Chapter 3

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"Are you...WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!!" Kai said rushing over to me.

I ignored him and glared at Jason. "THIS IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT!
IF YOU HAD JUST DRIVEN ME HOME, I WOULDN'T HAVE TO RIDE THE BUS CAUSING ME TO GET PUNCHED IN THE FACE!" I screamed at him. I was fuming. My outburst startled them.

"You need to calm down." Jason said.
"Me? Calm down? I think the hell not! You don't get to tell me what to do anymore!" I yelled. "You need to calm the fuck down, Kia-Marie."
"Did you not hear me? I said , NO!"

"Ok then, Ms.Independent. I won't tell you what to do anymore. But that means you can leave. Go find somewhere else to stay. No phone and no car. Sure you don't want to listen?"

"Yes. Yes I am."

"Ok then. Get out." I scoffed and left.

My other brothers ran after me and tried to stop me but failed.


I walked to Maya's house. The key was under the doormat.

I walked in and went to Maya's room. I watched tv for a while but got bored.

I wanted to do something. I felt like taking a risk. Hell I've been doing that all day.

I went to the dining room where her parents liquor cabinet is.

I pulled out some bottles not knowing what they were and started to drink.

It's not the first time i've had alcohol.

I kind of liked the way it burned my throat. I downed the first bottle in no time. Then the second. And now I was on my third.

I was bored again.

I took the bottle I had and walked out not bothering to put shoes on and lock the door.

I just wonder the streets. I don't really know what time it is but it's dark outside.

I just continued to walk my drunk ass around. I finished the bottle and tossed it aside.

By now I could  barely see where I was going.

I just laughed to myself skipping around who knows where.

I just walked in circles not realizing the cops showed up.

But then it all went black.


When she left I went to my room and cried. I don't understand why she gets so mad. I just wish she'd talk to me sometimes.

I needed to talk to someone.

So I called our brother Jeremiah. He was at a conference and would be back this weekend but he needed to come home.

I called him.

"Hey Kai, now isn't," "You need to come home." I said with a trembly voice. "What wrong kid?" He asked with worry. "Um, Kia had a outburst and decided to leave the house. She doesn't have her phone or her wallet and I don't know where she is. Jason's pissed off and Logan and Hayden don't know what to do. It's a mess. Its all a mess and I feel like she's gonna do something stupid. Really stupid just come home. Please come home." I scrambled out. "Kai, I'll be home in a few hours. Just stay at the house. Ok?" "Yea Yea Just Get here."

I hung up and laid down. There's this feeling in my chest that somethings wrong.


That girl needs to learn. She'll be back later tonight. She knows she can't stay away.


It's been like five hours. She hasn't come back. I started to get worried. Yes she has left the house without us knowing where she went but always came back.

While I waited I got a call.

"Captain, we have a unidentified female drunk at 6th and Harlow. We got a call and your the only supervisor on call. We will meet you at the scene."

"Yea I'll be there in 5."

I arrived a few minutes later.

"Captain, she's over here. She's calling out incoherent words." "Proceed with caution." I told them.

We had the block blocked off.

"Ma'am, please put your hands where I can see them." I told her.

She just kept giggling. I know that laugh.

"Turn around now." I told the person.

They didn't listen. I walked slowly in front the person and something within me went off as it clicked to who it was.

"Stand down. I know exactly who this is." They stood down in approached my sister. "Kia." I said she didn't acknowledge me. "Kia-Marie?" I said to her again. Nothing. I shook her shoulders. "Look at me." I moved the hair out her face. Still nothing.

But before I called her again, her eyes rolled back and she fell. She hit the ground before I could catch her.

I panicked.

"Someone call a ambulance now!" I yelled at the other officers. "Wake up Kia, wake up." I shook her. She didn't respond. I checked for a pulse. It was faint but there.

I kept trying to wake her up but it didn't work.

Finally after what felt like forever, the ambulance arrived.

"Maxwell, your in charge until Harper is back. I'm gonna need a few days. I told him.

They loaded Kia in the ambulance.

I made the decision to pick the boys up before going to the hospital.

I rushed into the house. "BOYS. ALL OF YOU IN THE CAR NOW!" I yelled. A few seconds later,they were downstairs.

" Car now. We need to go!"

When we got in the car, I was ambushed with questions.

"What's the rush?"
"Where are we going?"
"What's wrong?"
"What's happening?"

"It's Kia." They all went silent. "What about Kia. Where is she? Is she ok?"
"I'm..... I'm not sure. They think she was drunk. But she passed out in the street and hit her head. They took her to the hospital. I don't know anything."

It was quiet. I heard a few choked sobs coming from Kai.

We got to the hospital and walked in.

I went to a nurses station.

"Can I get a update on Kia-Marie Foster. She came via ambulance a little while ago." The nurse barely spared me glance. "Sorry. We only release patient info to family, not boyfriends. Please wait in the waiting room." I cleared my throat. "Ma'am. I'm her brother and legal guardian. I won't ask again." She finally looked at me. "My apologies....right now it looks like she is having her stomach pumped for severe alcohol poisoning and is set for a MRI after to rule out anything other then a mild concussion. If you will please fill out these forms and can you tell me why she has a black eye?"

"She said she got punched on the bus but took off before she said anything else." "Thank you. I'll let you know when we know more."

I muttered a thanks and went to the boys.

"Severe alcohol positing and a mild concussion."

Kai got up and left. As Hayden went after him I stopped him. " Let him go. He's gonna take this harder then the rest of us."

While we waited I got another call.

"Hello?" "Hey. Where is everyone? Kai called me and told me that Kia ran off earlier." "Jeremiah, come to the hospital. I'll explain everything when you get here." I hung up.

Damn it Kia  

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