Chapter 26; broken promises

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At 9:22 pm on a Friday, the Foster brothers come home to a doped up Kia. When Kai went to use her bathroom, as he did when his was occupied, and opened the door, the first thing his eyes caught was his twin looking disoriented on the floor.

He saw the spoon and needle on the floor next to her. Heroin, he thought.

He sighed and called out for Jeremiah.

"It's Kia!"

Kai could hear him cussing as he made his way down the hall and to the bathroom.

"Damnit, just um," Jeremiah started. "Put her in the bed and try to get her attention. I'll clean this up." Kai muttered an ok and carried out what he was told.

He picked her up and gently laid her in her bed. After she felt the movements, she started moving around trying to stand back up.

"No," she spoke. "I need to get,"
" Kia. Lay down." He told her. She fought him trying to stand up. She was mumbling and crying. Kai couldn't understand her. "Kia, stop!" He tried but she wouldn't listen.

After a few more attempts, he got up and sat behind her on her bed. He sat her up in between his legs and held her so she couldn't get up. She wasn't able to break free.

"I'm sorry." She said giving up. Her high was completely gone. "I tried not to. It was sitting there, for hours, but I couldn't help myself." She sobbed. "I'm sorry." She cried over and over again.

Meanwhile, Jeremiah had told Jason what had happened and to say he was mad was an understatement.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? Even after 2 inpatient stays, she did it again?"

"Jason, I," Jeremiah tried. "Where the fuck is she?" "She's in her room but,"

Jason ran past him and upstairs to Kia's room.

"Jason!" Jeremiah yelled after him but it was no use.

Jason slammed Kia's door open. "Get up. Get the fuck up Kia!" He yelled when he entered the room. She scrambled as fast as she could off of Kai and stood up. "I swear on all things holy, if we come home and find you high off your ass again, ohhh, you'll wish you'd have never been born." Jason yelled at her. She stood silently staring him dead in eyes.

All the Foster siblings were in Kia's room.

"So you have nothing to say?" She kept quiet. "You have nothing to say for yourself." He said a little to calmly.
She didn't say a word. "Fine then. Give me your phone, laptop, wallet and keys." She did as he said. "Now go to sleep."

The boys started to leave her room and just as Jason went to follow, Kia muttered out, "Fuck you." Jason turned around. "The fuck did you just say?" She scoffed. "You heard me."  "No. I don't think I did." "Well then, let me say it again for you. Fuck you!" She yelled at him. "Watch your fucking mouth." "No." She replied. "Stop being a little bitch show some damn respect and after all I've done for you." "Oh so you're gonna play that card? God! Could you be anymore of a hypocrite? You're talking like you don't still binge drink, like you didn't smoke a few blunts here and there. You had a problem, hell, you still have a problem. You're a borderline alcoholic, you get mad at everything, you're a beat cop, and you're stupid as hell for still not realizing that I don't give 2 shits about what you think."

"So fuck you." Kia finished.

A loud clap and thump sounded throughout the room as Kia's body hit the floor.

Her brothers gasped and yelled at what had just happened.
"Jason! What the hell?"
"Kia! Oh my god!"
"Stop, Jason!"

The eldest froze at what he'd done. Then he ran out of the room. Hayden and Jeremiah chased after him, while Kai and Logan went to help Kia up.

"Don't fucking touch me! Just get out!" She cried as they tried to help her up. "Just get out!"

Logan had to coax Kai out of the room. Their sister wanted to be alone but Kai still wanted to help her.

Once her door was locked, Kia ran and locked both entrees to her room. She then started to pace, not wanting to believe what just happened.

He had slapped her. Hard. And hard enough to push her to the floor. He had never hit her before. Not even to play around. He promised never to hit her.

Kia curled into a corner and cried. She just cried. She knew she shouldn't have said what she did. She didn't mean any of those words.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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