Chapter 9

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Our lips touched.

We kissed for awhile before it started to get heated. I was tugging on his hair while sitting on his lap, slightly grinding to create tension. I could feel his friend getting happy.

Then I pushed him on the bed straddling him. I started kissing along his jawline to his neck. I could hear him groaning as I began to give him hickeys. I kept going down until I met his shirt. I sat up and took it off then went back to kissing his chest. Then he moaned out when I got his sweet spot on his left collarbone. Before I could blink, I was under him with my shirt off. He was sucking on my neck.

All you could hear was our moans. I was so glad his mom wasn't home.

He moved down to my chest and started massaging my breast and was about to take off my bra when my stupid ducking phone rang.

He stopped and put his head in my shoulder. "Answer it." Be mumbled. I groaned and walked over to my phone. It was Hayden.

"What do you want? I was in the middle of something." "When are you going to be home?" "When I was done with what I was doing!" " What were you doing?" He asked cautiously. "That's for me to know and me only. I'll be home in 20 minutes." I said with a sigh. "Ok bye."

I went back over to Riley and leaned against him. "Sorry. I'll make it up to you later." "No biggie. I'll see you tomorrow. And I would maybe stop by the store before you go home!" He whispered that last part looking at my neck.

I rolled my eyes and he followed me to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and shook my head at him. "Damn I did good." He said. I turned around and smacked his chest. "So did I." I responded. I put my shirt and hoodie and shoes back on before going downstairs. "Bye baby." I said pecking him in the cheek.

I drove to the drugstore to get some foundation. I went to the bathroom to put it on. It was barely noticeable. You could only see if you knew where to look. Then I drove to the house. I walked in and they were all in the kitchen, including Jason.

Except for him, they all hugged me. "Why did you come back. I thought life alone was so much better then with us." He snapped at me. Un uh. I wasn't taking this shit from nobody. "Well a little birdie told me you got demoted to lieutenant and have been cussing people out." "That's none of your business." He said back. "It is if my guardian is neglecting to give me the proper care he said he would give." "Oh so now I'm your guardian? That funny. Because I thought you wanted to control your own life. Go back to where you've been the last two weeks. I couldn't care less. The little sister I thought I had doesn't exist anymore. Leave me and my life out of yours." He said coldly and went away. I was dumbfounded and so were the others. Jere put his hand in my shoulder. "Give him time, he'll come around. I promise." "I'm not so sure."

It was silent for a few minutes.

"Ok. Back to business. Logan, you are going to apologize to coach tomorrow. Hayden, you aren't allowed to touch any female for a week and Jeremiah, you are going to stay at work until you finish every case sitting in your inbox. Understood." They all mumbled and yes. They all dispersed to other parts of the house. But of course Kai stayed. "You alright?" He asked quietly. I shook my head. "I will be. Things take time and I can't force him to act like things are ok when they're not." "Promise you'll come to me if you feel any type of way. Ok?" I nodded and hugged him. We stayed like that for a awhile. "I'm going to go unpack then go to sleep. I'll see you in the morning.

I retreated to my room and locked the door. I started putting clothes away but after a few minutes I stopped and sat in my bed.

What is mine and Jason's relationship gonna be like now? It killed me inside that he said those things. It's always what he says.

I finished unpacking and went to take a shower. I put it on hot and stood there. Then I started to cry. I'm tired of crying. It's so frustrating.

I slid down the wall and cried. Thankfully no one could here me.

Why did my wanting freedom come with so many consequences? Why me? Just why?

I must have been in there for a while because I didn't even notice the water get cold.

I got out and put a bra and shorts and went to sleep. I've gotta think of something to fix this.


Sorry for the shirt chapter. I'll try to update tomorrow since I have no school.✌️✌️✌️

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