XXXVIII. Old Wives Tale, That Actually Worked

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A/N: Last chapter with smut. I know—sad panda. Also only one more chapter after this before the epilogue. Enjoy!

XXXVIII. Old Wives Tale, That Actually Worked


When I walk through the front door, I hear a loud groan from my very pregnant wife as she walks back and forth in the living room. She's over a week late on her due date and she's miserable as all hell.

Apparently our little one isn't ready to come out yet and driving her mama crazy.

When we found out we were having another girl, Lee asked the doctor to check three times. She's not mad we are having another girl she just wanted to have a boy to have a mama's boy. She made a comment about how I'm going to have two little ones attached to me at all times. While as if we had a boy, at least she'd have him.

"Hey Sweetie, I'm home," I walk up to her and she rolls her eyes at me. I laugh under my breath, knowing that the hormones of her pregnancy and frustration is causing this attitude.

"Awww don't get like that with me. I know you're ready to have our baby. I'm ready for her to come into this world too," I put my hands on her waist and she groans more.

"Yeah, well you can carry her in your belly from here on out. I seriously don't think I can stretch anymore with her," she cries and her eyes begin to water. I put my arms around her and her belly gets in the way.

"I can't even hug you without this giant belly getting in the way," she cries more and I turn her to her side and wrap my arms around her. She's not even big, the doctor informed us that our little girl will be little just like her sister was.

"Sweetie, your belly isn't giant. You're consider to be tiny compared to most pregnant women. You're so beautiful and I love you," I kiss her temple lovingly and she lays her head against my chest and wraps her arms around me.

"I love you too and I'm sorry. I'm just so emotional right now and I'm ready for her to be here. I don't want to end up being induced because I want to do this drug free just like I did with Natalie, even though I ended up having to have an emergency c-section with her. God I hope that doesn't happen because I don't want to add another three weeks to when we can have sex again. It's already going to be hard waiting the six weeks," she pouts and I can't help but laugh.

"Oh sweetheart, leave it to my sex crazed wife to think about being able to have sex after having a baby," I laugh and she playfully smacks at my stomach.

"I can't help it. This pregnancy has made me hornier than usual," she pouts and I laugh even more because she is absolutely right. I have no complaints like most men get with pregnant wives and not getting any for nine months for whatever reason. No my wife is wanting to make love every night—multiple times. How my cock hasn't fallen off yet is besides me.

"Don't you blame this on our baby. You were like this before you got pregnant," I smother her face with kisses and she giggles.

"Oh Jackson," she moans and runs her fingers through my hair. When she deepens the kiss and catches my bottom lip in her teeth, I know she's in the mood.

Even though through most of her pregnancy it's been nearly every night, but it's honestly been a while since we've had sex. Mostly because she's so uncomfortable to enjoy it and I know she's missing it. She's missing being intimate with me and I miss her. I know it's driving her crazy because we'll have to wait even longer once she has the baby.

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