Chapter 24; forgivness

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"Go over it again. I need to hear it again." "We got a call around 2:50 this morning reporting a robbery. We got there and she was sitting, shaking on the curb with a bag. She wouldn't let that thing go. The car was wrecked, broken windows and dented doors. It was emptied out. I asked her some
questions but only got brief answers. We got her phone and you were the emergency contact. The EMT said she had a concussion and adrenaline rush. There were also signs of abuse on her left cheek and bruises on her side from where she hit the ground. When she wakes up, she'll feel like a bus hit her. We found the license plate of the truck on camera and tracked their location. They'll be behind bars within the hour." "Thanks." I heard people talking. I opened my eyes and saw I was in the hospital again.

I sat up slowly and stretched my neck.

I got up and slowly walked to the bathroom. After relieving myself I walked back into the room to see, you guessed it, Jason Foster.

"Hey," he started. "Stop. I don't want to hear it. If your going to take me home with you, that's fine but I don't want to talk. You made it very clear is to how you feel about me, last night."

"Then get dressed. I signed your release papers. I'll be waiting in the hall."

I nodded and changed into my clothes. I got my bag and walked out, passed him.

We got to the car and I sat in the back, away from him.


Once we got home, I got out the car and went up to my room. It was the same as I left it. I went to the linen closet in the hall and got some spare sheets and blankets. I put them on the bed then laid down. I was tired.

After a three hour nap, I went downstairs to get some food. When I checked the pantry, there was a bunch of junk that I didn't like. The boys liked their weird flavored stuff. I liked basic things like pop tarts and new chips.

I had no car, so I was going to have to ask to use the van. I don't want to use anyone else's car.

I went back upstairs to Jason's office. I stood by the door and asked. "Can I take the van to get food?" "We have food in the kitchen." " I don't eat dill pickle Pringle's or peanut butter wheat cracker. I'll be gone less then a hour." "Yea. Dinners at 6:00. Your grocery money is still in your envelope. It's been piling up." "Thanks."


I may have been a tad bit dishonest about where I was going. I wasn't the person you could count on to check in.

I hadn't gone to work in a few days so I had to work at least one shift today. It was only 2:00 so I had around 3 and a half hours to get everything done. I got to the mall and clocked in. I caught Landon right before he left. We would go out after the next game.

I worked until 5:00, giving me a hour until I had to be home. I went to a few stores just to get me some clothes for a few days. Most of them had been held as evidence by the police. I would get them back eventually, but I wouldn't count on it so soon. It was almost 5:30, which gave me just enough time to get to the grocery store. But lucky me got stuck in traffic.

I got to the grocery store at 6:24. I didn't even think of telling anyone I would be late. I got all my stuff and made it home at 7:03.

I walked into the house to be met with four angry faces. Where's Kai? I sighed. "Spare me the lecture, I can explain. Just give me a minute."

I put all my stuff away and went back to the living room. "Look, I had to work and pick up some clothes. I didn't have any. I got stuck in traffic and it threw me off. I'm sorry, ok?"

They all stayed quiet. "What more do you want me to say? I've been on my own schedule, give me time to readjust to living with people again." I went upstairs and just went to bed.

I didn't want to deal with any of this.

I gave you all a triple update. I'll post again sometime next week. Thanks for 15k reads. I really don't know why this book is so popular but thank you. Keep up the hype...


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