Chapter 20; date night

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I got to the resurgent and waited on Landon.

I saw him pull up in his car and walk inside. I followed suit and meet him at the desk.

"Hey stranger!" He said as I tapped his shoulder.

A waiter came up and walked us to a table.

"Can I take your drink orders?"

"Um I'll have a pink lemonade and water." I answered. "And I'll take a strawberry daiquiri, no alcohol." "I'll have that right up for you."

"So what's going on in your life?" Landon asked. "I've been focusing on school. A few months ago, I started going through a phase like most teens. But school and work are keeping me busy." He nodded. "I wish I went to school with you. It would make things easier." "I know. So what are you looking to eat?" "I'm thinking teriyaki chicken and stir fry. You?" "I think I'm gonna stuck with sushi. Do you eat fish?" "Not often."

We waited in a comfortable silence till the waiter came back then we ordered our food.

"So basketball season starts soon, are you trying out this year?" "I think so. I don't get along best with some of the guys who play. Boys at Kingston are cocky. I don't really like The Who private school scene. You used to play to right?" I laughed lightly. "I did. I played volleyball for the most part but I missed the season this year." "You should tryout for the team at your school. Our schools are in the same conference so the both boys and girls play same nights. I'll get to see you more!" "I'll think about it. It's been years, I'm a little rusty."

"I'll help you practice. You can come over tomorrow after school, around 4:00 sound good?" "I think so. We. An go to work at 6:00 after." "Sounds like a plan!" He said excited for tomorrow.

The people came out with our food. While we ate, we talked and asked more questions to get to know each other better.

While I drove to my designated parking spot, all I could think about was how I felt about Landon. I felt like I knew him for forever. I don't want to seem like love at first sight, no we just connected on a level I couldn't explain. Even if we didn't make it out romantically, we would always be something to each other.


Kia is amazing. That's all that was going through my mind.

Her smile lights up a room when she walks in.

Her eyes held a depth I don't see often. There's so much behind them.

Her words are always just right.

She's also so in control of herself. I see how she wants to snap or break when she's dealing with something. I've only known her for 2 weeks but I just know we'll be acquainted for a long, long time.

I was really excited about basketball tomorrow.


I heard her. I wasn't asleep when she came in my room and talked. I wanted nothing more then to pull her into a hug and never let her go. But like she said, she needed time. And I was going to give it to her.

The boys can say whatever they want and do whatever to try to get her back but I'll respect her wishes.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I want my twin back but I can't have you back right now. I can't take your help until I've helped myself and it's hard to accept that myself. No matter what you may think of me now, know that I love you so so much. And I love the others to. I'll be back. Don't know when but I will be. I love you Kai-Monroe. I'll be ok. I promise I'll be ok. I'll be ok."

I'll give her the space she wants. I'll leave a note in her locked saying I understand.

She's smart, she'll be ok.

Thanks for reading! Short chapter today. Might post tonight

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