Chapter 2

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It was the school slut Jane and all her little petty minions.

"Um your in my seat. Get up bitch."

I looked at her trying not to laugh. "Says who?" " I did." "Couldn't possibly be you cause you have no authority." I say still trying not to laugh. " Get you fat ass up!" "At least fat can be slim down. Ugly can't be fixed." Other kids on bus said ohhh.

"It can with makeup, something you clearly need." "Sorry," I said looking at her face. "Couldn't tell!" Everyone started to laugh. "There are literally like seven other seats you can sit in so go sit."I told her off. She stomped her foot and walked away. I just held a smirk on my face.

The ride was only twenty minutes long. We arrived to the school and I waited for the others to get off then I did last.

I walked to the lockers. They were done in alphabetical order so I was next to my brothers.

I grabbed my books and walked to first block.

I had math first. I was in a early college program so I finish high school math this year and start college courses next year.

I sat down and waited for class to begin. Nothing special happened.

Next I went to my favorite class of the day, World history. I had it with Riley,Kai,Chloe, Kayleigh,Carson,Jacob, and Maya.

We all sat in one row.

"So class today we will be doing your semester test grade project. You will pick a decade and create a presentation on events during that decade. You will work in rows. You have one month. This will account for 45% of your final grade. Good luck. Also, tomorrow is career day. Each block will be spent with a person from our community."

We all looked at each other with mischievous smirks. "So I say we do three different decades. For extra credit then we can do a basic presentation with posters, a slide show/power point, and a play!"

We all agreed

Kayleigh put out. She was the overachiever. "Cool. Let's do three groups. Riley, Kia, and Jacob. Kai, Chloe and me. Then Maya and Carson!" The last two blushed. They have a undeniable chemistry.

We spent the rest of class preparing.

"Guys. I'm going to New York for the rest of the week. I'll see you on Monday." Maya said. We all gave hugs and she went home.

Next was lunch. I didn't like lunch. Neither did Kai. Both Hayden and Logan had second lunch with us.

Their so damn annoying.

We went to our table and ate in peace until the boys and their friends showed up. "What's up kiddos?" Hayden asked us. "Can you please leave us alone?" I asked him. He shook his mop of a head. I didn't have my phone and I couldn't talk to my boyfriend with the upperclassmen here. So I ate then ditched the rest to go to Language arts.

After that class, the rest of us have gym. I don't like gym. But I had to take it so I could play volleyball.

I dressed out and sat in the gym.

Kai has gym with me. Oh I was going to hate when block schedules changed.

"Ok class today we have a special guest that will be teaching you some self defense moves. Please Welcome Captain Jason Foster of costal city police department." Our gym teacher, Coach Myers said.

I paled and looked at Kai, he had the same look on his face. He never said anything about coming to our school
" Dude I'm screwed. He grounded me last night and I almost got in trouble for trying to drive to school today!" I whisper yelled to Kai. "Dude, he grounded me too! He said I withheld information when he questioned us. I didn't want to rat you and Riley out. That would end us all and,"

"Kia and Kai, do you have something to share with the class?" "Nope. We're good Jason." "It's Captain Foster to you." He said. I rolled my eyes at that. "No thank you Jacey!" I said back in a baby voice. Everyone started laughing. "Enough!" He yelled at us. "Ten laps around the gym, all of you now!" We groaned but started running. I finished after like five minutes. It wasn't that hard.

When everyone was done we got into pairs and started. "I don't know why we have to do this. He literally showed us stuff last month." I told my twin. He just chuckled at me. Soon class was over and I ran over to Jason.

"Can I Please come home with you?Those blonde bimbos on the bus are so annoying!" I begged him. "Nope. You ride the bus home and no complaints or else you can ride for the rest of the week." I sighed and went to the locker room. The bus in the afternoon was worse. There was sports practice for football in the morning so they didn't ride the bus but now it will be crowded. I rushed to get my stuff and waited outside.

Once the bus pulled up, I got on first and went to the back.

But when I finally got situated, the jocks got on.

"Get up." Someone said. I payed them no mind. "Are you deaf or something? I said get up!" They said again. " I'm not and I heard you." "So get up." They said again. "Huh? After three times, you would think that someone would get it that I'm not going to move." I said smiling at him.

He then proceeded to pull me up and punch me in my right eye. "You probably shouldn't have done that." I said to him. "What are you gonna do? Your so s," I cut him off by punching him on the right cheek and kneeing him to in the groin. The one more kick just for fun. He stayed quiet after that. "That's what I thought."

No one else bothered me.

When I got off the bus, I got mad. I blamed Jason for my black eye.

If you haven't noticed by now, I have some serious anger issues. They will get the best of me someday. I just know it.

I slammed the door when I got home. I walked upstairs and to my room. I dropped my stuff and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. My eye was swollen, turning black and purple. It was spreading to my cheek and forehead.

Great. Just great. "DAMNIT!" I yelled out.

I went back into my room and stayed to bandage my hand since my knuckles started to bruise.

Then my door came bursting open with Four worried faces.

Well damn it.

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