Chapter 22; game day

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Coach took me home with her and we got me cleaned up.

We talked until midnight and we went to bed. I fell asleep almost instantly.

She woke me up in the morning and I got ready for school.

The day went by like a daze. All my classes were fine. Tryouts were fine.

I stayed with Coach Mendes another night, and then for the rest of the week.

These last few days gave me a lot of time to think. I made the basketball team. Me and Landon got ice cream to celebrate.

Right now at this point and time, I feel  stuck. Things aren't going horrible, but they aren't great either. I really want things back to how they were. I want my brothers back. I want to erase everything that happened, but I know that'll never happen.

It's now been a month since I found that note in my locker.

Honestly, I'm not doing ok. At all. I'm so fucking paranoid. It's like the littlest thing will make me snap or breakdown into a panic attack. I'm also tired. I'm getting plenty of sleep but I'm tired. I just want to go home. I really want to go home.


Its February 20th. I'm officially one month sober.

The first game of the season is tonight. I think I'm ready. I'm one of the starting five.

The only thing I'm worried about, is my brothers. Hayden's on boys varsity. Boys varsity tryouts were separate from the other three teams.

All five of them would be there. I did not bother telling anyone I made the team. I didn't think they would care.

School is over. The game starts at 4:00. It's 2:45 now.

Jace, Carrie, Kade, Jay and Jade all made the team. We had become good friends over the preseason. They all knew my situation. We all hung out in the gym until it was time for the first games to start.

We did our good luck chant and got ready.

"Hey, you alright? You seemed kinda off today." Jade sat down next me. "I'm ok. They'll all be here tonight. I'm  trying to prepare myself." "You will be fine. The whole team has your back. Just take some deep breathes." She helped me while I came down from a potential anxiety attack. "You are the best player we have. You're going to do great. Just focus on the game."

I nodded as we got to the sidelines.

The gym was packed.

Coach D gave us a pep talk.

"Ladies, huddle up! I know I've been tough on you these past few weeks, but all that work has led up to this first game. I don't want you play for me or people in the stands. You play for you. Do your best! Ball on three, 1...2... BALL! Now get in line for role!"

We all lined up at the top of the court waiting for the announcer to call out names and numbers.

"Welcome family and friends! Tonight is the first game for Men and Women's Basketball teams. Starting us of, Our Lady Bulls. With Coaches Laura Daniels and Charlie Mendes. And our players,

Chasity Clark, #4

Rachel Baxter, #7

Kara Bailey, #11

Marty Clark, #13

Gwen Johnston, #16

Jade Mendoza, #17

Clarissa Gold, #19

Penelope Dawn, #21

Noel Roberts, #28

Oakley Ashmore, #33

Eden Willams, #46

Charlotte Parks, #50

Ocean Hastings, #52

Sarah Demi, #57

Christian Opal, #63

And now our Women's Varsity Captain and Voted this years MVP, at number 70,

Kia-Marie Foster!"

I stepped forward as my name was called.

We walked back to our he sidelines and the starting five went to the center court for fifth quarter.

Carrie is 5'10 so she did the toss. The ball went to them. We ran down the court while they passed the ball around. We played good defense and got the rebound. Eden passed the ball to me. I got around the girl on me and made a three pointer.

The first half went well. We were up 16, 48 to 32.

I was starting to get worn out as I had been in the hole game up to this point. I signaled coach I needed to be subbed out.

They put Chris in.

I sat down, drank some water and wiped the sweat off me with a towel.

I re did my ponytail and watched the game. I occasionally looked around the gym, watching out for any of my brothers.

After a three minute break, they put me back in.

The team we played was good, but we were better. I kept getting shots in, but they were playing one on one. This one girl wouldn't get off me.

I had the ball and was standing a few feet away from half court. I had two people on me. I couldn't pass the ball without it getting intercepted.

I didn't like being a show off, but I had to improvise. So I dribbled the ball between one of the girls leg and picked it back up as I drove in for a layup. I made it.

They game continued. With six minutes left in the clock, we were doing good. I had scored 62 points, putting us well ahead.

I had the ball again and looked for someone open, but I had gotten the feeling of someone with their eyes on me. For one second I took my attention away from the ball and looked ahead. There stood my family. I watching me play ball. When I zoned back in, I crossed up the person and shot the ball.

I looked back at my family with the numb expression I had on my face all day, before running down the court.


The game buzzer went off as I made the ending shot. We won 103 to 77. This was a good game.

I kept glancing at them no matter how much I didn't want to. I wanted to face them but something inside me stopped that.

All of us girls went to the locker room and played around for a while until we had to let the traveling boys team have it.

We were walking to the bleachers to watch the boys game until I spotted a familiar face. "Save me a seat, I'll meet you in there." I told them.

I ran up and hugged who I spotted. He hugged me back and I pecked him on the lips. "Well hello there!" Landon said. "You did amazing out there!" "Thank you." I had explained to him what was going on with me. Be understood. We weren't official but were at the same time. "Good luck out there. I have to get back to my team. Call me later." He kissed me again, longer this time. I pulled away and smiled at him. He kissed my forehead and went to the locker room.

I stood there for a second with a bright smile on my face before going back into the gym.

I got compliments on my playing all through the night.

The team went out for pizza and we all had a good time.

I actually enjoyed myself for the first time in a long while.

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