XXI. The Little Girl That Changed My Life

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A/N: So this is where we go forward six years. I do plan on adding some flashbacks here and there that weren't in the original draft so enjoy ^_^

Also major plot twist and Lee's secret from the synopsis is revealed ;D

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XXI. The Little Girl That Changed My Life


"Eh Jackson are you fucking ready? We finally made it man. We're done. Finito!" Alex shakes me excitedly as we put our personal belongings in our lockers at the new urgent care in Clinton Hills.

We finally completed life in the Army for the last six years and both have our degrees as physician assistants. After all that hard work—the schooling, the training, the long hours at work—I finally completed my goal.

Life in the military was great, an experience I'll always be grateful for. I got experience I'd never would've gotten in medical school here and I got to go to a lot of different places around the world while doing it. Even though I had all those great things going for me the last six years, I'm just glad to finally be home and done with it.

I've missed home, my family, and most of all—I've missed her.

As I put on my white coat and straighten up my work Wranglers and navy blue polo shirt, I think about her. It's been nearly five years since we've talked or seen one another. The last time we saw each other was when I flew out to California one day during her sophomore year at UCLA as a surprise and man was she really happy to finally see me.

We'd spent a lot of time talking over Skype talking when we weren't both busy with our own lives, but being able to see her in person was a whole other story. God did she look fucking good.

I was upset at first to find out she had a boyfriend but they weren't steady, at least not like her and I had been in high school. She felt worried at first to tell me about him a couple weeks before I showed up, but I knew it would eventually happen. We weren't together and both knew deep down the other would move on. I honestly didn't expect her to be single the whole six years and visa versa.

When I met him at her dorm, he seemed like an alright guy. For some reason she didn't tell him that we were exclusive at one point and I figured she didn't tell him to save herself from the awkwardness and the million questions he'd be asking her about me.

The two of us ended up going out for dinner, then clubbing and before we knew it, one thing led to another and I was spending the night with her in a hotel room. I'd spent my first night with her and God was it amazing. I felt a connection with her that night just like before and it reminded me that Lee was always the only one.

Shit, she's still the only one to this very day.

I'd dated a couple girls throughout the years but none of them ever compared to her. Most the time it would break off because I wouldn't commit fully or because they couldn't handle the military life and the demands that come along with it.

You see, I couldn't just play hookie from work to spend the day with them and that'd royally piss them off. When they'd get pissed off, they'd then threaten to leave but I didn't care. I always knew if it had been her, she would've never given me an ultimatum during our relationship.

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