Chapter 23; please...

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It's March 1st. My birthday.

I really want to be alone today. This will be the 1st birthday without Kai. When I look at it, it seems like a big joke. I'm not gonna get woken up with hugs and kisses from my brothers. I won't get my favorite breakfast. I won't get to match outfits with Kai. I won't get my red velvet cheesecake for dinner. I won't get sung happy birthday. No presents.

I'm crying in my car right now trying to decide if I'm going to sit here and cry for the rest of the day or go to school.

After a few more minutes, I drove to school. I parked and got out the car. I spotted Jade and Jay talking and walked over to them.

"Good morning birthday girl!" Jade said as she hugged me. I hugged back. "Thanks J." "Come it's me. I have a surprise for you!" "Jade," I let out "I wanted a low key day." "Stop whining, you'll like this surprise."

She pulled me to the lockers. When we got close to mine, the whole team was there and some of my other friend. There was a lot of 'shh' or 'she's coming'.

They cleared a path so i could get to my locker.

When it came into my sight, I gasped.

They had decorated it.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" They all said in unison. "Guys..." I was going to cry again. "No no no, don't cry!" Carrie said hugging me. "Happy tears! Promise. Thank you all. This just made my day!"

"Kia, this is a gift from us all. We all know how much of a sneaker head you are, so we got you these as a birthday/thank you gift! We really hope you like them." Jade said handing me a box. "You didn't have to get me a gift! The locker was enough." "Just open it!"

I unwrapped the paper the read the writing on the box. "You guys did not! You didn't get these!" I opened the box and saw the shoe. "I know you didn't get me 200 dollar shoes! Oh my god, thank you thank you thank you!" I said hugging everyone. They got me the Jordan 12 Retros. I ran and put them in my sports locker. That's where I kept my important things.

We all hung out before 1st block started.

I sat down in my seat with a smile on my face.

Math class was fun today. We did relay games the whole time.

Then History class. It was fine.

Before I left the room someone grabbed my wrist. I turned around and saw my twin.

"Can we talk for a minute?" He asked. I was frozen. I took a deep breathe before speaking. "Kai, I love you but I can't right now. Happy birthday." I pulled my wrist back and walked away. I couldn't face him knowing I walked away from him.

The rest of my day was fine. We had practice and coach had cupcakes.

I went to Coach Mendes office to talk. "Hey Kia! What's up." "I think I'm ready to go home." "I'm gonna call Jason tonight and see if he'll talk to me. I just needed to say that out loud."

"Well I think that a great idea. Come see me in the morning and tell me how it goes." "Thanks Coach!" I said walking out.

I walked to my car and dialed his number.

The phone rang a few times before it answered. "Hello?"

"Jason," I started. "Kia? Is that you?" "Yea. Um," I was nervous as hell. "I'm ready to come home. I'm ready to start over." He stayed quiet. "I don't think it's a good idea for you to came back."

My heart dropped at that.

"Wha-what do you mean?" "Kia, I've given you all the time I could give you to come back. I tried to help and you didn't want it. I gave you space, now I need mine. Sorry but the answers no. I hope your doing ok."

"I'm living out of my damn car. Does that sound ok? I'm 17, and I'm living out of my car. And it's my birthday! I just want to come home! Jason please!" I begged. "I can't help you this time. Happy birthday." He hung up.

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't call anyone. I didn't want to dump my problems on them.

I just got in my car and cried.

That's all I did nowadays.

Gosh I'm so pathetic.

I drove to my spot and cried myself to sleep.


I'm woken am up by the sound of glass cracking. I lazily blinked my eyes open. I check my surroundings and see a hand reaching through the window. I jump at this.

"She's awake, grab her!" Someone called out. The door of the car opened and I was tossed onto the ground. "What are you doing? Stop!" I told them. One of them held me down. I couldn't escape his grasp. I sat and watched as they emptied my car and threw all my stuff into a truck. "Stop! Please stop!" They didn't stop. "Shut up brat!" The one restraining me said as he slapped my check.

"Let's go, I don't want to get caught!" The other said. He got off me and then they both drove away.

I sat up and looked throughout my car. They took everything. My clothes, my bedding, everything. The only thing left was my school bag that I had under my seat.

I sat on the curb and with shaking hands, dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My name is Kia-Marie Foster, and I've just been robbed. My car, they emptied it."

"Where are you ma'am?"

"I'm on the corner of 5th, two blocks away from the high school."

"Are you injured?"

"They threw me on the ground, I might've hit my head, and they slapped me."

"Please stay calm. Reinforcements are on their way."

I just sat there trying to calm down. Everything in the car is my life. They just took it all away. My wallet and other valuables are in my locker at school but everything else was important to.

Soon enough, a few cop cars and a ambulance got to me. A few people walked over to me. "Miss Foster?" "Hmm, yea that's me."

"I'm Lieutenant Brady. You said your car was robbed? Can you tell me what happened?"

"They broke a window and threw me out. It all happened so fast. They took everything. It's all gone."

"Sweetie, can I walk you to the ambulance to get checked out?" I nodded slowly. I stood up and walked over to the ambulance. I sat down and they checked me out.

"She has a mild concussion, and is in a state of shock. I want the hospital to observe her, she's having a adrenaline rush, she can't feel what's happening to her." The paramedic said.

That was probably true. I was numb.

"Is there anyone we can call? Parents, siblings, guardian?" The paramedic asked. I nodded. "In my contacts, passwords 223456." I handed them my phone.

"Hey Brady, isn't there a Captain Jason Foster?" "Yea why?" "That's the name of her emergency contact." "This might be his little sister, but why  is she living out of her car?" 

"Kia, is Jason your brother?"

I nodded. "Let's get her to the hospital. She needs rest. I'll get in contact with him."

They took me to the hospital and admitted me for overnight observation.

It all seemed surreal. I didn't want to believe that all happened.

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