VIII. Guilty Pleasure

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A/N: Yup, Jackson is officially like his old man when it comes to denial and making dumbass decisions -_-

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VIII. Guilty Pleasure


I watch after Jackson with longing and a sharp pain in my chest as he follows Karen out the entrance doors to the school.

I could tell they were arguing by the expressions on their faces while they were talking and I almost went over there when Karen shoved him up against the wall but Megan held me back.

What a shame...

When Karen started kissing on him and he didn't push her away, I figured everything was fine. I couldn't help the deep rooted jealousy inside me nor the hurt I felt as he walked by and wouldn't even look at me as if he was guilty about something.

"Well, looks like they're going to make up," Alex mumbles and shakes his head with disappointment lurking in his expression.

"What do you mean?" I ask him curiously as I grab my books for my first three periods from my locker.

"Oh they're probably going to fuck under the bleachers. Karen is always wanting to do it in outrageous places with him, especially lately," he rolls his eyes and leans back against the locker next to me.

"Aren't they scared of getting caught?" Megan asks with wide eyes and I wonder the same thing.

"Karen doesn't care. She thinks if they get busted, Jax's dad will bail them out," he shrugs while running his hand through his Steve Harrington style hair that quickly falls forward and over his left eye again.

I giggle to myself at the reference. I'm sure he's been told that many of times and knowing Alex—he probably loves it and I wouldn't put it past him to have a baseball bat with nails somewhere in his closet for the cosplay.

"His dad?" I ask and cross my arms over my chest.

"Yeah his dad is the Sheriff," he looks at Megan with bewilderment—no doubt surprised I don't know this already. Hey what can I say? I'm new in town and the last time I visited—I really wasn't concerned about who was on the board while I was here.

"Oh. Does Jackson feel that way too?" I wonder and I hope not. To use your parent's title as a way to get away with doing bad things has always annoyed me about some kids back home. Especially a special group of boys in particular.

"Hell no—he doesn't want to bother his dad with shit like that. He knows if he got caught, it would put a bad name on their family and his dad has worked his ass off to earn the respect he has in this town. Jackson usually won't go through with it but right now he's acting pussy whipped with her—I think, I think he's just doing it to shut her the hell up," he runs his fingers through his hair again and looks elsewhere, avoiding my wondering stare.

I hate girls—or guys, that do that kind of shit—use sex as a way to get what they want. Sex is an intimate, private moment between two people, not a way to exploit someone. It sure as hell isn't meant to be done at school where anyone can interrupt you.

Hey, don't get me wrong—I get the excitement of it but I'm sure there's other ways to make it exciting without risking getting caught and suspended.

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