Chapter 13; healing

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"Oh Hayden." I repeated. He started crying. "I-I'm sor-sorry! You wer-weren't w-w-wak-waking up a-an-and I did-did-didn't know wha-what to
d-do so I-I stopped. I didn't kn-know what el-se to-to do, and," I cut him off by pulling him into a tight hug. "It's ok. You'll get better. You always do." "But it's my fault. If I had just went to see you, maybe you would've been better faster. And if I didn't yell at you beachside if the hickeys you wouldn't have had to go to the hospital. I honestly don't care. Your old enough to do what you want." "Let's not worry about this right now. Just eat this. For me ok?" He looked at the plate and sighed. He took it and we walked into his room.

I sat there while he ate. It was gone in like five minutes.

We talked for a while then I went downstairs.

The room went silent when I walked in. "Hey guys..." I said. They just gave me sad smiles. "Let's do something! The vibe in here is killing me." "The doctors put you on bed rest, Kia. You can't do anything." "Can we at least get out then house? I've been cooped up for to long." "Let me think about it. Go lay down for now." Jason said and walked away. "Movie in my room?" They nodded and we walked upstairs.

I changed clothes and got comfy on my bed. We got Hayden in here to. I picked the movie Jupiter Ascending.

We watched it for awhile but I got bored. There are so many plot holes.

About half way, Jason came in. "We can go Ice Skating. The doctor cleared you. Then food after. We leave in 20." I silently cheered them changed clothes. I put on a bike tracksuit and my gold hoops.

I waited downstairs then we left. The boys made me get on their backs so I wouldn't strain myself. We went into the rink and got skates. I tied mine up then walked with Kai into the ice. He held me up while we walked down the steps. "Thank you." We started to skate. The boys took turns with me. After a while I got tired so I sat on the side benches. I watched all the people skate but two people caught my eye.

I got really sad when I saw them. It was Riley and my so called friend Chloe. They were laughing, hugging and feeling up on each other.

I took out my phone and called him. He went off the ice and answered.

"Hey baby.! Your awake! Kai texted me earlier. I was gonna come see you tomorrow after school." "Yea I'm up!" "You sound sad, baby girl what's wrong." "Riley, I need you to be honest with me ok?" "Always." "Are you cheating on me with Chloe?" He was quiet for a second. "Why would you ask me that Kia? I would never cheat on you! What have you that idea?" I took a deep breath. "I'm at the ice skating rink and I saw you two together." "Where are you? I want to explain in person." "On the west benches." "I'll be there." He hung up. I steady my breathing.  He sits next to me. "Chloe's Grandma Maggie got diagnosed with cancer last night. She needed a friend. You and maya were unavailable so she asked me. She needs someone to make her happy right now especially since josh broke up with her. Me and the boys are worried she will go into depression. Mostly Carson. They're so close." I leaned into him. "Thank you for telling me. I didn't want to assume but," "It's alright. I would be worried to." "Tell me what's been going on. Iv'e been out." "Well we did pass all our projects. Maya is going back tomorrow New York. Kayleigh got accepted into a early college program. And me, Jacob, Carson, Kai, and Hayden made Varsity football." He said like nothing. "WHAT! You made it! omg, Sophomores never get chosen, omg congratulations. Wait the boys didn't tell me." "They haven't told anyone yet. They wanted you to be the first one to know." "Alright. Well hopefully i'll  be healed before volleyball tryouts. This is my year. My year!" "Yes it is." "Did Maya tell anyone why she keeps going to New York?" He shook his head. "Should I ask her mom? But I don't want to seem nosy. She still doesn't trust me 100% since I drank her alcohol." "I don't think it would be nosy. I think you would be going as a concerned friend." I hummed. "Well I don't want to hold you up from Chloe. Go make her happy. I don't like my friends upset." He kissed me on the check and went back. I was ready to go so I called Kai. He didn't pick up. Neither did Jason, nor Hayden or Jeremiah. But Logan did. "Can you come help me out the benches please. No one else plus picking up their phones." "I'll be there in a minute."

I waited for about ten minutes then he finally showed up. "You didn't forget me did you?" He shook his head then helped me down. Weird. He was awfully quiet. "Are you ok?" "I will be." He said then didn't talk. He walked me out then to the car.

I fell asleep on the way home.

Word count: 942


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