XXV. My Baby Mama Is A Fucking Badass

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XXV. My Baby Mama Is A Fucking Badass

Thankfully the next work day goes by extremely fast. I stop by my house first for a quick shower and to change my clothes before heading to where Lee works.

Alex had gotten so excited for me, giving me a high five when I told him that Lee asked me to come to her work and take her to dinner tonight. He said he was going to come along with me to Marcus's training center to check out Lee's work.

I know deep down he just wants an excuse to see how much the gym has changed since the last time we saw it a couple of years ago. Alex Cambridge is still Marcus Harris's biggest fanboy.

The outside of it doesn't look like your typical gym since it's an old brick building with a black roll top garage door as the main entrance that's always left wide open during business hours.

When I walk through the door, I get a familiar sense of sweaty guys grunting as they beat the shit out of each other or a punching bag while loud rock music plays over the speaker. I look around to see some guys sparring on mats to the side and a guy is working the speed bag. There's a ring in the middle of the large space where two guys are going at one another with gear on.

Marcus spots the two of us from where he's standing at the side of ring and walks over to give both of us a welcoming hug. I look over at Alex as his eyes widen with amusement. I laugh at his expression, waving my hand over his face. This guy...

"Lee said you'd be coming here after you were done with work. So you two are going out on a date I see?" he smiles with hope in his eyes. I shrug with a crooked smile, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"According to her years ago, it's only a date if you're actually dating first," I laugh and Marcus laughs with me, nodding his head.

"Sounds like some shit my daughter would say but honestly you two have always been in love with each other, even after all these years. Plus you created a child—I think you're beyond the whole 'are we dating or not' thing," he laughs while giving my shoulder a firm shake, nearly knocking me off my feet.

"Speaking of said child," Alex nods while elbowing my arm and I look over to see Natalie sitting at one of the benches next to the ring as she watches the two guys fighting each other.

I'm about to ask Marcus what she's doing here as I step in her direction and she just happens to turn towards me. She smiles widely when she notices me, making my heart swell. When she jumps up from the bench and runs to me, I kneel down to her level, smiling at her.

"Hi Dr. Daniels. What are you doing here?" she wonders shyly as she twirls the ends of her hair pigtails.

"You can call me Jackson, Natalie—and I'm here to take your mom out to dinner," and at that she beams with excitement.

"Really? Mummy must really like you because she never dates anyone," she whispers with a giggle.

"Oh really? I guess I am lucky," I chuckle as I reach up to tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her little ear. She smiles sweetly at me then looks over at Marcus who's beaming from ear to ear at our interactions.

Natalie runs over to Marcus and jumps up in his arms. He gently rubs her back as she lays her head on his shoulder and kisses the top of her head. As I watch them together, I find myself getting jealous. She's my daughter and I can't even do that with her yet.

Both Marcus and Alex look over at me sympathetically, knowing I'm going through a tough time with this whole thing. Alex walks over to me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

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