V. Come On Girl, Lighten Up!

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A/N: Yesterday was Christmas and I hope you all had a wonderful holiday <3

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V. Come On Girl, Lighten Up!

When I walk between all the parked cars on the outskirts of the lake, I begin to wonder if what I wore tonight was the right choice as everyone keeps turning their heads to stare at me in awe.

Guys look at me with desire and their girlfriends look at me with jealousy. I didn't think it was too bad, no different than what I'd wear going out back home. Then again, we are in a small town out in the northern heartlands of America.

I'm wearing high waisted distressed black jeggings and a low cut black tank top that's cropped a couple inches below my breast. It's a bit see-through so you can easily notice the laced push-up bra I'm wearing underneath that makes my breast look bigger than what they are.

Sadly, I was granted a position in the lower ranks of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee. I'm not flat chested at least but I'm not well-endowed like most girls my age. To finish off the look I've got some low cuffed high heeled boots on and I throw my 3/4 sleeve jean jacket on since it's a bit cold tonight.

We spot Jackson and Alex by a couple of pick up trucks—I'm assuming are theirs—and when I walk up, Jackson does a double take and his eyes widen. He mouths wow and I honestly love that I have that effect on him.

"Wow, look at the two hot chicks that just walked up!" a group of guys walk up, all wearing football uniforms.

Seriously? Hot chicks? Do they really think they'll get any by calling us baby chickens? Clearly there's better compliments to give a girl if you think they're attractive. Fuck I can't wait to graduate and get the hell away from little boys like these twats.

"Damn girl, look at this outfit you're wearing. You're definitely not from around here," one of the guys looks at me hungrily with a smile and puts his arm around my shoulder. I smile up at him not wanting to be rude—more like not wanting to start any drama.

Megan grabs my hand and pulls me in close to her, knowing that if one of these guys gets too hands on with me, I'll end up hurting them—bad. She wraps her arm around my waist and smiles at them when they groan that their new favorite thing to admire got taken away.

I glance over at Jackson and he's intensely glaring at the guy who just had his arm around me. Is he jealous? I can't help the feeling of gratification that gives me.

Just as I'm admiring him and how he looks as he sits up on the tailgate of his truck with his jeans, tight white t-shirt that shows off his muscular torso underneath, and black leather jacket—very James Dean like—his girlfriend walks up and leans back against him between his legs. It catches him by surprise as he looks down at her and when he glances over at me, of course she notices.

She glares at me and turns around quickly to grab his face to press her lips against his forcefully. I get it, she's staking her claim and making sure the new girl knows what's up. I may be a lot of things, but a home wrecker isn't one of those. I wouldn't steal another woman's man no matter how insanely attractive he might be.

When Jackson puts his hands on her waist before slowly trailing them down to her hips, I quickly look away, not wanting to watch them make out. Gag.

One of the football guys walks over with some red solo cups and hands one to both Megan and me. I shake my head with a small smile and he groans in disappointment.

"Come on girl, lighten up!" he jokes and stands next to me as he brushes his arm against mine—standing a bit too close for comfort.

I can smell the alcohol on his breath already and between that and the overbearing smell of his cheap ass cologne, I'm about to puke. I want to step around to the other side of Megan nonchalantly, but I'm sure he'll notice and bring it up. Plus I really don't want him to push himself on her so I'll take it for now.

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