Chapter 18; ...

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School starts back today. Kia gets dropped off by her mom at 7:30, a few minutes before first period starts.

Today she wore a black windbreaker and grey t-shirt with ripped black jeans and a random pair of vans. She had her hair up in a bun, and had no makeup on not caring what she looked like. She went to her locker to see all her brothers waiting for her.

Ignoring all they had to say, she got her stuff and went to class.

Throughout her first few classes, she didn't really pay much attention. When lunch rolled around, she went to the roof to smoke.

She lost track of time and realized when she looked at her phone. She had missed 3 classes. Oh well.

The last period was halfway through. She walked into the gym and saw everyone doing stuff in groups. It took her a few seconds to long to see what they were doing.

Self defense, which the one and only officer Jason Foster did every six months at the school.

Before it could really click, she was being pulled away.

"Get the hell of me, you ass!" She said to the person. "Stop struggling now!" A deep voice told her. She just rolled her eyes not caring what her eldest brother had in store for her.

He walked her into the hallways away from everyone.

"What the hell is your problem? I got called today for you skipping class, care to explain?"

"Nope, I'm good."

"I'm not fucking joking around with you- WHY DO YOU SMELL LIKE SMOKE?"

"Maybe because I was smoking?" Yea that sounds about right." She replied. "You think that's funny? You know smoking is the biggest no in the book!"

"And? Is it that important? I don't think so. And quite frankly I don't care, like, at all."

"You know what? I'm done. Your moving back in with me and getting you back to what a regular sixteen year old girl should be like. Go wait in the office."

"Good luck trying to get me back to a basic white girl." She said Walking away from him.

But she didn't t wait in the office lime he told her to. I left out a exit door down a random hall and left school.

Kia got to a smoke shop after a 30 minute walk. She walked in and went up to the counter.

"Three packs of Marlboro regular and a pack of tobacco juul pods." She told the worker.

Of course they didn't check ids. As long as they got their money, no one cared.


She threw down two 20's, grabbed her stuff and left. She suffers the small bag in her a hop bag and went to a ABC store.

She got a guy to buy her a few bottles of liquor.

After that, she checked the time and saw it was a little after 7. She decided to go home and my e she wouldn't have to much heat on her when she got home.

It took a 92 minute walk across the 2 different parts of town to get home. It was well after 8 but she couldn't care anymore or less.

She opened the door as she would usually do. She hadn't been here since Christmas a month ago. Then she walked in the house line nothing happened.

She quickly went to her room to escape any of the boys. After locking her door, she saw all the stuff from her moms sitting on the bed.

She changed clothes then went to her bathroom to get clean.

After all that, she hid all her stuff in a secret compartment in the closet so no one would find it.

Next she played in her phone while vaping her juul.

She fell asleep after a while.

But that was real short lived when someone was knocking on her door. It was 10:00 meaning she got like 20 minutes of sleep.

She hid her vape in her bra and opened her door to see all 5 of her brothers standing there.

"Can I help you?" "We need to talk and we're going to do it now." Jason said.


I wasn't going to complain with anyone so I filled them into the living room and sat on the recliner and waited for someone to speak.

"What the hell has happened to you? I would honestly like to know, because two months ago, I had my little sister. I know I fucked up with our cousins and all but cmon, it's been 4 years. Kai got over it so you can to. I know all that happed since summer has been emotionally draining but we've all managed to stay the same. This little girl in front of me isn't who I raised. I didn't give up a normal life just to raise a rebellious teen." I cut him off, "That sounds like a personal problem." "Kia-Marie, look at you! You look like shit! You have purple eye bags and have lost a third of your body weight. We all know your smoking and are pretty sure your drinking. You have a problem and you need to let us help you." Jason said sounding defeated.

"I don't want your help. I don't care that I look like shit. I didn't ask you to drop everything to raise me. Yes I'm drinking and smoking, so what? My body, my choice."

"Kia, please let us help you. I want my twin back." Kai said with a small voice. It took a lot for me not to let him affect me. "Sorry Kai, but I don't."

" Then get out. You can leave. Go pack your shit and go. If you won't accept the help, then we won't push. Give me your phone then leave. Obviously you don't care. I'm done with whatever you have going gone. I won't tolerate it here. So you can go."

I looked each one of them in the eye giving them my coldest glare. They didn't say anything.

"Ok then." That's all I said.

I walked passed them going upstairs. I went to my room pulling out my bags. I put as many clothes I could in the biggest one and whatever else I'm all the small bags. I was taking my car so I would just toss everything else I needed in it. I cleared out most of my belongings.

I didn't have a job anymore. I have just enough money to where I could get a new phone and a little service for a few weeks from a savings account I put money in. They were going to cut me off and I had to be ok with that.

Before 11:00, I had my car packed up and ready to go.

Before I left, there was one thing I left to do.

I went to Kai's room and saw him asleep.

I walked up to him and sat with him for a minute.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I want my twin back but I can't have you back right now. I can't take your help until I've helped myself and it's hard to accept that myself. No matter what you may think of me now, know that I love you so so much. And I love the others to. I'll be back. Don't know when but I will be. I love you Kai-Monroe. I'll be ok. I promise I'll be ok. I'll be ok."

That last part was me trying to convince myself.

I kissed him on his head.

I left after that with many tears.

Didn't know where but I did.


How'd you like the chapter? Little plot twist there huh? I'll be posting a lot this week. Thanks for reading!

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