XXXIX. The Sweetest Moments

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A/N: On the last chapter lovelies. Then on to the epilogue that was the end of the Daniels Series for a while. I'd planned on ending it with this book but after some consideration and ultimately taking a small break in writing since I'd wrote all 3 books within a month—I decided to add some more ^_^

So if you're a RR, this isn't the end anymore—you're welcome <3

Also, sorry this ones a short chapter and I'm curious if you guys can find the title reference in this piece, because at the end of every Daniels book I put a reference to the title if you hadn't noticed already ^_^

XXXIX. The Sweetest Moments


I open my eyes and the sight before me makes my heart melt.

Jackson is standing at the foot of our bed with our baby girl Chloe in his arms as he gently rocks back and forth while bottle feeding her. As he quietly talks to her, telling her how beautiful she is and how much he loves her, I can't help the smile on my face. He's been beyond amazing with her.

It's only been a week since she was born and he still compliments me on how amazing I was during the labor and delivery. Thankfully I wasn't in labor very long and she came right out so I didn't have to go through a c-section again. I'd managed to go through all of it without an epidural and the nurses thought I was crazy.

Jackson was there for me through it all. He massaged my back for me, wiped my forehead clean of sweat, gently talked me through it. Before with Natalie, I only had my dad there and he was a great coach but nothing like having Jackson.

I curl up in bed and continue to watch him as he tends to our little girl.

He's a natural at it. Every chance he gets, he's taking over and letting me get time to myself to either with a shower, to eat, or to simply rest. Things I am so grateful for.

When he turns further towards me, and catches my eyes, he warmly smiles at me. I return his smile and nuzzle further into his pillow—indulging in his scent. He lightly chuckles as he comes to sit on the bed next to me and I sit up next to him to rest my chin on his shoulder as I look down at our sweet little angel.

Her eyes are closed and she's gently sucking on the bottle. Usually I breast feed her but Jackson asked me to pump at night so he could get up with her for feeding instead of me so I could get my rest. Luckily she's been good at taking both without an issue.

I quickly glance at my phone and it's one in the morning. I'll get up with her next round so he can sleep for work. I'm sure he'll fight me on it but I want my alone time with her too.

Suddenly I hear Natalie's door creak open and she comes walking in to our room. She rubs her eyes sleepily, holding her stuffed animal dolphin that Jackson got her for her birthday. When she shyly smiles at us, I pat the bed and she comes climbing into it next to me. She looks over at Jackson and Chloe and has a concerned look on her face.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask and wrap my arm around her.

"Is everything okay with sissy? Daddy doesn't feed her with a bottle. Why aren't you feeding her with your boobie?" she questions and I gently run my fingers through her hair. She's my curious little bug.

"Daddy is being nice and feeding sissy for me so I can sleep. I'll feed her later when she wakes up again to be fed," I smile at her and she nods her head.

"Daddy is a good Daddy," she grins and I look over to see Jackson grinning at her with a wink. I roll my eyes and smile at the two of them.

"Why'd you get up baby girl? Aren't you suppose to be asleep? You've got school tomorrow," Jackson looks at her sternly and she blushes.

"I couldn't sleep and I wanted to check on sissy," she admits and it instantly melts my heart.

Ever since we brought Chloe home, Natalie has been obsessed with watching over her. Whenever we hold her, Natalie sits close to us and gently rubs Chloe's little arm or holds her little hand. She's an amazing and loving big sister.

"Sissy is okay baby girl. But your daddy is right, you do need to get back to bed," I kiss her forehead and motion to get off the bed with her.

"I've got it sweetheart, lay back down and get some sleep," Jackson tells me before kissing my temple and standing up with Chloe safely tucked in the crook of his arm.

"If I let you help me burp your sister, will you go back to bed baby girl?" he asks Natalie and she nods her head excitedly—loving the option of being able to help.

She climbs off the bed and runs to her room. I smile after Jackson as he lifts Chloe to lay her on his chest over the burp cloth. I lay back down in bed and curl up to Jackson's pillow. I can't wait for him to get back into bed so I can curl up to him.

A few moments later I hear Natalie's door creak closed and Jackson walk across the hall to our room. He walks over to Chloe's bassinet on his side of the bed and lays her down.

I thought it was funny at first that he wanted her on his side but that was an argument I wasn't going to win. He wanted her close to him so he could easily look up and check on her.

The first few nights I had to remind him that she was a newborn and wasn't going to get up and walk out, that she was fine. I swear he was getting up every half hour to check on her. He finally calmed down and started actually getting some decent sleep before he went back to work. Then on his first day back, he was texting me every hour to check on me and Chloe.

He can be overbearing at times but he means well. I can't complain because I know there's women out there who have baby daddy's or husbands that don't even offer to change the diapers or get up with the baby during the night. I'm a very lucky woman to have an amazing husband and father to my children.

When Jackson turns off the lamp on his side of the bed, he lays down and wraps his arm around me. I snuggle up to him and rest my head on his chest. He softly kisses the top of my head and caresses my arm.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you? That you're an amazing man, husband, and father?" I whisper and he chuckles.

"You remind me everyday my love—and have I told you lately how amazing of a woman, wife, and mother you are?" he tilts my head up to look at him.

"You tell me every day babe," I smile at him and he leans his head down as he kisses my lips.

"Well, I thought I'd tell you again. You know, just in case you didn't know, I'm absolutely crazy about you," he smiles and gently caresses my cheek.

"Still? After all this time?" I smirk and he nods his head.

"After all this time," he softly whispers and presses his lips to mine as he lovingly kisses me.

We wrap our arms around one another while we lovingly and passionately kiss one another like we did all those years ago in that empty classroom. After all this time, I'm still crazy about him too.

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