Chapter 14; broken trust

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The next day


I woke up a few hours ago resting. Yesterday wore me out.

I remembered I had to call Maya.

"Hey girlie! You feeling better?" "I am. Your in New York again?" "Yea." "Why Maya? I haven't seen you in person since I stayed with you." "Promise you won't get mad?" "We will see." "Well.... remember that internship I applied for last spring? For art and design?" "YOU GOT IN!! CONGRATULATIONS. OMG THATS AMAZING!" She laughed. "I was worried to tell you." "Why though? Remember we always have to be happy for our best friends accomplishments." "I know! It was silly." "Maya, that's truly amazing. I'm so happy for you." "Thanks KiKi. I'll be back after in two weeks. Then they'll be able to move it back to Florida." "Ok. We'll get back to work, love you. Talk later?" "Of course. Love you too, bye!"

Maya was really into interior design. I understood why she left.

After watching some Netflix I got hi very so I post mates some Chinese food.

After a quiet day, everyone came home.

In two weeks I could go back to school with limitations.

Two weeks later...

I wasn't that excited to go to school. I'm only going to see Maya since she's back. I wasn't feeling that great. I had a feeling something was gloving to happen today.

I'm not feeling many Pains now. I can walk normally now.

Kai drove me to school and we went to class.

Math was fine.

When I got to history, I sat in my seat and waited for everyone. I was doodling when arms wrapped around me. Riley. "Morning baby." I made a noise letting him know I heard it. "Where's Maya?" "Right here bitch." She said plopping in the chair next to me. "I feel like shit." "Same." "There were drunks in front of me on the plane. I got no sleep." Riley frowned at me when he felt my forehead. "You feel hot baby, are you sure your feeling ok?" I nodded. "Yea. I can't miss anymore school. Even if it's excused." "Tell one of your brothers just in case." I groaned and texted Kai. He said to call Jason if it got worse.

Class went by just as the rest of the day. The boys had sports so I had to wait with them.

Logan has soccer, Hayden has football and Kai has baseball. I played on the varsity Volleyball team which is in the spring and basketball in a December. One more month.

I played games on my phone for a hour till it died. I had a 6s with a battery life of 49. They did hand me downs with phones. They were always jacked up by the time I got them.

They were finally done at 6. We all drove home. Hayden and Logan had nervous looks on their faces in the car. Kai drove by himself, he looked irritated.

When we got to the house, there was an extra car in the driveway. Weird.

All I wanted to do was go to sleep.

"Listen Kia, when you go inside, whatever you do, don't get mad. Please just this once." I looked at them and as I entered the house, i heard yelling and laughing in the living room. I suspected it to be on of their friends but instead it was the people I hated most.

My fucking cousins.

"Why in the hell are they here?" I said with so much venom in my voice. All the noise died down as Jason and Jere came up to me. I backed up before I let them touch me.

"We can explain," "Oh yes! Please explain to me why you let these fucking assholes in our home. Cause I'm 100% sure that there is still a active restraining order on two them. And a life time aid hate on them all so please explain why they are in my fucking house!" I said trying to stay calm.

Let me rewind a second. Our dad has a brother with 4 kids. Ashton 20, Ashley 20, Kade 17, and Pierce 18 .

Two years ago at the family Christmas party. Ashton and Pierce thought it was a fantastic idea to lock me and Kai in the hall closet for the night. Kai is very Claustrophobic. He doesn't like people other then me touching him, I still have to ask before I do.

Kai ended up having a panic/anxiety attack. We were locked in that closed for 6 hours before our mom found us.

Kai had to stay in a facility for a month and I was put in therapy. They both got charged with Harassment. The restraining order lasts 5 years. They have to be 500 feet away from us at all time. You might be wondering why we hate the other two. Well they knew about the their brothers little plan and didn't stop it.

That's what happened.

Before I let them start 'explaining' , "You have Five minutes to get them out before I call the police. I'm not bluffing." I said before going to my room. I put my stuff down and went to check on Kai. "Are you ok?" I poked my head through his door. "I will be. I need to be alone right now." I didn't say anything else before leaving.

I didn't like them in general. They always made fun of us for being the youngest.

I needed to talk to someone.

And that someone was my mom.

Sorry for the long wait!
Hope you liked it.

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