Chapter 4

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Kai ^^^

After Jason told us what happens I couldn't. I walked out side and kicked the wall.


She needs to stop. Seriously she gets mad at anything. We've tried medication and therapy in the past but it didn't help.

I feel so damn hopeless. I'm supposed to be able to help her. I'm her twin. We've been together since day one. It makes me angry that she does this.

I slide down the wall and cry.

I don't know how long I was there for.

Then the next thing I know is I'm being pulled up.

"Come here buddy." It was Jeremiah.
I just cried in his shoulder.

"She's out if you want to see her."
I nodded my head yes.

We walked back inside where the others were. They gave us passes to go to her recovery room.

We walked up a few stairs and down a hall to get to room A-325





I'm the first to see her.

She was on the bed with a cannula helping her breathe. She had a few IVs in but her skin didn't look normal. It was pale making her look grey.

I sat in the chair next to her bed. I just sat their holding her hand while the others came in.

"Can I be alone with her for a little while?" I ask them. They all leave the room.

"Kia, come one wake up. Wake up, come on." I shook her. She stirred and whined. "Kia, it's me." I said quietly.

"Hmm." I shook her again and she started to open her eyes.

"Welcome back!" I said as my voice cracked. She let her eyes get used to the lights. "W-What happened?" She said barely audible. "You got drunk and you hit your head."

It took a second for everything to register and by the look in her eyes you could tell she remembers.

She started mumbling no over and over again.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me, I would never do that to myself. And Jason is- Oh my god. Oh god he's gonna hate me. Shit I'm in so much trouble, why would I say those things. What's wrong with me- He's gonna hate me. And I didn't apologize to Logan. Damn it! Damnit damnit damnit DAMNIT!" She yelled

"Shh shh, it's ok. Your ok. Everything's gonna be okay. Just calm down. Everything's gonna be ok." I told her as I pulled her into a hug. She just started to sob into my chest.

The boys came in with cautious looks. They heard her scream. They looked at me and I shook my head.

"Hey, do you wanna talk to Jason?"
She whimpered, "He hates me."

"No. I don't." He spoke out.

She moved her head so she could see him. "You don't? Hate me?" He came over to the bed. "I could never hate you. I'm mad and disappointed, but I'll never hate you though." "I'm sorry. For everything. Sorry for beating you up Logan. Sorry for yelling at you jace and getting drunk and running away. I'm just sorry." She let out. "We forgive you. We all make mistakes." She nods. "I need to go to the bathroom." I help her out the bed and roll her IV.

I close the door behind her.

"I'm going to check when she be released. Logan and Hayden go home and Kai stay with her."Jason says and Jeremiah goes with him.

While everyone's gone, I hear gagging. I rush to the bathroom and find find Kia throwing up. I kneels next to her and hold her hair up and rub her back. "Let it out. Just let it out."


She was over the toilet for almost a hour. Now she was dry heaving. "It hurts." "I'm going to get a doctor. Ok?" "Mhm." I left the room and found a nurse. "Excuse me, my sister is throwing up and she said it hurts." "Ok. I'll be there in a second." I went back to the bathroom.

What is saw scared me. She was throwing up blood.

"HELP! THERES BLOOD!" I yelled sticking my head out the door. A bunch of people came running in to help her. I just stayed in the back and watched all this happen. "It looks like a esophageal tear, get her into OR 1, prep for a emergency esophageal repair!" Someone yelled.

I went to tell the other two.

They rushed over to me when they saw my face. "She started throwing up blood. They took her into surgery. It all happened so fast!"

They calmed me down. "Jere, take him home. I'll stay with her." Jason said. I was to tired to care.

I just wanna go to sleep. I'm so damn tired.



My head is pounding.

My eyes burn as they try to adjust the light.

My throat hurts. Really bad. I try to make noise but it comes out distorted.

I look around to see I'm in the hospital. Oh yea, I got drunk and ended up here. Then I threw up blood and now I'm here. I felt something heavy on my arm.

I look down and Jason is sleeping. I shake my arm to wake him up.

I shake it harder and his head pops up in caution. He looks around until his eyes land on me. I see him visibly relax. "How ya feeling?" He asks me. I give him a thumbs up.

"Ready to go home? You've been asleep for three days." My eyes widen at this. I nod yes.

"There's a bag of clothes for you. Go Change and we can leave."

I changed clothes and we left.

"Is Kai ok?" I asked with a scratchy voice. He shakes his head. "He took it hard. He couldn't stand seeing you hurt. It scared him seeing you throw up blood. He hasn't come out his room since we took him home. Maybe you can get him out." The rest of the ride was silent. Soon enough we arrived home. I walked in after Jason and we went to the kitchen.

"Hungry?" I shook my head. "When can I have my phone back?" I asked. "You can have it now, IF you promise to listen from now on. You have to work on you anger and all that."
"Ok then. I'm gonna go see the boys."

I walked up stairs and knocked on Kai's door. "Go away. I don't want to talk." "Not even to me?" I asked. I heard scrambling then the door whipped open and the next thing I know is I'm being pulled into a hug. "Hi there!" "You're ok? You're really ok? I was so worried cause if all the blood and they took you away I'm like a second and I," "Kai I'm ok! Nothing to worry about."

After, we went to my room, watched some movies and cuddled for the rest of the night. "I love you twin." I told him. "I love you too."

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