Chapter 25; undersatnd

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I woke up and got ready for school. I went downstairs and was about to walk out the door when Jason stopped me. "Kia? When you get home today, me and you are going to have a talk. One on one." "I have a game today remember? Hayden does too." "Then I'll pick you up from the game and we'll talk on the way home."

I nodded and went to catch the bus. School went on as always. I went to the locker room and changed into my uniform and just shot around until people showed up.

"Ladies, as always, play for yourselves. We're both proud of you no matter how you do out there. Starting five, on the court." Coach told us.

We played fine. The game was fine. I sat out the last quarter, not really being in the mood.

When the game was over, I cleaned up in the locker room and sat in the bleachers to watch Hayden play. They won. I went to the car and waited for Jason. After a few minutes, he came and started the drive home.

It was quiet until I spoke up. "Are we going to talk?" He only nodded. "I'll be honest with you. When I told you to leave and you did, I felt a huge sense of relief. I was almost glad you were gone. Everything was easy. But when I got the call that you were at the hospital, I hesitated to come see you. You seemed to be doing well and me and the boys we're fine. Life was easy. And with you not really wanting anything to do with me, I felt that things were fine the way they were."

I processed what he had said. Is that how he thought I felt?

"We're you listening?"

But I snapped. Hard.

"Listen to you? You? Why would I do that when you couldn't do the same for me? Huh? Because you made a decision to keep me out of the house so I had to sleep in my car another night. And it just so happens that, that night I got thrown out of my car, onto the street and robbed of all my belongings. Because you couldn't get out of your feeling. I value my pride to much to let you dictate how my life goes. I know our issues were toxic but I had hope."

I was crying again. Just great.

"I had hope that things could go back to the way they were. You don't know how badly I wanted to come home and sleep in my own bed. But I couldn't. I needed time to get in the right headspace. I needed to stop the drinking and the smoking. Hell! I even popped a few pills to stop the urge of putting an end to it all! I debated killing myself because nothing seemed to be worth it! Not you or any of the boys. Even Kai!
But I couldn't be a selfish bitch and leave my twin alone to deal. I wanted to fix things Jason. I really did, but
I'm tired Jason. I'm so tired. I don't want to be here, I can't take it here, not anymore." I finished. He pulled the car over.

"You want to die?"

"I don't know anymore." I said back.

"What happened to us?" He asked, genuinely wanting to know. "I ask myself that question every day."

He sighed. "Kia, there isn't a word that describes how sorry I am for pushing you away." He paused. "I guess I distanced myself so I wouldn't end up like dad," I cut him off. "You could never be anything like dad. He was cruel and abusive. Your kind and giving. Don't ever compare yourself to that bastard." I told him in all seriousness. I turned to face him. "I believe this was one of life's bumps in the road. And all you can do is get over it. So how about we do just that." I told him.

He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles. "I could ask for a better little sister." He told me. "I love you." I said, finally ready to move forward. "I love you too."

We drove home after that.

Sorry for not updating in so long. I've had major writers block. Updates will hopefully come more frequently.

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