Chapter 19; what to do now?

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I parked my car at a old gas station a few miles away from the school.

I didn't get much sleep last night.

Today I was going to the mall to get a new phone.

That cost me 2000 dollars for the phone and a years worth of service. More then what I wanted to pay but that's ok.

I got food after and stayed in the car the rest of the day.

I made space in the back to make a makeshift bed. I folded the back seats down to make a flat surface and layered blankets down with some pillows. It wasn't the most comfortable but it worked.

I decided the first step I needed to take was going to school. Students were allowed to use the locker rooms before school hours if they needed.

That's the first step into this.

I decided to skip school today and just think about everything.

The boys just don't understand me anymore. I'm not their baby sister anymore either. I'm sure they think I'm trying to act grown. That's what they always think.

Maya stayed in New York. My friends left me for each other. I was never a prime player to them but oh well.

I spent the rest of the day just going through my head, which is never the best idea as it's the most dangerous place to be.


2 weeks later

I ran out of school to escape the lectures of Hayden and Logan.

I got in my car and drove to work. I got a job at a store in the mall. I even met a guy there. He's...different then what I would usually be drawn to.

His names Landon James.

Tonight we were going on a date. I'm a little cautious because I don't want to be hurt again.

I pulled up to the mall and walked to the store. I clocked in went to work the cash register.

The store was quiet with only a few people.

It stayed quiet until I heard laughing from the back, but I decided to mind my own business. I can't afford to lose this job.

A few minutes later someone came up to the register. "Give one second please..." I told them while I finished moving somethings in the display case. "How," I cut myself of when I saw who was there.

Riley and Chloe.

Of course it had to be them, out of all people on earth.

I sighed. "Did you find everything ok today?" I asked as professionally as I could.  "It was fine, thank you very much."

Damn Chloe, I never did anything to you. "Um, your total today is 267.34, Cash or card?"

"Cash or card babe?" She asked Riley. Did she really expect him to pay this much? Did she not know that Riley doesn't come from a family that has financial issues?

"Um, Chloe, can you maybe put some stuff back? This is a little more then what I had planned on spending." "Babe? I already put stuff back. It's only 268 dollars. It's not the much." "Chloe I,"

I cut them off, "If you could talk about this elsewhere, that would be appreciated, your holding up the line. I can put these items on hold for you if you can't pay at this time." "Shut up Kia, this isn't your problem." Chloe spat. "Ma'am. I'm going to have to ask you respectfully to step aside. You are holding me from helping other customers. Like I said before, I can put these items on hold for you if you'd like but please step out of line."

"I don't need you to tell me what to do. This is my boyfriend, now can I speak to a manager?"

I took a deep breath. "Riley, if you and your girlfriend don't get out of line, store policy tells me I have to call security." He looked at me with sorrow filled eyes. Something tells me things aren't as they seem. "Sorry for the the inconvenience, we'll go." "No Riley, I want those clothes! I want to speak with a,"

"I'm sorry is there a problem here?" Landon says saving the day. "They're not paying and she's refusing to leave. I was about to call security." "Are you going to pay for the clothes? If not then leave the store, please." "Chloe let's go! Well come back another day."

She shrugged him off and stomped out the store like a toddler.

I stopped Riley before he followed her. "Hey Riley, I-I'm here if you need to talk. Here's my number, just in case." I said writing it on a sticky note. He gave me a small smile and left. Then I turned to Landon. "You Mr. James are a life saver." I said giving him a side hug. "No problem. Now let's go get some food. I was thinking sushi?"

"That sounds good. I'll meet you in 2 hours. My shift ends soon. I'll see you then." He said.

I clocked out and left. I changed clothes in the car and drove to the restaurant.

Short chapter today. Thxs

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