Chapter 8

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It's been two weeks since I've left home. Honestly life's been great. I've been staying in a small motel in ^^^^, which is all the way across the state. Maya's been sending me my schoolwork so that's caught up and got my job at target transferred to this location. My phone has been blowing up since I left. Well that's no surprise.

I know I promised Kai I would answer but I don't know what to say. Do I apologize or do I explain or do not say anything?

I've been talking with Riley and he's been giving me updates on my brothers. From what he's told me, they've all gone downhill. Logan has been getting into fights and that got him suspended from school and the soccer team, Hayden went back to his old ways of screwing a new girl every night, and Jason got demoted for cussing out his commanding officer. Jeremiah hasn't been going to work since he's trying to keep the house together.

So I decided to call Kai.

"Hello?" I ask, "Kiki?" "You didn't forget me already huh?" "Wha-wha," "Are you alone?" I heard shuffling. "I am now." "Well hi." "Please tell me something. Anything." "Honestly, I don't know what to say. I needed time to think and now I'm done." "So will you come home now?" "Kai, life is amazing right now. I'm happy. This is the independence I've been craving for so long. I don't want to give that up." "You need to come back. It's so bad. The boys are going out of control. If Jason doesn't stop, he's going to lose his job, Logan is going to get himself expelled, and I'm tired of hearing Hayden every night. Jere is going to go insane. Kia I, I can't deal with this alone."

I sighed.

"Kai, I want to come home so bad," my voice cracked. " But I will not give up the independence that I found out here!" "I'm not asking you to, you just need to help them. Help me! Kia please." "Kai, I," "Please?"

I stayed silent.


"Ok? Ok you'll come or ok..." "I'll see you at school tomorrow ok?" "Yes. Yea, absolutely." "Bye twin!" "Bye Kai." I hung up.

Damn it.

The next day

Last night, I drove to Maya's house and stayed the night.

"Wake up! Wake up!" I heard. "Let me sleep." I croaked out. "It's time for school girlie."

I turned over to see Maya.

"Fine." I got up and got dressed in a white cropped hoodie and white jeans. Then we headed downstairs for breakfast. "Morning Ms.Kris." I said to her mom. "Hurry up and eat so you won't be late." She told us.

We ate our food then I drove us to school. "Are you ready?" Maya asked me. "No. Not really. But I have to. The house is falling apart because of me and I have to do something about it wether I want to or not." We pulled up soon after and got out the car. I prolonged my walk inside.

I decided to stop by Riley's locker first. I put my hands over his eyes and said, "Guess who?" And in less then a second, I was in the air. "Hi baby." He said kissing my head. "Walk with me?" "Of course." We walked to my locker and I put my hood up. They were all there. Kai was the first to spot me and he discreetly walked over. He immediately pulled me into a hug and I returned it. "Hi." He said quietly. We pulled apart. I got my books out and walked over to Hayden who had a girl  pressed up against his locker. I tapped his shoulder. "Wait your turn cupcake." He said. I tapped it again. "I said wait." He responded. Then I smacked his HARD upside the head. "Who the hell do you think you are?!" He yelled turning around to see who hit him. He froze when he spotted me. I gave him a sarcastic smile. He was frozen not saying a word. I couldn't explain the amount of shock on his face. Then Logan came up. "Why did you hit my brother?" He said shoving me to the wall, still not knowing who I am. I didn't say anything. Geez he is so stupid. "I asked you a question whore, who are you and why did you hit my brother? Are you deaf or a idiot?" He asked. I continued to look at him but he didn't realize it was me.
Then he punched me in the face.

I spit out the blood that built up in my mouth on the floor, then pulled my hood off. Everyone went silent.

I pulled my head up slowly and said. "Do you want me to beat you again or no? Cause we can go right here, right now." I said looking him in the eyes. He stood before me in shock. "What? No, ho- I?" He mumbled to himself.

Hayden shoved Logan out the way and stood in front of me and grabbed my shoulders. "What the hell is wrong with you? We were so worried, we had no fucking idea where you were. You were just gone. Why did you do that? Why did you do that? You little shit, don't do that to me again." He blurted our squeezing me in a bear hug. I returned the hug. "Yea yea." I said. When I pulled away, he was crying. Then I looked at Logan. "I'm sorry." He whispered hugging me. "I know." I whispered back.

I stepped back so could see them all. "We'll talk at home." I said giving them a small smile. I then grabbed Kai's arm and looped it with mine. And walked to class. Riley followed behind.

I went through all my classes and caught up with my other friends. When school was over, I drove Maya home and went home.

I took a deep breathe. I can do this. I can do this. I'm ready. I saw Jere's car  the driveway. He was home. The others would be back after sports and detention.

I walked in with my bags and put them down. "Why are you home early? Basketball doesn't end until 5:00." He said out loud. "Well girls season doesn't start until December." I said walking into the living room where he was watching tv. He looked confused when he heard my voice.

I sat down next to him. He looked to his left and sighed. "Thank god." He said. "Oh thank god your back!" He said laying his head in my lap. "You look like shit." "Shut up." He said. "Where's Jason?" I asked. "He should be home by now." "Maybe at a bar. Or at work trying to get his position back. Who knows?" "I want to say sorry for leaving you here to clean up my mess." I put out there. "Don't be sorry. I would've done the same thing." "Ok go to bed. Your going to work tomorrow." "Mhm." He said drifting to sleep. I gently placed a pillow where I sat and let him rest. I walked upstairs and put my things away. I decided to go to Riley's since the boys won't be back for a while.

Half a hour later

I drove over and walked in. I had a key. I went to his room and he was reading. "What's up?" I said laying on his beanbag. "Just reading the book for lit." "I'm bored." "What do you want to do?"

I smirked at him.

"Kiss you?" He looked at me and put the book down. He walked over to me, picked me up and dropped me on his bed and locked the door.

I kicked off my shoes and threw my hoodie on the floor.

He came back over and straddled my waist then whispered in my ear. "You get to make up for leaving me alone for two weeks." "Bring it on!" I whispered back.

Then our lips touched.



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