XXX. No One Talks About My Girls That Way

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A/N: Oh shit lovelies, the drama is thick still from last chapter ^~^

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XXX. No One Talks About My Girls That Way


As soon as I see the man stepping from his car, I recognize him right away. He's the guy Lee was dating when we got together that one night five years ago. Brad I think his name is. What the fuck is he doing here?

When he nearly stumbles out of his car, he doesn't even close the door when he comes walking towards Lee. Instinctively, I stand in front of her, protecting her from him and he stops in his tracks as he looks at me.

"Ohhhh, well lookie here, if it isn't fucking loverboy himself! The little worm that wiggled his way into my fucking relationship and fucked my girlfriend," he jokes with a half-hearted laugh.

"Brad, you need to leave now!" Lee orders him as she peeks out from behind me and he glares at her with malice, making my skin crawl at the promise in his eyes to cause her harm if he was able to.

"Bitch! I'll leave when I want to!" he screams at her and I step closer to him with anger boiling in my blood. I'm not going to take anyone talking to her that way.

"You're on private property, get the hell off boy!" Marcus speaks up as he stands next to me, adding extra protection to his daughter.

"What? Are you going to call the cops on me?" he mocks us and I hear the screen door open and close behind us. I'm too focused on Brad that I don't look over my shoulder but when I hear the familiar baritone voice, I don't need to.

"They won't need to. I'm the Sheriff here and you're on private property so get going son before I arrest your ass for trespassing," my dad orders, going into full Sheriff mode now.

Brad looks over at him and rolls his eyes. He laughs as he looks around me at Lee.

"I'll fucking get you back for this one way or another you little slut. I just can't believe you fucked this guy and got pregnant," he scoffs as he stands to look me square in the eyes.

"Honestly dude, I wouldn't believe the kid is yours. With her, who knows who the real dad is to her bastard child," he barks and before I can stop myself, I'm punching him in the face.

Brad stumbles back at first and when he regains himself, he jumps forward, tackling me to the ground. When he straddles on top of me, he punches down, catching me in the jaw. I quickly block his next punch with my forearms and roll him over onto his back before landing another punch to his face.

I feel hands on me, my dad, as he pulls me off of him. When Brad gets up to come at me, Marcus grabs a hold of him and shoves him up against the oak tree in the middle of the front yard.

"Come on Dad let me kick his ass. He's not going to talk about the woman I love or my daughter that way," I growl as my dad holds me back. Fuck I forgot how strong he is, even in his old age.

"Jackson Dean that's enough!" I hear my mom yell out and when I look up at her, that's when I see Natalie standing next to my mom, clutching at the hem of her shirt.

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