//Act two//

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In which a girl loses her way...

In which a girl is alone...

In which a girl is lost to the world...

In which a boy is lost...

In which a boy loses himself...

In which a boy saves a girl...

In which a family is broken...

In which love doesn't seem to exist...

In which there's a chance...

'Um, I know you guys hate my guts right now but I uh, I need help. I'm in some deep shit and I- please let me come home. I'm sorry. I know I messed up but I can do better." Kia spoke hastily through the phone.

"Kia I can't do that. I hope that you find help and get clean but we can't be the ones to help you." "But I'm 21 days sober." He sighed. "I don't believe that's true. I'm sorry Kia, I have to go," "Jer please! I'm telling the truth. Just let me come home, I want to come home!" She yelled.

"I can't do that," She cut him off, "Why not?!" Kia screamed at him. "I'm scared, and I'm sorry, just let me come home." Her voice cracked. "No. There isn't anything I can do for you. I have to go." He finished.

"When I'm found dead, that blood is on your hands for giving up on me." Kia cried and ended the call.

Jeremiah sighed and tossed his phone aside. Every couple weeks, they'd get a call from their little sister, about how she's sober and that she wants to come home. That she's done with the drugs, but then they deflect her and she relapses. But what if she's really telling the truth this time? What if this was the absolute worst time to turn her down?

What the brothers didn't know, was that they'd soon be getting a call. One that would change everything.'

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