I. Little Did I Know

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A/N: Hope you enjoyed that prologue from Leslie/Lee. Now here's the hunk of a man—well right now hunk of a seventeen year old. God that feels wrong saying for a thirty year old woman. Eek! O-O

Also be prepared to get some Nex (Nate & Bex) scenes in this chapter.

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I. Little Did I Know

"I fell in love with her while we were together, then fell deeper in love with her in the years we were apart." - Nicholas Sparks


"Son, it's time for school baby. Get up, it's your last first day of high school," my mom gently shakes me awake and sits down on the edge of my bed, running her fingers lightly through my wavy hair.

"Okay Mom," I smile up at her and want to remind her I'm not a child anymore. I don't need these wake up calls for fuck sakes.

But when I see her warm smile, I don't have the heart to break hers.

"Are you excited?" she beams at me as she crosses her leg over the other and looks at me curiously.

"Sure. It's senior year. What's not to be excited about?" I laugh and sit up in bed as I grab my phone.

"I can't believe you're a senior already. Where the hell has the time gone?" she asks herself and looks around my room.

I watch her as she slowly looks at everything and when she looks back at me, I notice the moisture in her eyes. I know any minute now, she's going to break down in emotional tears.  Thankfully my dad shows up in the doorway before she does. I don't think I can handle Mom and her crying right before school. It always breaks my heart when she's upset.

"Bex baby, leave the boy alone so he can get ready for school," he smiles warmly down at her and winks over at me, giving me a silent you're welcome.

"I know Nate," she groans and leans over to give me a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"He's just my baby and I don't want him to grow up," she sniffles and walks past my dad who looks after her with sympathy. He knows how emotional Mom can get, especially over her children.

"Is she going to be okay?" I ask with a nervous laugh and Dad nods his head.

"Yeah, she'll be just fine buddy," he grins down at me and I don't even want to know what that look is about.

I've been scarred enough with hearing them down the hallway when they think we all can't hear them. They aren't the quietest when they're in there doing whatever the hell they do. I make a gagging face as I get out of bed, making him laugh.

"One day son, you'll marry the love of your life and you'll use sex to calm her ass down when she gets herself all worked up and vice versa. So I don't want to hear it," he laughs more as he pats me on the shoulder before walking back to the hallway. He quickly returns to my doorway, remembering something.

"Also I checked your truck and it's good to go buddy. Have a good day at school and love you," he smacks on the door and walks away.

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