of sweatpants. I got the pair that says
'Stop looking at my dick' and just a plain white crop top. I put on my Air Force ones, grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

Everyone was at the table and stopped talking when I walked in. I just walked to my seat next to Kai and Logan and sat down. "Can y'all stop looking at me like a piece of food please." They continued talking but Jason glared at me.

"Ok then. Guys, these are our new neighbors, Mr and Mrs. Ken and their daughter Ella. And these are my siblings Jeremiah, Hayden, Logan, and the twins, Kai and Kia." Jason announces. "We may eat." I just eat some Mac and cheese."

I didn't talk during dinner. I just observed. The Ella girl was basically dressed like a whore and flirted with Logan and Hayden the whole time. Her parents seemed really preppy. Like some basic white people.

I Hate them.

"Ok. I have a little announcement that I would like to share. Even though I'm only telling one person. I have a boyfriend. I'm dating Riley. That's right Logan, I have a boyfriend." All my brothers except Kai looked mad. "That's it!" I said smiling.

Dinner was over not to long after. I put my plate in the sink and went outside and sat in one of the lounge chairs. Kai joined me.

"So what do you think of the neighbors?" "I hate them. That girl dresses like a whore and her parents are like petty rich white people!" I responded. "Yea, you're right. So you told them huh." "Yea well Hayden caught me at the mall and outed me to Jere and Jace. I'm like hella grounded now. I probably shouldn't have waited six months but oh well." "Eh, you'll be ok." " I hope so. Are they gone yet?" "Yea. They went home." "Let's go inside." We went inside.

"Kia, we need to have a talk. Right now." I sat on the couch. "Why did you dress like this tonight. You know you were supposed to dress nicely. Is that to much to ask?" "Yea it kinda is. You try to control literally every aspect of my life and that's not a way to live. It just isn't. And every girl my age has had their first boyfriend. I didn't like lying to guys but I can't tell you anything without getting in trouble." "We're just trying to protect you." Hayden stated. "Protect me from what?" They all stayed quiet.

"Kia. This is your last chance. You have one more strike before we do anything. I'm not letting you off the hook again." Jason said matter of fact.

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